L77 Survivor: [Ahem, after tomorrow's game, I will definitely tell you the whole picture of the plan, how about it? 】

Guardian of the Earth: 【...Then it's a deal! 】

L77 Survivor: [Ahem, finally confirm the preparations in all aspects, chewing gum! 】

Guardian of the Earth: [Hey!According to the preset combat plan, the Lightning, Falcon, and Crow fighter formations are each in charge of one Anchimata...]

L77 survivor: [Fujimiya? 】

The Light of the Ocean: [I visited Megumi Kuroda half an hour ago to confirm that she has informed Renlong that the earth monsters will not act rashly. 】

[Rinal's side...]

The research institution to which the Alchemy Star belongs, Prolon Kalamos——

The man in black raised his head silently, quickly glanced at two figures, one big and one small, facing each other not far away, and pressed his head on the soft keyboard of the PDI in his hand:

[It has been confirmed, the only point is that you need to bring Rinals with you when fighting, they will be beacons for energy transmission. 】

L77 Survivor: [OK——, confirmed, proceed as planned tomorrow!By the way...]

【Earth gives me strength, I am V2. 】

Survivor of the Land & Light of the Sea: 【? ? ? ? ? 】

After sending this sentence, Lei Xu showed a wicked smile on his face, put away the phone, and pulled the blanket——


There is still no war tonight, trigger boy, I am happier than you, Lei Xu's mouth is raised, and he falls asleep...

Time moves forward 36 hours, inside the time-space wound——

"Sir, a new monster is found ahead, approaching us."

"damn it!"

Skinny sharp claws waved across the air, and the extremely irritable voice made all the crew members on the bridge shiver.

"What the hell is this place?"

"Can only one imperial patrol really run so far safe and sound?"

"How many are there?"

Ding——, the entity-like light and shadow unfolded.

In the colorful world, two giant squid-like monsters stretched out their tentacles, and approached a row of more than ten cursors representing their side at an extremely fast speed.

"Territory guard, or foraging?"

"Our side has been moving at a high speed. The space-time signal tower scanning has not been activated, and no radar has been activated. All functions except the engine remain silent. It is speculated that there is a high probability that it is a predatory behavior."

A mechanical sound came:

[The unnamed target is expected to enter the attack range in half a minute, and the challenge mode is ready. 】

On the captain's seat, the haggard figure who looked like dead wood ignored him and raised his voice:

"Soldier beast?"

"A total of [-] soldiers and beasts have completed the basic preparation and are ready to be released at any time." The crew member Ke Luo in front reported meticulously.

"Put two in, take advantage of the gap between these two eating, and speed up to leave!"


At the underbelly of the gray-black spindle-shaped starship, the hull disappeared like a phantom, and two black and smooth spheres were quickly thrown away and slid back quickly.

In the next second, the black and translucent smooth sphere was burst by the huge pressure from inside, and the stinky waste liquid of the preparation medium was scattered.

The whole body of the scales is black and shiny, and its appearance is hideous. It is definitely not a monster evolved by natural selection, stretching its terrifying body full of thorns.

The snake-like head rose high towards the direction of the two squid-like monsters. The criss-crossing molten fire lines on the surface of the body emitted bright flames.

——There is no medium for conducting sound waves in this space.

Seeing the presence of aliens provoking their side, the two squid monsters frantically waved their terrifying limbs and rushed forward without hesitation——

Although it is a little embarrassing in terms of combat power, their regenerative ability can basically not fear the vast majority of creatures in this strange space.

Stalking is their way of fighting. If they can't fight, they will abandon part of their limbs and escape while the enemy is eating. The nature of the universe is fair to any creature.

Terrifying tentacles firmly grasped the bewildered soldier beast who hadn't yet discerned the status quo, struggled desperately but could not escape the shackles.

The cuttlefish monster is suspicious, it looks very intimidating, but the actual strength can even break free... Delicious!

When the first mouthful of flesh and blood dissolved by the corrosive liquid entered, the two squid monsters immediately put aside their little doubts.

The richness of the energy matrix is ​​unparalleled, and for the squid monster, this is the supreme delicacy.

"Sir, those two from before are catching up again!"


Tai Da's eyes were gloomy:

"Can't you shake it off?"

"No, the speed of these two monsters is very fast, our ship cannot compete with each other in this kind of place."

"Sir, passively retrieved the signal of the dimensional beacon tower!"


at such a time?

Simply the worst possible development.

Stop fighting?

Tae Da tried this...twice!

He didn't want to experience the feeling of escape from death again.

No one knows how many terrifying space-time monsters that have never been seen or heard will appear in this ghostly place after it stops.

"Try to break into the signal source of the beacon tower!" Tai Da ordered decisively.

[Order rejected! 】

The shipboard system coldly rejected the order:

[Analysis——The signal is intermittent and the independent time axis marks are chaotic. It is speculated that it is in a state of time and space disorder. Forcible intrusion may cause time aberration damage to the ship. 】

Tai Da:  …

[It is speculated that the hostile target creature regards us as a source of food, and will not give up easily if there is no accident. It is recommended to escape immediately to escape pursuit. 】

"Give me a feasible solution!"

Tai Da forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart, "Prove that the plan is effective and promote one level in place."


On the monitoring platform, a Koro crew member weakly raised his upper limbs.

Tai Da swept across this unremarkable guy coldly, but couldn't find his name in his mind.


In the stereoscopic projection, a large black vortex rolled up somewhere in the illusion space in front of it, and it seemed to lead to a certain place.

"Man-made space-time distortion was detected ahead, and a signal that partially matched the beacon tower was retrieved, the reason is unknown.

If it's just a temporary escape..."

how come?

Could it be divided into two parts, can the Dimensional Beacon Tower continue to work?

Two signals, which one is true?

However, it's better than staying in this horrible place anyway.

What's more, there are unexpected gains, Tai Da's heart is bent, and he ordered:

"Break in immediately!"

59 Challenges of the Antimatter Universe! Three in One

Air base, command room.

"Hiss——, so many people...Mr. Ishishiro, Staff Officer Chiba, good morning!"

The command room was full, and the pilots of the three teams plus the three brothers of the Hercules team were not absent.

Lei Xu greeted everyone present without changing his expression, "Director Di...Good morning everyone."

There are too many people, but I can only use "everyone" instead.

Lei Xu was the last one to come, there's no way, the cafeteria is so tempting... Oh.

Seeing Lei Xu's arrival, Big Brother Qianye's brows were relieved, and Shi Shi smiled:


He turned his head to look at the aviation tactics expert on the side:

"Director Di, it's time to start!"

"Yes——, repeat and confirm the operation process again, first of all..."

Lei Xu could even memorize the combat flow arrangement backwards. He looked at several teams of pilots one by one in a bored manner.

Kajio and his party, Lightning team...omit.

The Crows... Tsk, everyone is very heroic. Although it is a women's team, it is not inferior to the Lightning team next to it in terms of momentum. It is indeed the top pilots who can stay in this air base.

By the way, which one is 'Mayumi'?

The three members of the crow team are women after all, and Lei Xu didn't look at them too presumptuously.

Let’s not talk about being polite or not, it doesn’t matter if Lei Xu takes a second look, but what if there is a brain-dead member of the GUARD senior management who forces them to use beauty tricks on him?

Lei Xu has always been unafraid to speculate on these stupid people with the greatest malice——

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