This alone has clearly distinguished Lei Xu from most of the protagonists of the Austrian series.

In other words, Lei Xu felt that he was a bit like Juggler.

Come to think of it, if Lei Xu went to the top of the O-50 fighters, there was a high probability that he would not be able to pass the interview of the black heart halo.

But then again, if it didn't have this seemingly 'stupid' quality, each human body would not be able to become the protagonist of the Austrian special photo, let alone be selected by the group of saints in M78, and be of one mind.

Facing Lei Xu's question, the corner of Fujimiya's mouth curved upwards:

"This time, the enemy is provoking the position of the entire earth."

Lei Xu was stunned at first, but immediately responded:

"Oh yes, this time you can take unlimited shots... It doesn't matter if you expose the SV in advance."

Fujimiya smiled without saying a word.

——That's right, from Fujimiya's point of view, as long as it threatens the earth, it is his enemy.

At the same time, because Lei Xu had never been exposed.

You can let the disillusioned people think that Fujimiya also brought Lei Xu into the ditch. In order to protect the companions who were walking together, it is strange that Aguru didn't take action.

In the original plot, the appearance of only one Anchimata has led to the first cooperation between Fujimiya and Gameng in the true sense.

The three Anchimata are obviously beyond the range that the earth can bear.

The emergence of Aguru SV is almost a matter of course——

It is obviously impossible for the body of the destruction to completely count the earth's reaction as death, so the enemy should have assembled a wave of push, and there would be such a nonsense.

Turning around should be shattered, causing entanglement in the body——

The tool man Aguru has strengthened a wave, maybe a big wave.

It is suspected that another Ultraman was limped by the way, and the Ultraman on the earth has become a 2V2 balance again.

So should we wait and see first, or should we seize the opportunity to kill Lei Xu?

With the current situation, the enemy must want to take away both Lei Xu and Dijia in one wave-the body of the shattered recruit does not know that Lei Xu is Dijia.

Thinking through this, Lei Xu couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and a fresh idea popped up.

If you say that you take the initiative to expose yourself...will you receive miraculous effects?

It doesn't matter if you expose yourself as Reza and Tiga at the same time.

After all, you see... As long as there is a relatively strong external force, the high-level aspects of human beings are actually quite easy to be influenced.

Isn't that the same as the original plot?

The GUARD high-level side demanded that XIG surrender, and there is no shortage of appeasement youngsters among the high-level human beings.

Let the disillusioned recruits realize that Lei Xu is not so invulnerable.

Through human beings, the body of destruction can have an impact on Lei Xu, further weakening the fear in his heart.

Going a step further——

Lei Xu is not powerless to resist, let alone a chicken cub at the mercy of others.

As an Ultraman who was not born on the earth, he can make up a fiction... directly mention the Kingdom of Light.

For the purpose of deterrence, the size of the Kingdom of Light is completely sufficient, and maybe it can be forced to disintegrate and invite the body to throw rats, so restrain yourself.

It's fine to say that you accidentally fell into this universe——this is the truth.

There is no need for the channel to lie. Since the Destroyer has cooperated with the Mezads, it is impossible for them to be ignorant of the time-space wound.

The combination of the two phases and one, swish - suddenly, the credibility increased dramatically.

Lei Xu pondered for a while, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was feasible, and it would not affect Womeng and Fujimiya.


"It can be..."

After hearing Lei Xu's new proposal, Fujimiya seemed a little moved, but he quickly looked over suspiciously——

"Are you sure you were the one who fooled the high-level human beings and the shattered recruits, not you?"

Lei Xu: ...

The inexplicable silence lasted about two seconds.

"Then do we have other options now?" Lei Xu asked softly.


49 It's not a dream~

In fact, Lei Xu hated the feeling of being pushed behind by something, but he was powerless to resist.

The empire, the time-space wound, the space-time monster, and the Mezard who accidentally discovered the real universe and the earth.

This is the case in the real universe, and Lei Xu originally thought that he could temporarily put down the burden on his shoulders and relax his nerves in the Gaia universe.

Relying on one's own understanding of the original plot, and instead of fighting the dark ruler Gatanjae, wouldn't it be easy to solve a shattered body?

——When he first arrived on Gaia Earth, Lei Xu really thought so.

But who knows, just don't intervene.

After intervening in the plot, a slight movement makes the plot continue to enter an irreversible rampage.

Destroyer invites the body to be worthy of being the most mysterious boss in the Austrian universe. It seems that there are no cards, and it is necessary to play tricks and tricks when it comes to the earth.

The ability to do things is not inferior to that of the Yabo people——

Diffusion Animos, tens of thousands of Kriboga, and Anchimata that restarted the universe appear three at a time. until the universe restarts.

Lei Xu had to admit that the character of Shattering was not inferior to any Austrian villain, and Emperor Ampera had to say that he was worthy of being compared with himself.

Even if it is used as a boy, borrowing the antimatter creature sealed in a different dimension, it is not disillusionment that invites the body's own strength.

But who can say that making troubles and strategizing are not part of strength?

Therefore, Lei Xu decided——

Jump out of the cage and enter the comprehensive cooperation stage agreed with Fujimiya ahead of schedule.

That's right, the showdown with Shishi was just a prelude.

In the complete plan, there was a showdown with the high-level human beings, using the empire as a threat to force human beings to carry out comprehensive war preparations.

The reason why I didn't act too hastily was mainly because of the existence of the ghost computer.

But now...

Taking advantage of the fact that the disillusioned body was only a verbal threat, Altman was forced to take the initiative to show up.

Fujimiya urgently edited the original 'draft' and compiled a new one with logical and self-consistent clues. Lei Xu forced himself to memorize it by heart.

As for the rest...

Phew—— Lei Xu let out a breath of foul air lightly.

It's time to play freely!

After finalizing the logic and roughly sorting out his "origin", Lei Xu took out his mobile phone and sent me a message——

L77 Survivor: [I dream, I will arrive at the air base in 15 minutes. 】

Guardian of the Earth: [Oh, senior, you have decided how to deal with the enemy, right? 】

L77 Survivor: [ will know when you arrive, don't be too surprised. 】

Guardian of the Earth: [? 】

"Rinal, what are you going to do?" Fujimiya's voice stopped Lei Xu's movements.

That’s right—it seems inconvenient for Rinal to go to the air base with Lei Xu.

The human form can't be explained, but the original form... is it because of the ghost computer, and the shattering invites an old opponent who can't recognize him?

But it's not bad, anyway, the little girl looks very useless.

"Please explain to it for me." Lei Xu looked at Fujimiya Ameng eagerly.

Lei Xu really couldn't see a young girl crying, even though he knew in his heart that it wasn't a real young girl.

U1S1, the blond girl incarnated by Rinal really touched the cuteness and compassion threshold in Lei Xu's heart.

—He has always wanted a sister.

"go alone!"

Fujimiya's cold reply makes Lei Xu feel like being struck by lightning.

"Or you can find a way to take her with you."

【Are you talking about Rinalpo? 】

The voice of reading sounded in his mind, and Lei Xu tilted his head a little stiffly, just in time to capture the two little green tadpoles with big eyes and cute eyes hidden behind Fujimiya Ameng.

Then, he looked at Fujimiya in disbelief, you're plotting against me?


In the end, Lei Xu couldn't hold back when he heard that he was going to leave, and immediately slapped his cute big eyes on his face.

——After confirming that Rinal can hide his figure from being discovered, Lei Xu promised Big Eyed Meng that he would come to pick him up before going to bed at night.

The iridescent light pulled across the sky and rushed towards the air base above the equator.

Air base, command room.

"Still unable to determine the source?"

Shi Shi looked at the two correspondents with a serious face, and immediately glanced at Wo Meng, who was leaning over and busy.

The Chiba staff officer on the side was even more anxious. As an important member of the XIG air base connecting with high-level officials from various countries, this obviously out-of-the-box development made it difficult for him to explain to all aspects.

Counting it, this is the second time that the shattered entity has hijacked KCB.

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