This is not——, here we come!

"Move out immediately..."

Director Di seemed to remember something halfway through giving the order, and looked at the stone room in embarrassment.

Shi Shi sighed softly, with a rare irritability in his voice:

"All FightSSSGs have just completed the attack modification of the antimatter heavy particle conversion device, and are in the debugging stage. 70% of the bomb load has been dismantled, and they do not have offensive capabilities for the time being."

"Mir and EX are still capable of combat."

Director Di quickly sorted out a backup plan and ordered:

"Tell Kajio to attack immediately and go to Chiba."

He turned to salute the stone room:

"The Hercules team is on the Mir, and the target is central Japan, let's go immediately!"


"Wait a moment--"

Lei Xu calmly stopped it:

"That Chiba, I'll come."

"As for the other..."

He squinted his eyes and looked at the big screen. On it, Argyulos had already crossed the ocean and entered the inland.

In the next second, a brilliant azure blue bloomed in the center of several swiftly darting spear arrays.

The corner of Lei Xu's mouth curled into a mocking arc.

It is impossible for the disillusioned recruiter not to have thought of the possibility of Fujimiya helping him when he was dealing with Lei Xu.

If there is anything that can 100% attract Fujimiya's attention, it is undoubtedly...

The place where Fujimiya gained power for the first time and successfully transformed

Aguru's Holy Land——

Prolon Kalamos!

Thinking of this, Lei Xu suddenly gloated a little.

I remember Daniel mentioned last time that Fujimiya Ameng's eldest wife Inamori is staying there now, I don't know this time...

If it wasn't for the dire situation, Lei Xu would even want to transform himself and run to eat melons.

cough cough.

Lei Xu turned around and looked at Shi Shi, who had no surprise on his face.

"Well... can I go by plane?"

52 Kajio's question~

On the EX number——

Lei Xu looked at the sci-fi ground platform outside the porthole with novelty, and fastened his seat belt according to the instructions of a female voice from the earphone.

Although it is not that I have never flown in the J20, but compared with the plane below me, which can also be called a legend in the history of Austrian studios...

The third brother can always slap the big brother and the second brother in the face inadvertently.

Cough, a question——

The main character's car of the Austrian series has no crash record.

Tsk tsk, how embarrassing for some people to use airplanes as transforming devices?

Feiyan No. [-] said that the same plane has different fates.

Accompanied by the sudden weightlessness, the scenery outside the cabin quickly sank, and at the same time as there was a slight pause, the surrounding scenery quickly stretched into monotonous gray lines.

The bright sky shines into the cabin, and Lei Xu looks up at the three-lobed wing behind him with half-raised head.

It was unbelievable when I watched the drama before.

In the Austrian series TV, there are too many combined fighters, and a single aircraft can perform such strange deformation operations. XIG is the only one in the Austrian series.

A little understanding of the basics of aerodynamics can make people wonder how these aircraft can flip the composite body under the G force during such high-speed ejection without being broken by the stress.

The EX size is not bad, the FightSS combination of red and white painting is called a trough.

The nose is turned 180°. Before the combination is turned, is it possible for the pilot to sit in the plane upside down?

——The nose of the plane doesn't look like a spherical cockpit either.

Is it really just a big brick flying and ignoring Newton every day?

There was nothing to see outside, Lei Xubai looked at the blue sky above his head in boredom.

"Are you really... the red Ultraman?"

An inexplicably magnetic male voice came from the frequency band to draw Lei Xu's attention back.


Lei Xu looked up at the back of the chair. The person sitting in front of him is also one of the legends that can be recorded in the history of the Austrian system.

Kajio Katsumi, the captain of the Lightning team, is one-to-two in strength.

As the captain of the first-line actual combat pilot, the frequency of attack is the first, and the number of crashes in the entire Gaia plus OV and the theater version is only one.

In the only crash, the enemies he faced were equivalent to the Four Heavenly Kings in Xiaomeng.

The most important thing is that there was no parachuting in the crash, the plane was completely destroyed, and the people were nothing serious.

Once again, it provides strong evidence for the possibility that human beings in the Austrian worldview evolved from ape-dragon species.

A plane with no crash record, a real ace pilot who only crashed once, Lei Xu immediately felt that he was on the safe side.

"My name is Lei Xu, you can also call me Leisa...this is my name in that form."

"Er...cough——, Kajio Katsumi."

He introduced himself on the channel:

"Just call me Kajio."

The voice was inexplicably shy, not like the haughty and proud knight at the center of the original plot.

"Thank you!"

Lei Xu looked back in surprise.

Kajio didn't look back, he said softly:

"My parents live near Tokyo Bay."

Lei Xu suddenly——

In the Battle of Tokyo Bay, once fifteen Kraborgs landed, even if they could be wiped out, they would have to destroy half of Tokyo.

As the first landing point, it is obvious what will happen to Tokyo Bay.

"you are welcome."

Suddenly receiving the thank you, Lei Xu felt very good, "Why don't you treat me to dinner later?"

"No problem at all!"

The voice in the channel suddenly became powerful:

“Absolutely the best restaurant ever.”

"Ahem——, there's no need for that."

Lei Xu used a tactful tone:

"You don't know, my a little bit big..."

"I'm a pilot anyway."

There was a smile in the voice on the channel:

"I can still afford a meal."

Lei Xu: ...

Young man, I think you don't pay much attention to the appetite of someone like me, Lei.

——Lei Xu complained in his heart.

"Since it's in person, can I ask a question?"

Kajio's voice was suddenly serious.

"Hmm--, you ask, but I don't guarantee that I can answer."

Lei Xu replied casually.

"You, Gaia and Aguru... What kind of existence is Ultraman?"

Lei Xu: ...


"If it's hard to answer..."


Lei Xu interrupted:

"I was just thinking about how to answer your question."

"Could it be... there are many answers?"

Kajio was quite surprised:

"What if it's you?"

"In my case, it should be regarded as the inheritance of blood."

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