"Give up the fight and retreat immediately, Plan B!"

The belly of the aircraft sprayed out a pure white mist, pushing the nine fighters to roll away from the route of Anzimata.

Wait a moment--

Lei Xu keenly noticed that the tracks of the three Anchimata seemed to be different, pointing at different angles.

A deviation of one or two degrees on the track is a deviation of thousands or even tens of thousands of kilometers on the ground.

Even with Rinal's energy supply, Aguru's energy reserve is only enough for one round of transformation.

If it is really divided into three places... not good!

【Fujimiya! 】

【Um! 】

Aguru clenched his fists in front of the timer, ready to let go——

[Wait, I'll change my number! 】

——Even though it consumes a lot of energy, Tiga can not only use the short-distance teleportation of Gaia and Aguru, but also has a super-long-distance teleportation that belongs to him alone. In case of any situation, it is convenient to find skills to deal with it temporarily.

Tsk, why can't my body number be Dharma King?

While complaining, the sky-bright rainbow light collapsed, and Lei Xu appeared——


How can I not feel suffocated and uncomfortable?

The situation was urgent, and Lei Xu didn't have time to feel it carefully. The divine light rod was raised high above his head, and the shining holy light shone in the void.

The giant of light and beauty nodded slightly to the opposing giant.

The sea-blue light mist particles submerged into the body surface, and the radiant mellow red light attacked the falling Anzimata.


Why do I subconsciously become the Light of the Earth type?

Lei Xu hugged Anqimata, and before he had time to worry about the problem of subconscious transformation, he tried his best to push it into the orbit of another Anqimata.

[I dream, you are in charge of that one, Fujimiya, go back and find Rinal to recharge, Jupiter's orbit gathers! 】

Abandoning the last words, the crimson giant of light gradually deviated from its original track against Anchimata.

call out--

Fortunately, Anzimata did not come purely to destroy the earth, its speed is slowing down.

Furthermore——it is easier and less labor-saving for Lei Xu to make efforts to change the orbit.

Behind him, the six Fighters followed like a shadow.

Falcons and Ravens!

Team Lightning, Mir and the Hercules team on it undoubtedly went to the side of my dream.

In the sky, in the two translucent red light spheres that gradually overlapped and became weirder, two big stars showed signs of awakening.

Maybe it's been up all the time...who knows?

When it was only tens of kilometers away from the ground, Lei Xu's strength was enough to push Anqimata flying all the way, until he followed the other one and landed on...

Magic City? ? ?

Can not be done! ! !

Lei Xu held Anqi Mata firmly, one in each hand, and the red part of his body inadvertently shone with a strong light.

——Ghost knows what skill it is, just use it and you're done!

Elbow, I'll take you to a good place!

Sweeping his gaze, Lei Xu had almost no time to think, and quickly determined the destination - the huge island next to the magical city.

Perhaps for Anchimata, it doesn't matter where she falls.

——Even if it stands still and does not move, it can still cover the entire earth with an antimatter barrier.

Therefore, Lei Xu's traction worked. He successfully pulled two 15-ton Anqi Matas to a city far away from the height of less than ten kilometers...

Turtle, why is there a city on this island?

Lei Xu is in a mess in the wind——

On the opposite side, two huge starfish slowly fell into the lush jungle, slowly opening their arms as if they were playing with two quadrupeds.

At the same time, in Lei Xu's field of vision, the strangely flowing translucent red barrier immediately stretched.

Furthermore——, endless expansion...

Dispute~The right to modify is left to everyone~

While writing this chapter, I had in mind that there would be controversy.

In fact, I can avoid the part that threatens the civilization of another dimension, and directly deal with the monsters, without thinking deeply about the possible threats inside, it is best to skip it directly.

There is no distinction between justice and evil in the struggle for the right to live

If you seek peace through struggle, you will live peacefully; if you seek peace through compromise, you will die peacefully

Hit with one punch, lest you get a hundred punches

All right! ! !

It's actually pretty cool to do, and I want to do it too.

In reality, there are too many precedents of being fearful of authority but not of morality

Please substitute the status quo of the plot——

1. Human beings are incapable of monitoring the situation in different dimensions.

In other words, since the opposite side sent Anqi Mata, it must have taken all countermeasures.

Human beings can create a heavy particle conversion device in such a short period of time, it is unlikely that the enemy does not have one.

Summary: Even if one meteorite is really sent, even ten, it may not be able to cause much damage to the enemy, unless there is a positive matter barrier similar to Anchimata.

2. The positive matter universe is not capable of completely destroying the antimatter universe.

Pros and cons are interdependent relationships, and complete elimination can only restart the universe.

And the civilization that can produce Anchimata must be the top existence in the antimatter universe.

Regardless of whether it will create hatred, it is best if it can be deterred, but if it cannot be deterred, this is a signal for an all-out war.

3. In the different-dimensional civilization, it is not clear whether it is a small number of individuals or the overall offensive will that make the attack.

It is not uncommon for war madmen to launch wars for their own selfishness. Rather, this is when the world is in progress.

In reality, the country's repeated forbearance is also because of this...its own weakness, coupled with a small number of people who are eager to start a war, and those who grab benefits are happy to see the war begin~

4. Humans are not big enough!

Expanding the view, human beings are guarding the gate of the entire universe of positive matter, and I once imagined broadcasting the threat of the universe of antimatter to the whole universe.

Just imagine the gathering of a large number of alien civilizations, and the earth and the solar system will become the bridgehead for counterattack or something.

The volume of human civilization is still relatively small, and it will inevitably lose itself in the face of the alien civilizations that follow, and even become a...

finally! ! !

If you say a thousand things and ten thousand things, I’m just a stinky book writer, I’m the one who overstepped~

I write whatever readers like to read, the unchanging truth! ! ! !

At least, within this book, I'm still a little 'God'

Therefore, I give the right to revise to all book friends who read this chapter, and use the number of posts as a vote

Statistics as of tonight, at 2021:11 on November 30, 21——

1. Remain unchanged——

Keep the plot of the previous chapter, deduce it with realistic logic, and continue~

2. Peer-to-peer deterrence——

I will revise the plot of the previous chapter, no matter what the reality is, I can be as cool as possible in the novel~!

The above - the choice is up to you...

PS: The last chapter has been slightly modified - you can watch it again~

60 Publicly released 'countermeasures'~

PS: First of all, I would like to apologize to everyone~, I wrote it last night, and looking back, I feel that it is really not good.

Secondly, I have read every post. After the article was edited, there were some problems with the subsections, which caused the content of the post to be inconsistent, so I deleted some posts.

Finally, the last chapter has been slightly revised, you can re-read it to see how it feels this time... Sorry!


"Commander, can we really do nothing?"

Staff Officer Chiba watched the ongoing battle between giants and monsters on the screen, feeling complicated.

Shi Shi sighed slightly, he knew what Qianye really wanted to say.

"If... we can now monitor the real-time situation in another dimension to ensure the outcome of the battle."

Shishi said:

"Even if I use threats, I will force Ultraman to throw a meteorite or even a planet-destroying missile into another dimension."

He looked at the screen, and unconsciously tightened his tone:

"But we can't do it!"


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