[Mathematics is the universal language of the universe. Since the positive and negative matter universes are interdependent, it is also very convenient to transmit information based on the logic of numbers. 】

Lei Xu: OvO

[So you want to use the photons produced by the annihilation of positive and antimatter to transmit information?No, I don't agree! 】

The attitude of my dream is very firm:

[This is too dangerous. With the current technology of human beings, it is impossible to stably control the annihilation reaction of positive and negative matter. 】

[Who said to use human power? 】

There was a faint hint of disappointment in Fujimiya's words:

[My dream, your development of Ultraman's power is too shallow! 】

[Aguru’s ability to transform heavy particles is not self-contained. If you have enough understanding of the transformation process of heavy particles and the power of Gaia, you can naturally simulate the production of antimatter by virtue of the combination of photon energy. 】

【Now you are in a state of dematerialization, and the forward and reverse transformation models of heavy particle transformation are all in your heart. Now start to use Gaia’s energy simulation immediately, we are still some distance away from Jupiter’s orbit. 】

Fujimiya's tone was relaxed, as if he was describing a calculation problem for elementary school students:

[This should be easy for you as an Ultraman, my dream! 】

Lei Xu: ...

Why do you suddenly feel like you've been scolded?

Being shot while lying down belongs to yes.

Hiss—— Lei Xu suddenly woke up.

No wonder he didn't successfully use Aguru's dematerialization light on the Tiga? Ocean Light model.

Emotion is still a high IQ skill that needs the support of pre-knowledge theory?


To be honest, Lei Xu was very excited after Tiga gained the power of Aguru. In addition to the cool sea lightsaber and the epic defense enhancement of the air type, the biggest reason is this anti-material light.

As for the aguru shield that can close the wormhole...

Lei Xu didn't have much hope...Even Unigin couldn't close the time-space wound, and Agur's shield might not be able to work on it.

Back to dematerializing rays—

Let's put it this way, if he can learn this, Lei Xu will dare to go to the sixth universe alone now, and fight the empire to the death.

The real picking of flowers and flying leaves can hurt...monsters.

Picking up a stone at random, throwing away the antimaterialization, hey, the monster annihilates and vaporizes in place.

The kind that Jayden's ring shield can't stop.

Use environment...Use with caution in planetary atmospheres.

Because you don't know if a strange large object will suddenly enter, the light will hit it, and it will be transformed into antimatter.

The ending changed to 'Oh, it's over' in seconds.

【So it is~】

I Meng was silent for a while, and then said excitedly:

【I succeeded! 】

Lei Xu:? ? ?

Human words?

[Ultraman's power is enough to leave a long-term reaction mechanism in Anchimata's body, and fix the amount of positive matter particle conversion. Even if it reacts in Anchimata's body, it will not cause any harm to itself . 】

Fujimiya continued to state his plan:

[If the energy is sufficient, it is not a problem to adjust the law of the amount of photons released depending on the amount of information, and to maintain the emission for thousands of years. 】

[Will it not be lifted by anti-material civilization? 】

Lei Xu can tell that my dream is a dead duck with a hard mouth.

[What information should be conveyed? 】

——No, they are all asking what to pass on...! ! !

Are you asking what the news is?

You two progress... what am I missing?

——Lei Xu just wanted to ask, when he suddenly noticed that I was in Mengteng Palace, one was far away and the other was close, and two pairs of light bulb eyes looked at me in unison.


【What... why? 】

So so, so so...

[All in all, I don’t know what message to deliver to achieve a deterrent effect, do I? 】

【Um! 】

I dream honestly:

[According to Fujimiya's theory, I should be able to use the power of Gaia to turn Anchima Tower into a light quantum signal tower, transform quantitative positive matter particles through regular transformation, and make it possible to transmit digital information to the outside world...]

【Stop stop stop! 】

Lei Xu was stunned for a moment, and interrupted:

[Don't tell me these theories that I don't understand, speak human words——, what are the information requirements? 】

[The less information the better, let the other side understand what happened, and at the same time have a deterrent effect. 】

Fujimiya Lin always put forward three directional requirements.

Emmm, Lei Xu fell into deep thought.

It's simple to say, the less information the better, and it is a big problem to let the antimatter side on the opposite side understand what happened.

It has to be added with enough deterrent effect...

Tsk——, I think you are embarrassing me, someone Lei.

After thinking for a while, Lei Xu didn't have a clue, eyes...why are these two people still staring at him?

...Come on, this is indeed not the strength of the scientists of the two Austrian departments, Lei Xu forced himself to sink into his thoughts.

Lei Xu has a strong feeling that he should know how to do it, the answer is very simple, it is hidden in his memory...

Memories from middle school!

Ah, don’t think about it, don’t want to recall it!

Suddenly, Lei Xu muttered in a sullen voice:

【I'm looking. 】

[Is this sentence okay? 】

I Dream & Fujimiya: ? ? ?

[You see, the less information the better, one sentence is always fine. 】

Lei Xu described his thoughts to the two:

[There is no need to explain, and there is no need to explain. Anqi Mata's return is a proof of his ability. 】

[You two can turn Anqi Mata into an optical quantum signal tower. The technological content of this operation should not be low, right? 】

Aguru & Gaia: Otto Head.jpg

[This is not enough. 】

Lei Xu shrugged:

[What explanation is needed for this? 】

[The three Anchimata returned the same way, and they will inevitably be received by the anti-matter civilization that is ready]

[Then, they didn't wait for the expected counterattack, only to find the biological weapon they had sent over, and Anchimata became an unstoppable and unstoppable photon signal tower. 】

[And this cold signal tower has only repeated one sentence for thousands of years——]

Lei Xu's words were a bit gloomy, as if he was telling a horror story:

【I——, I'm looking at you. 】

Dijia Tilted Head.jpg

Lei Xu tilted his head left and right, no, yes or no, at least give me some feedback.

[Senior, you are simply amazing! 】

Huh——, Lei Xu suddenly felt relieved.

Chewing gum is still very face-saving, no matter how many layers of perfunctory...

Not perfunctory? ? ?

Ott's words can prove that the words I dreamed just now were indeed sincere.

Lei Xu subconsciously looked at Aguru...Fujimiya did not raise any objections.

Hiss, is it possible that my IQ is actually quite high?

Let chewing gum give me a class another day, see if I can put on a scientist/civilian vest, and use the mysterious power of the Austrian universe (free prostitution) to improve my strength.

——Lei Xu's daily delusion.

Jupiter orbit.

The wormhole leading to the antimatter universe is just like the first time I saw it, and there are circles of invisible ripples rippling out regularly in the event horizon.

【Then, I will start first. 】

The two overlapped each other, and Anchimata, who was clamped by Otto until now, was slowly pushed into the wormhole by Lei Xu.

In the next second, a group of azure blue light mist particles quietly submerged into the back of the handsome giant of light.

There is not much difference between positive and negative materialization in feeling. Lei Xu turned around and gave Fujimiya a nod to Otto, making room for Gaia.

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