——Inch annihilation!

56 Let me do some research!

Watching the counterfeit goods turn into a mass of falling particles in mid-air, Lei Xu had the time to look down at the fragmented city.

Previously, the earth, rock and mud waves intercepted by Lei Xu and Womeng had already formed a low and long mountain range on the outer edge of the city.

Collapsed buildings, raging fires still burning, houses emitting thick black smoke, dead bodies on the streets, bloody corpses.

It has to be said that just seeing this scene can make Lei Xu's blood pressure rise unconsciously.

Especially this is the damage caused by the enemy's fraudulent use of Tiga's posture.

Some survivors faced the direction of the giant and clenched their fists in respect, but there were also some civilians who were frightened and ran away when they saw Lei Xu's figure.

As for taking the opportunity to burn, kill and loot... this is the characteristic of this land, and Lei Xu does not intend to interfere.

But it's good--

Destroyed recruits, and metal life forms, I remember you all!

[This is not your fault, senior. 】

The comfort of my dream sounded directly in Lei Xu's mind, he seemed to feel that Lei Xu was blaming himself.

But it caused a chuckle.

【You think I'll take the responsibility on myself? 】

Lei Xu raised his hand and flew into the air, looking down at Gaia who was still standing on the ground.

[Ultraman is not a god, remember this truth is what I taught you first...]

【gone back. 】

【Oh--! 】

I subconsciously agreed in my dream, watched the pure and gentle white light disappear into the sky, and finally remembered what I didn't ask——

【Hey, wait a minute senior, you haven't told me why you want to reveal your identity completely...】

Unlike the previous time, Chunyao's gentle white light directly penetrates the air base from bottom to top, and finally stays at the highest point of the entire base - the command room.

Such a distinctive appearance naturally attracted the attention of everyone in the command room.

So that my dream of suddenly opening the door was so inconspicuous.

Before the person appears, the voice arrives first——

"At this stage, let me put my trust in you personally, Commander Shishi."

"—Only you!"

Lei Xu stepped out of Chunhe Yaobai without hesitation, facing the Qianye staff and Shishi, grinning:

"Can I get a room of my own on this ship?"

"By the way... I played two games, I'm a little hungry—"

Lei Xu glanced at Aguru who had disappeared into the sea-blue light on the screen, paused for a moment when his gaze passed the two lovers in my dream, and finally put it on the chewing gum pretending to be a passerby, and gave an inexplicable look.

I was still in a daze in my dream, Lei Xu slapped him on the shoulder and gave him a shiver.

"Borrow this little brother, please take me to your cafeteria...I want to eat meat."

Ishimuro & Chiba & My Dream:  …

Watching the incredible figure disappearing outside the command room following his scientific analyst, Big Brother Chiba waited patiently for a while before speaking in a low voice:

"Commander, do you really want this guy of unknown origin to stay in the air base?"

"In terms of formal contact of the third kind—

The other party has a posture similar to that of a human being. At least so far, it is the best situation to have goodwill towards us humans, isn't it? "

Shishi turned around calmly, with deep eyes:

"The most important thing now is..."

On the big screen, the image switched to a dark starry sky.

In the center, the three dim light red spots seemed to be brighter again.

There is no one around, and the air base basically does not install surveillance. Lei Xuchundang has already performed the self-introduction session with My Dream.

"What's delicious in XIG's cafeteria?"


I dreamed of scratching my head, "Ordinary set meals, ramen, sushi, etc... right?"

Lei Xu suddenly looked disgusted:

"I want to eat Chinese cuisine, please hire me a professional chef."

I dream:?

"Every meal should have a lot of meat, beef, mutton, and pork."

The burly man who followed up with the three cats and cats swallowed a mouthful of spit.

“Lots of desserts and ice cream available anytime.”

The wild 'Mayumi' passing by the corner showed an excited expression.


"Strange, why are there so many people?"

Kajio, who had just completed a quick physical examination and found nothing wrong, looked at the inexplicably crowded cafeteria, and raised his hand again to confirm the time.

—It’s not time for dinner.

"Is there any limited supply of seasonal food today?"

Beitian guessed curiously, and immediately shut up when he saw the same food on everyone's plate.

A group of three people came to the feeding window suspiciously, and Ogawara's familiar place list:

"Uncle, three servings of meat, thank you."

The uncle in the window was leisurely turning the spoon in his hand, "hehe" smiled and said:

"Sorry, I'm sorry, all the finished meals have been consumed, and I'm working hard now, please wait for about half an hour."

"Consumed? All?"

"Yes." The uncle was quite emotional, "A newcomer came to the base today, do you know?"


Unanimously, the three of them thought of the figure who didn't know if it could be regarded as a human being, and Kajio nodded:

"There is one, why?"

"Speaking of which, I've never seen someone who can eat so much."

The uncle clasped his hands together and drew a big circle, "All the food, enough to fill several large buckets of meat and fruits, will be eaten up soon, and he is still yelling that he is not full. Come back in an hour." eat."

"The commander gave an order to fully cooperate with the logistics, and to provide as much food as possible. The White Pigeon has set off to deliver the ingredients urgently."

Kajio: ...

Finally, the uncle approached mysteriously and whispered:

"It is said that there will be several new chefs in the cafeteria, specializing in Chinese food and desserts, ice cream, and fruit will be available in unlimited quantities in the future."


A voice of surprise came from behind him, and he turned around to find that Qiao Ji, the prick, was clapping excitedly, "Yeah, that's great!"


"Ah Nuo—"

Lei Xu's cabin——

I Meng looked over like a pig, "Senior, do you have to eat so much every meal?"


Lei Xu waved his hand lightly, indicating that this was a trivial matter.

"Isn't that a little exaggerated?"

"However, at any rate, Fujimiya also hired a few chefs for me. After coming to XIG, I can't deliberately control not to eat enough, right?"

"Not at all."

Lei Xu's incomprehensible look radiated from my dream eyes, he was a little scared for a moment,

"Senior, can I study your body?"

Lei Xu:?


Chewing Gum looked serious:

"According to the existing theory, the mass will not disappear out of thin air, but you can eat food that is similar to your own weight, so where does the mass go?"

"So—?" Lei Xu cautiously probed.

The light in my dream eyes brightened up again, and there was a little fanaticism in my voice:

"Hurry up, senior let me study it, the energy-mass conversion formula is hidden in your body!!!"

57 Transition Fitness Attracts…

Lei Xu's arrival did not bring much disturbance to the air base for a while.

——In addition to the major reform of the cafeteria.

Mainly, at present, from the air base to the geo base, and then to the Alchemy Star members from all over the world, they are all preparing for the challenge.

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