Three Anchimata are equal to three super bombs enough to destroy the earth.

In the face of this situation, human power is mobilized as never before.

Fujimiya and Imeng purposefully dispersed the design of heavy particles into various related researches in a targeted manner, completed it without anyone noticing it, and when it was finally brought out, the blueprint of the finished product was obtained after a combination of patchwork and patchwork. .

Therefore, the weaponized application of heavy particle conversion equipment is extremely rapid.

Compared with the three units that are only enough for the Falcons in the plot.

This time, among the three pilot teams of XIG, none of the nine Fighters landed.

The special-purpose rescue Seagull and the ground armored vehicles of the Hercules team are also equipped with this system, which will be used as a reserve team to check for omissions and fill in the gaps.


The air forces that read as GUARD branches everywhere, and write as the old defense army and local security forces are also on the list.

——In the words of the Hercules trio, this is an unprecedented global mobilization.

Yes, in just one day, Lei Xu has become familiar with the third brother Gui of the Hercules team, the kind who can chat normally.

During this period, a truth was confirmed-transitional fitness attracts the same sex.

After eating this piece, Lei Xu became the undefeated legend of the entire air base in just one day.

As for fitness...

Although Lei Xu looks like an average 180, his weight is not outrageous, even 140 is a bit thin.


When he took off his loose coat and put on a fitness vest, he immediately showed his plump, slender, bulging muscles with beautiful lines.

It's probably the best interpretation of looking thinner when you're dressed and more fleshy when you're undressed.

Immediately aroused the death stares of the third brother who was also soaking in the fitness area.

These three wanted to give it a try, but were persuaded by Lei Xu's "tactful" words:

"I'm afraid I'll kill you all at once."

At first, he was still unconvinced, but when Lei Xu lifted the ton-heavy barbell with one hand, the third brother was stunned and died down.

Never mention the stubble of the trick.

——Just kidding, that's not a trick, that's unilateral abuse.

With such a gap in power, any skill would be in vain.

The biggest reason why martial arts competitions are classified by weight is that there is a difference of one weight class, and the difference in strength can be crushed, and the effect of skills will be compressed to a level that can be filled.

What is this, Lei Xu hasn't shown his superhuman dynamic vision and strong reaction speed yet.

This is actually nothing to be proud of.

Instead, it's obsession.

——It means that it is difficult for Lei Xu to become stronger through exercise.

Even if it reaches a sufficient level, it is difficult to determine the optimal training volume in a scientific way, and the human formula cannot be applied to Lei Xu.

At the same time, it is not clear how much of the high-energy food eaten is converted into Lei Xu's own original light energy, and how much is allocated to the exercise effect.

Anyway, Lei Xu became hungry faster, which indirectly caused the air base to stop cooking again that day.

——He ate five meals during the day, cough cough.

At night, Lei Xu ushered in the expected guest—Shishi.

"I want to know what you really think."

Shishi looked dignified, straight to the point:

"What are your plans?"

"How to say?"

Lei Xu's heart skipped a beat, he turned off his phone calmly, and looked suspiciously at the stone room opposite him.

His cabin is more than twice the size of the small and simple room in my dream, and there is also a set of Japanese tea sets—the kind that Lei Xu knew at a glance that he would not be able to use it.

Lei Xu poured tea for Shi Shi, "Why do you think we have a plan?"

"So there is?"

Lei Xu neither admitted nor denied, "Commander Shishi, I can't disclose this to you for the time being, it's good for both of us."

Upon hearing this, Shishi narrowed his eyes slightly, and the sharpness in his eyes was deeply hidden:

"The shattered body is not the only enemy you are guarding against. We may face a more terrifying existence. Am I right?"

Lei Xu: ...

Tsk, it's really hard to keep a secret when you get in close contact with this kind of old fox.

Lei Xu picked up the tea and took a sip, only admitting half of it:

"That's right...but this enemy is still far away from the earth, so far away that I don't know if it will come or not.

Therefore, all the current preparations can only be prepared for a rainy day...

Commander Shishi, won't you just confirm your guess with me when you come tonight? "

Shi Shi slightly shook his head.

"The combat operation will start tomorrow. I want to know how I can cooperate with the three of you."

The word 'three' is slightly heavier.

"Didn't you say it clearly before?"

Lei Xu stared at the middle-aged man opposite in surprise, "For Anqi Mata, with the current human strength, we can only check for omissions and fill in the gaps. The main combat power still depends on us."

"Is your energy really enough?"

The stone chamber hits the nail on the head:

"Three Anchimata, if it can be solved that easily, the three of you have already set off, so why put the battlefield on the earth?"

"Is there any reason why you have to do it?"


Lei Xu let out a long breath, "Nothing can be hidden from you, Commander Shishi."

"But please trust me... us."

Lei Xu looked into his eyes and said slowly:

"The power of the earth is not as simple as you think, and human beings are never alone.

In order to face Anqi Mata, all creatures on the earth are bursting out their own power. "

Shi Shi raised his eyes suddenly, "Creatures on Earth?"

"Monster... Will Renlong join the battle?"

"Commander Shishi, you don't have to guess, I won't"

Lei Xu got stuck for a moment while talking, which immediately attracted Shishi's attention.

He followed the former's gaze and turned his head to look over, but didn't find any clues.

After grinding for a while, seeing that Lei Xu's attitude was still firm, he got up and said goodbye:

"Mr. Lei, I think you and I need to put more trust in each other, not like now..."

He didn't finish, Lei Xu only smiled and stared into Shi Shi's eyes until the hatch was completely closed.


The soft touch made a crisp sound on his face, and he gently pulled off the big green face-hugging tadpole on his face. Lei Xu's eyes widened:

"How did you come here?"

"Big Liar Bo!"

The blond girl sat down on the ground, looking up at Lei Xu's face:

"Agreed to pick up my Bo at night, big liar Bo!"

...couldn't be refuted.

58 ‘立刻突入’

After finally coaxing Rinal to sleep in the purple clay pot, Lei Xu raised his hand to wipe away the non-existent sweat.

[This taste is very fragrant~. 】

...that's matcha!

Lie back on the bed and take out the phone again——

L77 Survivor: [The stone room has noticed it. 】

Guardian of the Earth: [Eh——?What did the commander notice? 】

L77 Survivor: [Our plan, and possibly the empire. 】

Guardian of the Earth: [?How did I not know there was a plan? 】

The Light of the Ocean: [...As expected. 】

L77 Survivor: [That's what you said, but it's not a good thing to be exposed too quickly. The stone room can detect it, and will the experience of destruction be noticed? 】

The Light of the Ocean: [It's meaningless to worry, if the empire can frighten away the shattered recruits, what's the problem with making the information public? 】

Guardian of the Earth: [...Senior, Fujimiya, what are your plans to hide from me! ! ? 】

L77 Survivor: [There will be a big battle tomorrow, you two are not as energetic as I am, so review the battle plan again and rest early. 】

Guardian of the Earth: [Senior, if you don't tell me, I will study you now. 】

L77 Survivor: […]

Ocean Light: [? ? ? 】

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