Lei Xu smiled wryly and shook his head, with a firm attitude:

"Sorry, Mr. Shishi, I'm not a creature of this universe, and I don't have the qualifications and position to decide the survival of antimatter civilization creatures in different dimensions."

This channel is a tactical public channel. Not only the several fighter formations on the scene, but also the high-level leaders of the various countries and GUARD can also hear the conversation between Lei Xu and Shi Shi.

In the front seat, the simple dream of me was already speechless by the leaping progress of the conversation.

He is not an idiot, and he can understand the meaning of the conversation between the two.

——Destroy the anti-matter civilization that is eyeing the material universe in another dimension.

Fujimiya was silent - he could also hear the refutation going on in the EX.

"I am firmly against it!"

I can't wait to interject:

"Commander, you must not do this!"

"No, I dream, you are too young to understand."

The voice of the stone room was extremely cold:

"Since there is one time, there will be a second time.

Trying to subvert and destroy the entire universe, the antimatter civilization is not only the enemy of human beings, but also the enemy of the entire universe. "

"They have already taken action. If we don't do it, neither the earth nor the universe will have a future!"

"Then let me ask you, Mr. Shishi—what if a meteorite can't destroy the antimatter civilization?" Lei Xu asked back.

"Then send ten more!"

A strange voice entered the channel, and the toughness in the words was even worse than that of Shishi.

"Even if the anti-matter civilization cannot be destroyed, they must not dare to stretch their claws!"

This voice is...Hiroyuki Hiiragi!

"I meant to say—"

Lei Xu took a deep breath:

"Hatred will only breed greater hatred. It doesn't make sense. I just put forward my attitude - I don't agree!"

"Mr. Lei Xu, you can make any request, as long as you are willing to help."

Hiiragi Hiroyuki was quite sober.

——The wormhole in the antimatter universe is far away in the orbit of Jupiter.

With the current level of human science and technology, without the assistance of Lei Xu, Gaia and Aguru, it is impossible to even solve Anqi Mata.

Not to mention... pushing a meteorite to wipe out antimatter civilization.

"This is not about hatred, this is a just struggle for survival!"

The voice of the stone room is still cold:

"The anti-matter civilization in the material universe and the different dimension, if the other party takes the initiative to attack, it means a formal declaration of war on us humans and all living things in this universe.

The enemy is already trying to completely destroy us, and a reciprocal counterattack is always required to form sufficient deterrence. "

"That you......"

Lei Xu's eyes were deep:

"Will it really go so smoothly?"


"Avoiding the inevitable struggle for survival...maybe."

At this moment, Lei Xu was terribly calm:

"Mr. Shi Shi, if you seek peace through struggle, you will live peacefully; if you seek peace through compromise, you will die peacefully. I understand this truth.

But please imagine-

Do human beings currently have the ability to monitor, or detect, anti-material civilizations in different dimensions...?

If you can't, how can you be sure that you are the one who caused harm to the other party, instead of becoming a tool for a few conspirators to launch an all-out war? "

Stone Chamber:  …

Lei Xu's voice continued:

"There is nothing wrong with fighting for the right to survive."

"Have you ever thought about the cost of starting this war?"

"From the perspective of the entire material universe, you are great, and humans are also great, guarding the country for other civilizations."

"The price is the future of mankind. You are trying to lightly start a war that mankind cannot afford to wage or delay."

"There are many solutions. Controlling violence with violence is very enjoyable, but it is also very brainless, especially now that this is just my guess. How can you be sure that the attitude of a different-dimensional civilization must be to restart the universe?"

"Taking a step back, have you ever thought that once this war expands, countless other civilizations in the universe will be involved...

Can the earth and human beings still maintain themselves, or in other words, can they continue to survive in the solar system that has become the center of the vortex of war? "

"Finally——the positive and negative universes are interdependent and mutually supportive."

"This means that it is impossible to completely eliminate the threat of anti-material civilization. The devastating result is the restart of the universe, and if the two parties contact and sign an armistice agreement..."

Hirohiro suddenly raised his head, his voice was dignified:

"As the fuse of the positive and negative space war, human civilization, the earth, will become the victim of signing a peace treaty!"

"At that time, not only the anti-matter civilization in the different dimension, but also other civilizations in the material universe will regard human beings as objects of contempt and be nailed to the pillar of shame in the history of the universe."

"It's not uncommon in human history, is it?"

"The so-called 'truth' and 'truth' are not worth mentioning, and will always be in the hands of powerful beings."

"As it is with human beings, so it is with the universe."

Lei Xu's voice continued:

"The war will be on and on, never ending.

Ishimuro-san, you, or human beings—

Are you ready to fight such a endless war that will inevitably cause countless casualties and hatred, and will surely sink human civilization into it, and even become a victim of it? "

"Mr. Ishishiro, maybe you can decide whether a war will start, but I think that once you take that step, human beings will not be able to decide when the war will end."


Not only Ishishiro, but also Hiroyuki Hiiragi did not speak again.

"Anchimata, at the current speed, there are still 10 minutes to enter the range of the heavy particle conversion device."

Qiao Ji's report was like a firework from the world, breaking the silence in the cold radio waves above the nine heavens.

"Each machine, activate the Anchimata heavy particle conversion device!"

Director Di's voice immediately put everyone in the channel on the alert.

"Phew, it's almost time to go."

Lei Xu exhaled the turbid air in his lungs, raised his right hand, and calmly stared at the lion's pupils that were already shining with golden light.


On the silver-gray fighter plane, the sky-rising rainbow light is not only warm, it is so intense that it even burns the eyes.

Only the tightly clenched fist hanging by his side can explain Lei Xu's mood at the moment.

A magenta beam of light flashed beside Lei Xu, and a huge red, silver and gold giant stood in the air.

The silver-gray fighter swayed its body, flamboyantly turned its belly up, and flew into the atmosphere.

[Senior Lei, thank you! 】

While reading, my dream voice was full of guilt:

[At the critical moment, apart from objecting, I couldn't even say a single reasonable word. 】

[Of course, my dream, I have been saying, you are third-rate! 】

Fujimiya still spared no effort in attacking my dream. As my dream gradually matured, it was rare to find an opportunity. This meeting can be regarded as being caught by him.

【Oh tired, Fujimiya! ! ! 】

Perhaps in order to show his position to the ghost computer, Aguru stood alone with his arms folded, as silent as a statue in the void.

【coming! 】

"Anzimata is in range!"

"Each team, focus on the target you are responsible for!"

"Yes!" X3

"The battle begins!"

The closed head-up display slowly lifted up, and the overlapping aiming cursor flashed red instantly——

"Launch—" X9

Nine "launch" sounds that sounded almost simultaneously, accompanied by nine scarlet heavy particle transformation beams, covered a distance of thousands of kilometers in less than half a second, and accurately hit three terrifying monsters that brought unstoppable destruction .

Theoretically speaking, these nine heavy particle conversion beams are enough to transform the 15-ton Anchimata into a harmless little pity within one hundredth of a second.


Just like the development in the plot, the light red antimatter barrier is like an indestructible wall of sighs, easily deflecting the nine scarlet high-energy heavy particle transformation beams completely.

"The beam was bounced off, baryon number conversion didn't happen!"

Nine fighter planes stood in the sky, and even the three female pilots of the crow team just calmly watched Anqimata approaching at a high speed.

Never retreat without an order.

Even if—

The three Ultramans stood in the void not far away at this time.

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