However, just like last time, they couldn't even figure out how they were hijacked, let alone find out where the enemy was.

Obvious conspiracy.

If the enemy is allowed to be so arrogant...

Shishi lowered his head worriedly, as if he could see Lei Xu and Fujimiya who were on the ground through the air base under his feet.

Don't be impulsive...he shouted silently.

But in the next second-

A warm iridescent light suddenly lit up outside the porthole of the command room.

Soon, Honghui dissipated.

Rao Shishi was too shocked to speak by the scene in front of him.

A huge silver head with sharp edges was quietly hanging outside the porthole, its bright yellow hexagonal eyes looked into the porthole, and it nodded slightly when it saw the stone chamber.

Shi Shi quickly calmed down, subconsciously glanced at Wo Meng, and found that the latter was also dumbfounded at the moment.

As for the rest of the people, not to mention, the eyes of the two correspondents were wide open, and Staff Officer Qianye opened his mouth, but he couldn't make any sound.

The belated and fierce alarm rang through the entire ship——

Lei Xu glanced at the dumbfounded people in the command room with satisfaction, and turned into a human-sized figure in the rainbow light that shone again.

Lei Xu approached the porthole slowly, stretched out his finger and knocked politely, and the gentle voice sounded in everyone's mind:

[Excuse me, can I come in? 】

Stone Room & My Dream & Others:  …

The fastest responder had to be Shishi, and he was also the most qualified person on this ship to say 'agree'.

"Cough, please come in—open A1 deck."

The last few words were obviously spoken to Lei Xu and the correspondent at the same time.

When Dunzi heard the words, he was like waking up from a dream:

"...A1 Deck is open."

Respect is mutual——

Although he could directly enter the command room with light, Lei Xu chose to enter normally.

...Although it is already very abnormal.

"I'll pick it up!"

Director Di nodded to Shi Shi and left the command room.

"Commander, is this true?"

Staff Officer Chiba still doesn't seem to believe in reality, with a look of disbelief:

"I'm not dreaming, am I?"

"Ah—it hurts!"

I Meng was kicked out of a dazed state by a Jio, looked at the correspondent who came to his side, and glared:


"Oh——so it really wasn't a dream."

Qiao Ji sat back at the monitoring console as if she was sleepwalking.

Dunzi: ...

50 What is human choice?

Following Director Di, who was half a head taller than him, Lei Xu came all the way to the command room while maintaining his human-sized transformation state.

——This is deliberate.

Along the way, from the ground crew to the maintenance engineer, to the occasional encounter, the three pilot teams assembled on standby because of the alarm from the air base were all stunned, wondering if they were sleepwalking.

However, there is one thing that Lei Xu didn't notice, or he noticed but didn't care——

Among the three teams, the expressions of the three Falcons were more exaggerated than the others.

This is extremely rare and unusual for a team of pure veterans whose traits are calm and calm.

Even through the channels provided by my dream, I have some understanding of the Falcons team.

It is determined that he had that unusual flight record in the Defense Forces, where the black box recorded a time deviation.

But Lei Xu is not a psychologist after all, let alone know the normal state of the three members of the Falcons.

Lei Xu's understanding of the three of Yoneda is limited to the plot——

Facing life and death, he will not retreat or waver, and he will never retreat without an order.

The red Altman raised his leg and stepped into the open door of the command room, facing the solemn faces of Ishishiro and Staff Officer Chiba.

Behind Shishi, the two correspondents, Dunzi and Qiao Ji, had extremely exciting expressions. Beside her was I Meng, who was staring and trying to convey eye signals——Lei Xu pretended... Well, I just couldn't understand.


The red Ultraman took the initiative to reach out his hand to the stone room, and his warm words once again covered everyone present.

"Hello there!"

Shishi didn't look good at all, he didn't understand what Lei Xu was planning to play this time.

——Lei Xu really couldn't find the time to say hello to Shi Shi in advance.

In fact, the development that makes Shishi and My Dream even more terrifying is still to come.

The bright red metal palm touched the human flesh, with the blue timer on the chest as the center——

The shining, but non-glare iridescent light gradually encircled the whole body, and then suddenly disintegrated into dreamlike tiny light spots that dissipated in the void.


In the suspicious crisp sound of suspected jaw dislocation, part of the red metallic skin was replaced by simple white cotton clothing, and extending to the arm, it was a human arm with exposed muscles and strong muscles.

Shi Shi stared at Lei Xu in astonishment, until that strange yet familiar face appeared in the fading light.

Withdrawing his hand, he turned his body and turned to Staff Officer Qianye, who seemed to be a little out of his mind. Lei Xu said slowly:

"Hi, you can call me Lei Xu, or you can call me the name of that form, Lei Sa—"

Staff Officer Chiba raised his hand stiffly, shook hands, and didn't even say hello, obviously still in a state of extreme shock.

Lei Xu chose to shake hands with everyone at the scene in turn, including my dream who tried to communicate with him with his eyes while shaking hands, but was continued to be ignored.

"this is not......"

Tunzi lowered his voice to a very low level, and whispered to Qiao Ji, "The one who came before..."

Not long ago, Lei Xu and Fujimiya came to the air base when Tianchao Li was reporting on research related to the heaven, and it was expected that they would be recognized.

——Fujimiya's ending is very clean.

Even if XIG tracked down afterwards, they could only find out that one unlucky researcher who joined temporarily was replaced.

There was no psychological pressure on Lei Xu to recite this scapegoat.

As for Fujimiya——

He has run away.

"Then I will bluntly call you Lei Xu."

Shishi's words were very cautious, he had to cover up a little for himself.

"no problem."

Lei Xu smiled politely, and pointed to the chair behind everyone:

"Can I sit down?"

" human."

Staff Officer Qianye gave way to allow Lei Xu to pass, and murmured in an almost inaudible low voice.

"Hmm... To be correct, this body should be considered a mimic. I'm not completely human... Oh sorry——"

Lei Xu looked at Staff Officer Qianye who was looking over dumbfoundedly, raised his finger to his ear, and smiled:

"I can hear you."

Big Brother:  …

Sitting still, ignoring my dream that seemed to be giving up my efforts, and the inquiring gazes of his two friends turning their heads from time to time, Lei Xu went straight to the point:

"I want to know your thoughts on the current situation."

"Hand over Ultraman?"

"Then why did you show up?" Shishi's rhetorical question was a pun.

However, he obviously didn't want Lei Xu to be entangled in how to answer, so he asked a question that he already knew the answer without stopping——

"Excuse me, where is Mr. Lei from?"

"Another universe, maybe."

In his heart, Lei Xu expressed his appreciation for Shishi's Shangdao, and roughly explained:

"During a battle, after passing through a very strange time-constant chaotic space, I was already on this planet when I came back to my senses."

"Another universe?"

Big brother Chiba feels that the emotional ups and downs of his previous life may not add up to more than half an hour:

"Are there other universes?"

"This is the only thing I can be sure of." Lei Xu nodded: "Yes!"

And there are many more, Lei Xu added in his heart.

"You come from another universe, so the other three Ultraman..."

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