This made Lei Xu happy instead of surprised——

Sure enough, that eye-like thing is the core of this thing!

He had no intention of stopping and fighting again, the red giant held the metal monster's head like this, and pressed one hand firmly into the smooth and sturdy head.

Countless metal tentacles swirl and counterattack like crazy.

The next moment, as if something had been broken, Lei Xu's hand suddenly penetrated into the head of the terrifying metal monster——

Make a fist!


Amid the unpretentious sound of explosions, the red ball of light skimmed over a corner of the ground, and rushed into the boundless blue sky in an instant...

55 真假迪迦~

"Where am I...?"

Kajio opened his eyes abruptly, but what he saw was the concerned faces of his teammates.

"Captain, you're awake, how are you feeling?"

"Beitian, Daheyuan?"

Kajio raised his hand and pressed his forehead, alleviating the dizziness that had not completely dissipated.

"How is this going?"

"That's right, monster!"

At this time, a familiar voice sounded:

"Congratulations Kajio, the operation was successful, and now you are a real girl."


Kita & Ogawara:  …

Kajio was startled for a moment, and then realized from the smile in his voice that it was a joke—the uniform was still on him.

He followed the sound and found that Lei Xu was still dressed in casual clothes.

"It's you, the monster was also..."

Kajio didn't continue talking—since Lei Xu still had the time to joke with him, the fate of the monster was obvious.

"Mr. Lei Xu, the commander invites you to the command room."

The person who came was a long-haired lady in a logistics uniform. She first conveyed Shishi's words to Lei Xu, and then turned to Kajio, who was slowly getting up with the support of two teammates, and made a serious face:

"Kajio, come with me immediately, you need a full body check now!"

Kajio's reaction was like a mouse meeting a cat, tensing his body and standing at attention:


Lei Xu: ...

Does the air base still have such a role?

But Lei Xu didn't bother. It's been almost 10 minutes since he landed. I haven't dreamed about it. There is a high probability that I have already transformed and dispatched.

I don't know what's going on.

"Can you tell me how to get to the command room?"

The air base is strictly controlled, and it is difficult for Lei Xu to move without anyone leading the way.

Transform into the past?

The high level of human beings will always be very sensitive in inexplicable places.

Lei Xu himself may simply want to be faster, but it may be interpreted as 'the aliens have no respect for human rules', 'do not think that human beings can be equal to themselves' and so on.

At least Lei Xu is willing to show the greatest respect until he actually gains a certain amount of trust and eliminates the threat of the insider computer.



Tsk, Lei Xu glanced regretfully at the three silhouettes passing by in the distance.

If you read correctly, it should be the Ravens, the XIG all-female pilot team.

Ah, don't get me wrong, Lei Xu is interested in a slightly special angle.

In the crow team, there is a woman who runs through the three heroes of Heisei.

——In the Gaia drama series, the actor of Tadano Kei of the Crows once played the role of Shinjo Mayumi, the younger sister of the ace driver Shinjo in Didi Universe.

Living evidence of the parallel universe theory of the Austrian worldview.

Lei Xu made up his mind early in the morning that if he had the opportunity to go to Didi Universe, he must ask whether Kang Kang and Kang Kang really look exactly the same, ahem.

Okawara seemed even more shy than Kajio, and he had nothing to say all the way——

As soon as he entered the command room, Lei Xu was shocked by the scene on the big screen.

Two blue, black, and gold giants passed by staggered, and instantly turned into two indistinguishable brilliant blue streamers. On the screen, only the loud gray dust waves and more and more huge gullies on the ground can be seen.

There is nothing unusual about the two Agurus. The metal life form Arjuros mimics the appearance of Agurus in the original plot.

What really surprised Lei Xu was that Arjulos was able to fight V2's Aguru to such an extent.

What needs to be pointed out here is that metal lifeforms do have the ability to imitate Ultraman's appearance and even energy characteristics, but this ability has an upper limit.

Arjulos is different from the Ace Killer. Its upper limit of ability depends on its own strength, not a complete copy.


If Aguru's ability can be completely replicated with only a few battle videos and physical contact, this is too outrageous.

Fujimiya once deduced that it was not him that Argyulos copied, but the Aguru who had previously fought against the disillusionment.

It's nothing, Lei Xu believes in Fujimiya.

Even if he is facing an enemy with the same power as an enemy, he can win without using the power of SV.

Not to mention that XIG was there - Bison's armored tanks and Mir were on the scene.

His eyes swept across quietly, but he didn't find my dream.

Sure enough...?

"I think you need to see this."

Seeing Lei Xu coming, Shishi tilted his head and gave Dunzi a look.

"Switched to Arizona live—"

Qiao Ji turned her head while reporting, her eyes finally fell on Lei Xu's face, and there was a hint of hesitation in her voice:

"Gaia is fighting...Tiga!"

Lei Xu:? ? ?

Image switching——

Under the high mountains of earth and rocks, Gaia turned into a streamer and rushed to a building like a bamboo, blocking a blue light bomb with his body. Among the sparks produced by the explosion, only Lei Xu could hear it. Clear that painful hum.

The camera moved a little, and the body that fired the light bomb was included in the capture range.

Lei Xu's gaze suddenly became deep.

In the next second, in the blazing but soft white light, a slender and handsome figure in four colors of red, blue, silver and gold gradually manifested.


[I hope you don't stop me, Mr. Shishi. 】

Lei Xu's words resounded directly in the minds of everyone in the command room, and anyone could clearly perceive the terrifying anger comparable to a volcanic eruption.

Lei Xu slowly raised his clenched hands and folded them in front of his chest.


[I will not allow this kind of thing, insult... the name Dijia, absolutely! 】

The stream of bright white particles swept across the body surface from bottom to top, and the human-sized Ultraman disappeared as if erasing inch by inch.

Immediately afterwards, he appeared in the stream of flashing light that suddenly rose in the live video that was being broadcast.

It looks like moving directly into the screen.

Brother Chiba took a step forward in shock, "Commander, this is..."

Shi Shi looked at the screen with a complicated expression. The timer in the center of his chest had already started to flicker, but he pulled out a whistling storm and rushed towards the opposite figure, unable to utter a single word.


For the people on Gaia Earth, Lei Xu himself is the only 'Tiga', but he can only be regarded as borrowed.

Image stealing is a trick used by Austrian villains, and Lei Xu has no reason to be angry.

However, there was no reason for the anger in my heart.

So much so that Lei Xu used the energy-intensive teleportation without hesitation, and swung his fist as a merciless blow.

【senior! ? 】

The strong arm firmly locked the fake and pressed it to the ground, Lei Xu had no time to respond to the call of my dream.


On the front of the azure blue arm, the silvery fist turned into a sticky light and shadow, and hundreds of punches fell in an instant.

It's nothing, Lei Xu just wants to beat this impostor to death.

Before the vibration wave of the vacuum dissipated, it pushed out again. Under the heavy blow like a torrential rain, the counterfeit gradually showed a hideous shape.

Another metal life form!

Lei Xu stood up and threw the inhuman monster backhand into the air, crossing his arms and forming the most familiar and classic pose - Zapelio!

The dazzling white particle-like light flow quietly pierced through the void, and the rushing wave of light hit the monster that seemed to be about to move with incomparable precision.

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