Hiroyuki Hiroyuki's voice sounded on the channel again:

"From a military point of view, fighting an enemy who cannot be seen, even whose movements cannot be observed, and who can die at the touch of a finger, human beings and the earth have no hope of winning."

"This time, we have time to react, but if we attack and fail to inflict serious damage—

Next time, the opposite side will directly open a wormhole on the earth, and immediately release the barrier when projecting Anchimata, and we will not even have a chance to react. "

Hiroyuki Hiroyuki is right, Anchimata doesn't even need to be close to the ground.

The moment it lifts the barrier, Earth's atmosphere is strong enough to detonate the planet-destroying bomb.

What the icy words describe is an even colder reality——

At this stage, the comparison between human beings and anti-material civilization is no different from that between ants and human beings.

"Commander, you can see it."

Hiroyuki Hiroyuki changed the subject and said meaningfully: "The opposite party's intention..."


During the conversation, Daejeon City, the battle of my dream is coming to an end——

Different from the bitter battle in the original plot, Gaia in V2 form completely crushes Anchimata.

For the sake of caution, I Meng didn't even use light, and only used the most unpretentious fists and kicks, hitting the big star in front of me and tending to close itself.

——In addition to being injured, enough pain can also make a 'coddled' monster like Anchimata lose the will to fight.

Soon, the strangely flowing light red antimatter barrier no longer expanded.

Two people with four legs... Anchimata closed up again into a disgusting starfish, autistic...

However, the giant of light representing the earth did not stop attacking——

[Remember, if you choose not to cause damage to Anchimata, you must hurt it once, so that it will not dare to fight back during the transportation to Jupiter. 】

——Before departure, Lei Xu had told him so.

Muscular, strong and terrifyingly strong, the fists of the earth giant raised high...

And Lei Xu's side——

MMP's 2V1, I'm not Guiman!

While complaining, Lei Xu kicked away the starfish that was rushing towards him, and elbowed him backward.

Bang——and forced the other Anchimata back.

Tsk, these two cooperations are quite tacit, but Lei Xu has never been able to find a space.

Of course, this is also because Lei Xu deliberately controlled the power output.

During the action, even the sound of breaking the wind was very small, for fear that it would be smashed to pieces, and an oolong incident in which body tissues penetrated the antimatter barrier would occur.

——Without Fujimiya, the barrier breakdown cannot be repaired.

However, after playing for so long, Lei Xu has discovered Anqi Mata's flaws, or shortcomings.

—Anchimata does seem to have two mind controls.

Hurt one of them, and the other's movement will be affected.

With that, things suddenly become simpler...

Lei Xu's figure was extremely sharp, and he seemed to be slowly and quickly facing Anqi Mata's half body.

Bang bang bang - bang bang bang -

Every punch can produce bright sparks and electric currents, and every contact can make the big star on the opposite side feel the pain.

Dijia's electric fist punched through the disgusting body with powerful fists. In the flames of the explosion, half of Anchimata's body fell into long-term convulsions.

Get one!

Lei Xu glanced at the other starfish that was approaching him from the corner of his eye, one jumped into the air, overlooking the two starfishes colliding, turning into a ball and rolling gourd.

Both fists crossed between the eyebrows, and the blazing red on the surface of the body was once again dyed with four colors of red, blue, gold and silver—composite type!

When he raised his hand, a brilliant golden light flow penetrated the atmosphere and disappeared on the body surface of the two antimatter monsters.

Hit autistic?


I, someone Lei, is Tiga now, and the Dharma King should uphold elegance~.

A low-consumption hard control skill that I once wanted to master but failed so far——Otto fixed.

Raise your hand and come!

Tsk——, Tijia, the name of the Dharma King is really good.

You don't even need to grab it with your own hands—Lei Xu comfortably pulled out an invisible tractor beam, and lifted the two overlapping Anchima Towers high, and the strangely flowing translucent red light ball quietly flew out of the atmosphere. .....

[Yo——, chewing gum! 】

As soon as he flew out of the atmosphere, he looked up and saw Gaia, who was pushing Anchimata, flying in front bitterly.

【Eh!Senior, I thought you would wait a while. 】

Lei Xu quickly followed and kept pace with Gaia:

[Hey, you don't understand the romance of the king of France. 】

Chewing Gum, who couldn't understand the stalk, chose to remain silent.

The brilliant sea blue skyrocketed up from under the atmosphere of the blue planet, and Fujimiya's voice was more serious than usual:

【Lei, whether it’s a conspiracy to destroy the incoming body, or a challenge letter sent by an antimatter civilization to try to confirm the strength of the material universe, do you really choose to just let it go? 】

[Fujimiya...] My dream obviously didn't understand.

The restart of the universe is not an experiment that can be started casually.

Anchimata restarting the universe is only a theoretical possibility.

There can be no evidence for this!

And the reason why the anti-material civilization sent Anqi Mata, on the one hand, is that the frenzied shattering attracted the participation of the body.

On the other hand, I am afraid that the acquiescence of the high-level anti-material civilization is indispensable——

They are testing, testing whether the material universe has the ability to stop Anchimata.

After all, if you insist on restarting the universe, there are many planets in the universe that are larger than the earth, so there is no need to come to a civilized planet like the earth.

The target is the earth, and it has been proved that the antimatter side does not want to start a war lightly.

It would be better to say that the opponent was ready to fail from the very beginning.

Then, the real intention of the anti-matter civilization is worth considering.

Anchimata is a letter of challenge!

Its mission...

To test whether the material universe has the ability to reverse the anti-matter technology.

And...whether the civilization of the material universe has the ability to fight against a super biological weapon like Anchimata!

I dreamed for a long time before I figured it out.

Lei Xu turned his head to look at Aguru, who had manifested his figure outside the barrier, and pondered for a moment:

【Do you have any idea? 】

[The positive and negative universes are interdependent, and the opening of disputes will inevitably lead to destruction.

So even if we have this ability, we cannot easily launch an attack. 】

Fujimiya said lightly:

[But this does not mean that we have no way to make the actions of anti-material civilization public. 】

【You mean...】

My dream is still trying to follow the train of thought, but Lei Xu understands in seconds:

[Let other peaceful civilizations in another dimension suppress those lunatics, isn't that the point? 】


【However... the announcement will be made in a different dimension universe. 】

Lei Xu looked suspiciously in the direction of Aguru:

[Can this kind of thing really be done? 】

[What is the carrier of the information? ] My dream also inserted into the dialogue.

Lei Xu: ...

One is nonsense asking if it is possible, and the other is a question of what is the carrier of information.

Chewing gum, do you know that you will make me look low.

[Carrier, isn't that kind of thing right in front of you? 】 What Fujimiya said is a matter of course.

【Eh--? 】

I was startled:

【Fujimiya, you mean...】

[Anchimata is so dangerous, and the wormhole leading to the antimatter universe in the orbit of Jupiter has been open all the time. The meaning of the opposite is already obvious, right? 】

——As of now, it is still within the range that Lei Xu can understand.

And next...

[Light quantum itself has the function of transmitting information, I dream, you should know this better than anyone else, and Chrysis is also made based on this principle. 】

[The computer system of different dimensions is not necessarily based on 0 and 1, Fujimiya, how do you make the other party understand the information we left? 】

Fujimiya seemed to be sneering in the words:

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