——Photon release is not such a difficult skill, Lei Xu only heard Fujimiya say it once or twice, and he successfully acquired this light energy release technique, which is similar to the 'cleaning technique'.

Small enough to expel dust on the body surface, big enough to shatter the liquid metal tentacles wrapped around the body surface like this, easy to use but unpopular.

call out--

In the huge roar of breaking through the air barrier, the red streamer penetrated straight into the sky control, and the eye-catching water vapor ring cloud rolled up countless sand and dust to gather slender gray-yellow dust tips towards the center of the vacuum.

The next second—


The silvery-white liquid metal cluster fused with a dangerous scorching rainbow light, and exploded into countless scattered liquid clusters in a thousandth of a second.

Like a small nuclear bomb exploding in front of the eyes, the blazing fire accompanied by a gray-black mushroom cloud violently intersected and rose slowly.

Ultra high-heat blasting is such a dangerous skill, and Lei Xu feels that this thing is not much better than the Ultra bomb.

Although he has never seen what a real Ultra Bomb looks like.

However, one hugs the enemy outside the body and blows it up, and the other injects light energy into the enemy's body to make it self-explode.

It sounds like the latter one is more friendly.

As for the enemy?

They are all super beasts, and super beasts don't feel pain.

——By Lei Xu.

In mid-air, the red giant gave a thumbs up to the silver-gray fighter plane parked in the distant sky.


Lei Xu looked at Kajio in the cabin with a sudden change of expression, subconsciously feeling something was wrong.

He suddenly looked back, and found hundreds of silver-white metal tentacles protruding from the bottom of the thick and rising gray-black mushroom cloud like lightning, attacking him with lightning speed...

54 Lessa V2~ [-] in [-]

In a daze, consciousness seemed to be falling into an endless abyss that could never be seen.

Lei Xu's heart barely remained clear.

In the field of vision, there were bursts of shrill whistling while waving wantonly, and the whipping of the metal tentacles that were forcibly covered with a layer of bright fire seemed to be separated by a thick quilt.

The transmission of pain is also slow.

How many seconds?Dozens of seconds?

Lei Xu couldn't even tell how long ago the severe pain that hit his body was attributed to the whipping on the head.

That doesn't matter... there are too many to count anyway.

——As before, Lei Xu's sense of humor will always come online inadvertently, such as now.

In a trance, the body and the consciousness seemed to be separated from each other, which instead allowed Lei Xu to temporarily jump out of the physical pain, and then quickly think about some things clearly.


It was completely seen through!

The first thing I have to admit is the fact that my fighting style has been seen through by the enemy.

Before I came to Gaia Earth, I was forced by the natural limitation of energy reserves. Whether it was dealing with Rubik's Cube Drag-Ride, or fighting Sayigomezad, the choice of tactical battles tended to be fast and strange.

Either start the game with a super-speedy attack, suppress in a wave, do not give a chance to react, and instill the damage directly until the enemy dies.

Or, it is clear in advance that the enemy cannot be easily taken down.

Show weakness, hide strength, build traps.

With the fastest and most proficient light wheel skills as the core, aiming to destroy the enemy's limbs and resistance ability, slowly weaken the enemy, and finally implement the lore counter-attack routine.

This is actually a tactical combat system carefully constructed for Lei Xu by the actual combat experts of the Rabbit Country, using monsters as imaginary enemies——

With Lei Xu's energy reserves and transformation market, it is impossible to compare physical strength with monsters.

It is not limited to the monsters that have already appeared in the Austrian studio and know the information. In order to avoid the first kill, the best way is undoubtedly to suppress, and not even leave the enemy a chance to move.

The advantage is very clear, the two sides have met each other for the first time, and there is a high probability that Lei Xu will gain an advantage by directly killing Lei Xu.

The shortcomings are also obvious-Cheng Yaojin's three-axes are used up, and the threat plummets.

The biggest mistake Lei Xu made was ignoring that the enemies in Gaia are rare, and it is not sure whether they are really eliminated in the finale.

With the style of destroying the body, it resembles a regular military organization. Once it is aimed at itself, it must have great confidence.

'Hand over Ultraman' is a trap, Lei Xu knows it, and so does the body of the shattered recruiter.

In fact, the enemy took advantage of this cognition to force Lei Xu to think about and keep it, forcing him to choose an aggressive style of play.

Thinking about it carefully, this monster is indeed specially used to target yourself.

The strength and speed of this metal life form significantly surpassed Lei Xu's.

The red light riot state can be fought, but it is meaningless at all.

Liquid metal life forms are not afraid of the cutting of the light wheel, and naturally they are not afraid of the physical blow that Lei Xu is proud of.

Letting Lei Xu get close to him, and then fighting and binding him is tricking him into using the extremely expensive skill that he showed in the battle of Tokyo Bay - Ultra High Heat Blast.

So far, it can be said that all of my reactions have been shattered and caused my body to count as death.

Lei Xu suddenly found the whole thing ridiculous.

Have you been too smooth?

It's so blissful.

He saw in advance that the destructive body was attacking him, but subconsciously let down his vigilance after seeing the metal life body.

Treating the enemy as a vulnerable chicken, even thinking about how to save energy in the battle, so as to meet the possible follow-up moves of the shattered recruits.

In the final analysis, the biggest reason for such a result is one's own pride and complacency.

Lei Xu is not at all surprised that Gaia has not arrived——

With the cunning of destroying the body, targeting Fujimiya in advance, it is impossible to miss my dream.

I'm really not reconciled.

What will happen to me in the end?

Lei Xu didn't know, and he didn't know what would happen if he turned off the lights like Ao in the plot.

Transform back into a human body?

Or does it just turn into a ray of light and dissipate like a little dream?

Will it be the cheap brother Leo who comes to pull him back, or will Fujimiya Ameng and Chewing Gum prove the strength of the Austrian band scientist?

If it’s really not possible, it’s okay to seek refuge with Mother Earth... No matter how bad it is, Gaia’s Earth can be regarded as one’s stepmother, right?

So tired, and...so painful...

The feeling of chaos hit, and the suffocation slowly climbed up Lei Xu's body.

The light energy directed by Ruxin in the body is like a layer of thick fog separated by a layer of sky moat, which cannot be seen or touched.

But the severe pain is so clear even through a layer of 'quilt', and this last bit of consciousness...

Suddenly, Lei Xu saw the picture.

No, that didn't feel like a picture, but it did allow him to see the silver-gray EX fighter coming sideways.

There is also a figure in the cabin of the EX, who is shouting something in this direction.

By the way, it's Kajio who I just met for less than half an hour.

What is he saying?

Magma and twin monsters?


By the way, Kajio didn't know that Lei Xu said that on purpose to mislead the GUARD executives.

In fact, the Magma star and the twin monsters were already beaten to death by his cheap brother Leo, one Jio one, and a split operation came.

Tsk, Lei Xu thought of the thumbs he just gave out confidently, and then looked at his current appearance.

Hiss——, I feel so ashamed.

Looking at it this way, death doesn't seem like a bad thing...


what is that?

EX number... caught fire, fell?

The unexpected situation lifted Lei Xu up a little bit.

Long live! ! !

A fighter plane that only crashed once, paired with an ace that only crashed once, hit the bullseye right?

hold on--

Does this count as changing the development process of this world?

This time, will Kajio survive unharmed?

So, shouldn't I have come to the world of Gaia from the very beginning?

Can not be done!

Move, my body.

Kajio still hasn't eaten a meal.

I have not yet been able to see the Kingdom of Light with my own eyes, so I took the video of the famous scene to tease that adult face to face.

I haven't seen Trigger Boy and Carmela's rolling in the mud yet.

If there is a chance, I still want to be with Brother Cheap, and I want to know what it feels like to train (severely beat) Sero.

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