There are so many secrets in me that I haven't...

And Papa, Mama, Earth...

Am I an Ultraman too?

Even if only once.

The power of idealism, give it to me quickly!

No matter what it is, hope, love, friendship, bond, courage, anything!

Even if I have a greasy, secular, adult heart, it doesn't hinder me, someone from Lei, from yearning for these beautiful things!

Anyway, give me strength.

I want--

Stand up again!


Lei Xu thought suddenly, the Lingtai was completely clear.

If you say Fujimiya, my dream is the chosen one, so am I too?

Didn't Renlong ever say, I am a child of the earth?



If you can hear it!



Then give me strength! ! !

The hazy scene in the field of vision suddenly became clear.

It was as if the consciousness that had sunk forever to the bottom of the abyss was pulled back by an inexplicable force, and the feeling of suffocation like a tarsal maggot never existed.

Only the horrible pain coming from all over the body is so real.

Lei Xu subconsciously cried out in pain, but he never heard his muffled groan.

By the way, Kajio's plane!

Lei Xu turned his head immediately, trying to capture the falling trajectory of the EX, but there was still time, so he had to hurry...

No - what is this?

Raising his eyes for a while, Lei Xu was shocked by the strange scene in his vision.

The scattered dust stopped in the void, and the metal tentacles wrapped in the fiery red shock wave stopped in front of his chest.

In the sky, the falling silver-gray fighter plane, which lost its wings, was frozen in mid-air together with the dancing flames and smoke on its surface.

Lei Xu could even see Kajio's nervous and serious expression through the flames.

Suppressing the pain, he moved out from under the tentacles attacking his body, Lei Xu turned his gaze, and finally saw the real body of the metal life form that had oppressed him——

Its materialized form looks like a weird cephalopod creature, and normal people can't count how many tentacles it has at a glance.

Through the inconspicuous gap, Lei Xu could see a single dark yellow eye recessed in the center of the 'head and feet', exuding a cruel and greedy human look.

It's just that it's so funny to be frozen in place now.

Lei Xu already understood the state he was in right now.

At this moment, it is just like the scene in the original plot, when I dreamed of becoming Gaia for the first time, and when Fujimiya regained the power of Aguru.


Of course there is relevant analysis, and the conclusions of the analysts and staff are unexpectedly consistent——


Not just the power of Gaia or Agulu.

The only thing that can stop time, even if it is only a partial time, is the earth itself!

So, I really am the son of the earth as Renlong said?

Lei Xu became suspicious and fell into deep thought.

But he didn't find it.

I don't know when, I have lifted the transformation and changed back to the human form.

It's just that he didn't fall under the blessing of gravity, but stood quietly in the void, submerged in the invisible radiance.

It was suddenly injected into the body, no—to be precise, it was the thick light energy continuously injected into the body through the ring between his fingers that awakened Lei Xu whose consciousness had dispersed again.

Lei Xu first looked at his human hand in surprise, and then he lifted the transformation ring that gave him a sense of majestic power to his eyes.

To his surprise, he found that the red and blue twinkling colors in the golden lion's pupils were gradually being replaced.

That feeling...

Your own original light energy?

Lei Xu was really dumbfounded.

The power of Gaia and Aguru can be converted to their own original light energy so smoothly and without loss?

Then why before...

On the night when he discovered the change of the ring, Lei Xu tried hundreds of ways to test whether he had any new abilities or new skills.

However, the ring that emitted the brilliance of Gaia and Aguru did not move at all, and the transformation was the same as before, without any change.

Do feelings still have to be activated?

No, it's not just about converting the original light energy.

Through the ring, one's own energy can also be transformed into the light of Gaia and Agulu respectively.

But why give yourself such power?

Lei Xu was a little confused.

Don't those new-generation Aoi give a form when they give out a power?

If it doesn't work, I can set two more timers. I definitely don't think Gaia and Aguru's timers are too ugly.

——Lei Xu complained in his heart.

If it is to replenish energy and recover from injuries, why bother... But maybe——

The right hand was raised above the top, and in the rainbow light piercing the sky, the slender and towering red giant once again stood in the void.

Lei Xu's heart was full of joy, and it was exactly as he thought——

Speaking of which, this time Lei Xu was cheated by the episodes he had watched.

Who said that empowerment and enhancement must be earth-shattering?

Who said you can't have new power without changing the color?


At this time, Lei Xu could clearly perceive the terrifying power in his body, which was far better than his previous self.

Fully loaded, plus a super doubled light energy reserve.

as well as......

3+1 suddenly appearing in the body, unfamiliar energy configuration circuits.

- New skills!

The gravel that was still in the void fell slowly, and Lei Xu immediately realized that time seemed to be resuming its flow.

Are you here yet?

Kajio calmly looked at the approaching ground, and slowly closed his eyes.

Even the proud Sky Knight is helpless in this situation.

After all, he is just a small human being.

"How could I just die like this!!!"

At the last moment before the nose touched the ground, Kajio's roar was intertwined with the blooming fireworks, submerged in the huge explosion.

In the next second, the shining iridescent light pulled out eye-catching light and shadow in the blazing explosion flames.

A comatose figure was left behind as it swept across the ground, and immediately, a huge human-shaped phantom was outlined in front of the metal monster that was still frantically waving the tentacles of its limbs.


The red giant, Ultraman Reza, stands tall on the ground!

No - maybe it's more appropriate to call it Lesa V2.

Although the appearance has not changed in any way, Lei Xu can clearly feel that his strength has made a qualitative leap.

Compared with Gaia and Aguru of V1-V2, Lei Xu's boost strength is not inferior.

There is only one thing worth criticizing——

After V2, including the four new skills with unknown effects, the number of available skills of Lei Xu is still inferior to Gaia and Agur V1.

I have to say this is a sad story.

Lei Xu leaned up suddenly, and several metal tentacles wrapped in golden-red shock wave dangerously swept past his eyes.

He opened and closed his hands quickly, isolating the dozens of successive blows that followed from the shield of phantom light.

The red giant suddenly disappeared in place, and appeared in front of the cephalopod metal monster that refused to give up, as if teleporting.

——From this angle, this guy's height is less than Lei Xu's chin.

While feeling in his heart that he would lose to this kind of thing before, the red arm was elongated and narrow, and the light and shadow reached the monster's head like lightning.

The first touch is a metal surface that hardens instantly.

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