Lei Xu smiled and said:

"Theoretically speaking, I still have an older brother, maybe two, who are related by blood."

"Then—, what about the others?" Kajio subconsciously asked.

"In another universe, I should come from the star L77, which is called Leo by your earthlings."

Lei Xu's tone dropped significantly:

"L77 was destroyed, destroyed by the invasion of the Magma and its twin monsters."


After expressing his apology, Kajio couldn't hide his shock, and asked:

"Destroyed means..."


Lei Xu closed his eyes:

"The Magma detonated the core of L77, and no one survived except me and my two brothers."

"Could it be...even you can't protect your own planet?"


Lei Xu was quite emotional:

"At that time, I was still young, and I didn't have the power I have now."

"And even now, I'm not sure if my current strength is enough to defeat the Magma and his twin monsters."

Kajio: ...

Lei Xu's description has exceeded Kajio's imagination as a pilot.

Detonating the earth's core and destroying the entire planet, Kajio has no real sense of this description, but this does not prevent him from empathizing with it——

The situation that the earth is facing today is not much different from that of L77.

"Aside from you, is there no other Ultraman in L77?" Kajio continued to ask.


Lei Xu was about to explain, but the voice on the channel suddenly became serious:

"Confirm the capture target, request to attack!"

Lei Xu tilted his head and successfully caught the liquid metal ball which was still a small black dot - even in the human body his eyesight was better than Kajio.


The voice of the stone room in the frequency band is somewhat distorted, "Make sure to intercept the enemy outside the city!"

"Roger that!"

The head-up display slowly rose, and the onboard computer quickly gave the target's predicted trajectory analysis and line of sight.

"Hot missile, launch!"

The unremarkable slender missile came out of its chamber, and accurately hit the flowing metal in the shape of a liquid mass.

The expected sparks did not occur, just like eye Q devouring the missile, the missile that poked the liquid metal blob quickly sank into its body and disappeared.

"I go!"

Seeing the ball of molten metal rushing towards the urban area unabated, Lei Xu's body surface gradually glowed with a striking iridescence.

In the next moment, the shining red light pulled across the cabin glass and cast a clear shadow.

The azure palm light bullet pierced the void, and exploded huge sparks that could not be ignored on the surface of the boiling molten metal.


Almost at the front and rear feet, the molten metal ball and the red giant fell to the ground, raising huge earth waves tens of meters high and dense dust and smoke that lingered for a long time...

53 Enemies don't feel pain~

call out--

The silver-gray fighter jet swooped down from the distance of the blue sky at high speed, easily bringing the twisted and boiling liquid metal into its attack range.


Kajio slammed down the trigger on the joystick, and the rose-red streamer disappeared into the stretched twisted metal tentacles like a mud cow into the sea, without causing any reaction.

Such an attack is inherently invalid—in the past half an hour, Kajio has personally verified it countless times.

At this time, there were less than ten missiles left in the cabin.

However, this can attract the monster's attention.

The silver liquid metal twirled with each other to form a huge net and whizzed across, but only hit the tail flame that suddenly extended when the FightEX turned.

Furthermore——to give some breathing room for the comrades below who are fighting with their lives.

"Stand up!"

Kajio deflected the EX's wing so that his line of sight was [-] degrees to the red giant lying on his back in the sunken giant pit, weak and flashing lights:

"Aren't you going to seek revenge from the Magma Stars?"

"If you die here—"

The metal giant net quickly evolved and decomposed into several sharp blades that traveled quickly, and the acceleration was instant enough to rival the anti-gravity fighter below it.

"What else do you use for revenge!!!"

The speed displayed on the instrument gradually reached the extreme value of Mach 8, and the radar showed that the metal reaction behind him was still approaching.

Kajio snorted coldly, trying to speed up again in order to throw off the enemy's pursuit.

But he forgot one thing -

The plane under him is not the FightSS he usually flies, with a limit speed exceeding Mach 9.

As the exclusive car for the current XIG scientific analysts, the limit speed of the EX is just Mach 1 slower than the SS fighter leader aircraft.

In other words, the current EX has reached the limit under its maximum design parameters.

Simply looking at the difference between 8 and 9 seems to be only 1, but if you add the unit 'Mach' to it...

That is a huge gap of 340 meters per second, an absolute gap that can determine the life and death of a pilot.


The subconscious and intuition-inducing subtle cutting sound extends along the wings to the ears.

With the violent shaking, the wing suddenly fell off and the raging fire ignited on both sides of the cabin.


"Skydive immediately!" A voice in the channel gave instructions.

"No way—the device is malfunctioning!"

Kajio has already repeatedly dragged the pull ring at hand several times, but neither the seat under him nor the cabin above his head, which should have fallen off automatically in a slight air explosion, did not respond...


Half an hour ago--

Lei Xu didn't intend to give a chance to resist the metallic lifeform that had never appeared in the plot before him.

The red giant, wrapped in a shock wave capable of tearing flesh and numerous wind blades generated during vacuum winding, slammed into the huge cloud of smoke and dust that had not yet dissipated, causing terrifying ups and downs on the nearby ground like a super earthquake.

However, the sensation that travels down the body and into the brain is not the solid tactile sensation of actually hitting something.

The soft and greasy wrapping feeling as if bumped into cotton hit the whole body, and the blue electric current visible to the naked eye passed through the whole body, which immediately made Lei Xu groan in pain.

——This is an enemy that came specifically for him, Lei Xu realized instantly.

Although he has only transformed a few times, the enemy has already keenly realized that his strengths are enough to crush the physical performance of Gaia and Agur V1.

Is that why you specially found such an opponent for yourself?

if it is like this......

Resisting the pain of the electric current hitting his body, Lei Xu gathered the light energy in his body into a specific configuration, rushed out from the area touched by his hands, and continuously input it into the enemy's body.

Ultra Kill - Ultra High Heat Explosion!

It is a last resort to choose the ultra-high-heat blasting that consumes a lot of energy.

Since the enemy chooses to use softness to overcome rigidity, then this opponent will definitely not easily allow himself to distance himself again.

It is indeed a feasible operation to change the number and go online to Tijia, but Lei Xu has not forgotten how difficult enemies like metal life forms are.

Apatai stood up unscathed after eating a quantum streamline, and Argyulos was able to reassemble even if it was blown to pieces for a second fight.

And Mimos, who achieved the supreme name of Gaia SV, used the body fragments of the above two.

The Dijia account consumes a lot of energy. Even if you can use some strange skills to win this battle, what is the next move in case the body is destroyed...

——Lei Xu didn't believe in using it, the killer move deliberately aimed at him by the destroyer was just a mere metal life form.

'Hand over Ultraman'

This threat meant that the enemy had at least prepared enough numbers to rival the four Ultramans.

And to ensure the combat power to annihilate Lei Xu and Ti Jia.

A huge amount of light energy turned into unstable high-heat energy and disappeared along the hands, the timer on the chest slowly flashed red, Lei Xu estimated the time, and decisively stopped the continuation of the energy configuration in the body.

- 3!

Consciousness commanded the light energy inside and outside the body to converge on the body surface, Lei Xu squatted down slightly without any trace.

- 2!

Outside, slender rainbow light gathers on the red giant whose body surface is intertwined with silver-white liquid metal fluid.

- 1!

The arches of the feet exerted force, the metal skin burst out with eye-catching muscle curves, and the huge rainbow light particles suddenly collapsed into fine light spots.

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