From this witty blank, it can be seen that at least half of Big Brother's performance is fake.

Lei Xu pretended not to know——

"No." He shook his head and took out the magic light stick from his pocket.

"It should be two."

"As for why..."

In the shining light, red, blue, silver and gold, the light of beauty and handsomeness written into the setting... Ultraman appeared.

【Tiga—the name under this posture. 】

Reverting back to human form, Lei Xu continued to ignore the slightly numb surprised expressions of a group of people present, and said:

"So——, there are only three Ultraman from the beginning to the end."

"As far as I know, Gaia and Aguru are the light conceived by this planet, the earth."


In a place like XIG Air Base, which is organized by top talents from all over the world, secrecy is a relative concept.

During the time between Lei Xu's showdown with Shishi and others, the news that Ultraman Red visited the air base and went to the command room in full view spread like wildfire.

And obviously—

This news can never be hidden from the ghost computer, Chrissis.

In fact, through the monitoring of the command room, Chrysis has already monitored the progress of the conversation at the scene.

——Before Zollim, Chrysis almost had access to the global GUARD system.

It is through this that the shattered recruit body can openly spy on the important news of the military situation of human beings.

This influence is still prominent until the last few episodes of Gaia's plot-accurately attacking the cloth bird at the important base of GUARD.


"...that's roughly what I can say now."

Lei Xu got up slowly, staring at the stone room intently:

"Now tell me, what is your... human choice?"

51 That... can I go by plane?

Facing Lei Xu's questioning, Shi Shi didn't bother to change the topic, or avoid answering directly.

The supreme commander of the air base looked into Lei Xu's eyes calmly, with a calm attitude:

"As a soldier, on behalf of my uniform, I will never give in to an enemy who strikes with force and threatens the planet."

"I think......"

Lei Xu's expression seemed to be a smile but not a smile:

"Mr. Shishi, your attitude alone cannot represent the entire human race, right?"

"Look, what a deal—"

Lei Xu stood up and looked at the big screen. The hijacked KCB signal was still repeating the threat of 'Hand over Ultraman' over and over again.

"Hand me over in exchange for the safety of the entire planet, oh yes, there is one thing you don't know—"

Lei Xu has a lot of meaning:

"Anchimata is an antimatter creature of another dimension. Based on my understanding of antimatter creatures, their purpose is probably not just to bury the earth with them at the cost of self-destruction."


Staff Officer Chiba exclaimed:

"Can you please tell us the real purpose of the enemy?"

Lei Xu glanced at him inexplicably, and slowly spit out four words:

"Restart the universe!"

"So it is!" - the voice of my dream.

Although he didn't know why Lei Xu did this, he was willing to trust senior.

This also contains a little selfishness of my dream——

If the senior did this, wouldn't it mean that he would have to work with him at the air base in the future?

Can there be such a good thing?

"I think that Anchimata probably has the ability to transform matter into antimatter. If they are allowed to turn the entire earth into an antimatter state, the mass of the earth is enough to cause a singularity explosion."

"If you make another choice, there is indeed a half chance of forming an antimatter universe."

The tone of my dream is heavy:

"If one Anchimata is enough to destroy the earth, three, I'm afraid this universe is really..."

As a reliable scientific analyst, my ability to dream has long been recognized by everyone present.

——His explanation is undoubtedly an endorsement for Lei Xu.

"Mr. Lei Xu, you also know the current situation."

Shi Shi also looked at the big screen:

"And obviously, you already have a certain understanding of us humans."

"I personally cannot speak for all of humanity, and for humanity, something as important as this cannot come to fruition in just a few minutes."

Shi Shi turned his head and met Lei Xu's eyes:

"I hope......"


The familiar siren sounded, Shishi's speech came to an abrupt end, and the group of people subconsciously turned around.

Dunzi Qiaoji returned to the seat and quickly entered the working state.

"What happened again?"

"Outside the atmosphere, a metal reaction was captured." Dunzi quickly calibrated the radar and satellite monitoring.

Lei Xu frowned.

"The metal reaction is further expanded, Point992 monitors the sector, satellite monitoring is in place, the radar has captured the entity, and the image is being broadcast—"


Shouldn't it be...

On the big screen, the KCB broadcast video quickly switched to the background of the deep starry sky.

A few silver bright lights pull out a long and narrow light and shadow, which looks a bit like a spear.

can't be wrong--

Georgie's swiftly paraphrased conclusion:

"Constituent material analysis is very similar to Apatai!"


Metal life form!

Lei Xu was suspicious.

Who are you staring at?

In the original plot of Gaia, there are three metallic life forms.

They are Apatai corresponding to Gaia and Argyulos corresponding to Aguru.

Among them, Gameng, who was still inexperienced in combat when Apatai was actually defeated, was saved from a fatal blow thanks to Fujimiya's rescue.

Argyulos, the name alone may...

Let's put it this way, Argyulos is the source of the famous scene of King B, "Evil Charm Smile".

And, the virus program that erodes the light quantum computer Chrysis borrows the body fragments of the former two to obtain the physical Mimos.

By the way, the battle of Mimos completely achieved the name of Gaia SV's highest nine consecutive falls.

"The trajectory of the metal life body points to 138 east longitude and 36 north latitude!"

It's Argyulos!

But at this time?

Lei Xu suddenly had an ominous premonition.

won't really be...

"The satellite has captured the reaction of a new metal life form!" Qiao Ji's report voice was distorted.

Lei Xu looked at the big screen rather speechlessly, and a group of silver twisted metal liquid in the dark starry sky quickly flew over the satellite's image capture range.

"The coordinates point to the coast of Japan, Chiba Prefecture!"

Well, don't guess.

Qianye is the place where Lei Xu transformed for the first time after coming to Gaia Earth.

Just as it is impossible to determine where Gaia's Holy Land is, the Destroyer can't determine Lei Xu's 'origin', so he simply looks for the coordinates of his first transformation.

Lei Xu suddenly felt flattered.

I didn't expect that I could also play the leading role of the Austrian series and enjoy the unique Moment.

Duplicates, XX killers, mechanical Austrians, etc., belong to the repertoire of Austrian studios.

Whoever is copied will be killed, and whoever is killed will be killed.

Mechanic Austria is even worse, the father is kind and the son is filial, and it is not too late for Otto to take revenge.

Before, Lei Xu really thought about whether or not he would prepare a metal life body for himself.

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