[I'm about to start! 】

Across the light red antimatter barrier, Gaia's body surface glows rose-red visible to the naked eye, almost blending with the barrier background.

Immediately, the magenta light penetrated the disgusting body of the autistic Anchimata, causing the starfish monster to squirm.

The closed shells unfolded slightly, revealing a little blue light to observe in the dark.

But when this Anchimata saw Gaia exuding rose-red brilliance all over her body, her jet-black body closed instantly.

Lei Xu had no doubt that the force of that blow just now was enough to pinch a cosmic worm.

...I dreamed what the hell did this kid do to Anchimata?

It seems that I did explain that a beating can make Anqimata shut up... Can a simple beating achieve this effect?

Is Anchimata too fragile, or is my dream's recent increase in violence?

...can't think too deeply!

On Gaia's chest, the life meter began to flash red——

【enough! 】

Fujimiya's words interrupted the movement of my dream just in time.

After stopping the launch, Gaia did not immediately push Anchimata into the wormhole not far away.

Even at a distance, Lei Xu could clearly see that the surface of this Anchimata seemed to be flickering and radiant.

This is... the effect of photon signal towers?

It seemed so right—the giant representing the earth gently pushed Anzimata into the wormhole, turned around and stopped in the void.

This time, Fujimiya didn't make a joke about the simple chewing gum like in the original plot.

Magenta rays of light entered the body, and as the light and mist flowed, the hazy black shadow representing dematerialization on Gaia's body surface disappeared instantly.

The giant of the ocean raised his hand, and it seemed that the brilliance of lightning was wrapped in it, instantly smoothing the wormhole leading to the antimatter universe.

——Aguru shielded!

Lei Xu is not at all envious of the special skill specially used to block wormholes - he can use it even in the Dijia state.

【It's been a lot of work, it's over... let's go back to Earth! 】

Red, blue and white, three shining rays of light pull out eye-catching light trails in the dark void...


what is that?

——In the state of Dijia, Lei Xu can have normal vision even when he is on the road.


As far as Lei Xu is concerned, the previous transformation of Dijia has no value other than training the configuration of light skills...including rushing.

The super vision unique to the Ultraman form allows Lei Xu to clearly capture the inconspicuous darkness outside the earth's atmosphere.

【Boost! 】

That is......

Lei Xu sent a message to my dream and Fujimiya:

[I seem to see a wormhole outside the earth that destroys the host. 】

【what! ! ? 】

XIG has just undergone a comprehensive mobilization. Even if they don't really participate in the battle, the nerves of the combatants are still tense.

What's more, the Fighter fighters are all specially equipped with heavy particle conversion devices, so there is hardly any normal combat capability.

If you count Kuroda Kei's order to appease Renlong in advance, the earth monsters will never fight.

With Lei Xu and the three Ultramans absent, the earth is wide open.


As expected, the disillusioned recruit body has a second hand, what exactly is it trying to do by using Anqi Mata to divert the tiger away from the mountain?

There is no need to repeat how far the distance is from the earth to Jupiter.

It takes four or ten minutes for even light to cross, a scale like a moat.

However, the anxious Sanao crossed this long distance in less than 5 minutes.

Lei Xu's heart was heavy——

If we still use the plot as a reference, is it the cosmic microbes or the model worker jellyfish Mezzard?

The metal life form Arjulos had arrived ahead of time and was defeated by Fujinomiya, and it couldn't be the super-giant celestial creature Diglob, which didn't arrive through a wormhole.

Not counting the recovered ones inside the earth, could it be the cosmic Thunder Beast Baciss?

No, not necessarily—

After the three Anchimata, the so-called plot is just a list of enemy service data that is no longer completely reliable.

Except for the cadres of the shattered recruiting body like Buniao Reaper, Lei Xu would not be surprised no matter who the shattered recruiting body sent this time.


Why is it Japan again?

The co-authored disillusionment invites the body to have trouble with Japan, right...cough cough.

Lei Xu looked over the thick cloud-like wormhole vortex, and fell into the already fragmented city...

The shining light condensed into a shining giant standing outside the atmosphere. Lei Xu stared dumbfounded at the ferocious soldiers and beasts surrounded by a dilapidated spaceship surrounded by a dozen or so in the urban area below.

【This is impossible! 】

In his mind, the unbelievable words stopped the two lights of the earth who were breaking into the atmosphere.

My dream and Fujimiya looked at Lei Xu suspiciously, not understanding what incredible scene he had seen.

[This TM, how is it possible! ! ! 】

The radiant and holy white light collapsed into countless scattered white light spots, scorching into the hot rainbow light——

Ignoring the already glowing red timer in the center of his chest, the red giant of light suddenly turned into a red shooting star penetrating the surface of the earth, falling towards the bustling city without any hesitation...

62 Empires in style!

Terrifying and brutal behemoths prostrated themselves in the center of the city and formed a group. A huge ravine with a width of three to four kilometers irregularly tore this international city apart from the edge of the trench to the center.

No one knows where the original streets and city buildings, residential areas and mansions in the ravine are.

On the edge, more than a dozen buildings torn in half, screams of fear one after another came from the leaning buildings.

At the irregular break, sometimes a figure slipped from the wreckage of the half-disintegrated building, and fell to the ground with a long scream.

Above the chaotic streets, car sirens and heart-piercing screams, as well as billowing black smoke rising from the flames burning everywhere, made a noise.

The magenta ray of light swept across the fragmented city full of fear and death, trying to save the next person who could not support their own weight and fell to the ground.

【senior!Fujimiya! 】

I didn't have time to be shocked and sad in my dream, and he didn't even have time to let go of the survivors he wrapped in the light.

Representing the warmth and radiance of the earth, it wanders in the reinforced concrete city in an orderly manner, bringing hope of life to people who are suffering suddenly.

【What's going on? 】

Fujimiya's actions are more cautious, and the blue light representing the sea penetrates the ruins of the collapsed buildings.

A comatose victim with broken limbs and legs, but no signs of life, was surprised to find that he had miraculously escaped before he realized what had happened.

For the first time, Lei Xu did not respond to any of My Dream and Fujimiya.

At this moment, the eyes of the red giant in mid-air only reflected the end of the wide ravine——

Dozens of ferocious giant beasts surrounded by a damaged giant ship, their bodies crisscrossed with lava-like bright lines of fire.

Can't go wrong!

These are all soldiers.

Imperial soldiers!

Lei Xu's mind went blank.


Why do soldiers and beasts representing the empire appear on Gaia Earth?

And that ship!

Lei Xu looked at the giant pitch-black starship that collapsed at the end of the gully, with a spindle-shaped outline, covered with bruises, and the metal hull armor had striking bends and fractures. Unknown energy lights shone from the damaged gaps.

Even if the ship is tilted, more than 1/5 of the hull is covered under the fragments of the disintegrated building and various debris, the exposed part is even more magnificent than the tallest building in the city More than ten times.

Where the armor was damaged, the size and size of the suspected gun muzzles and energy coagulation probes that were faintly visible were significantly larger than the tall buildings on the side.

This——is not all!

Under Lei Xu's super vision, there are hidden weapon units under the armor of the giant ship, the exact number of which cannot be seen at a glance, and some of them are even still active.

This is a very typical starry space ship specially built for war!

Could it be the Empire's...

It can be seen that this ship experienced a fierce battle not long ago, with terrible tears and penetrating injuries all over the surface of the hull.

On the sloping smooth metal armor facade, the traces of being torn by giant claws are particularly eye-catching.

However, the real fatal wound seems to be a few deep cavities with a width of more than a hundred meters in the center.

In addition, there are very obvious traces of melting and explosion on the armor of the hull, and the half-open cracked part is burnt black.

From the appearance alone, this giant starship is terrifying enough, and it is hard to understand how powerful an existence that can defeat this terrifying starship must be.

Suddenly, the mouth of a soldier guarding the starry sky giant ship, which was closed like a thin line, suddenly stretched out into a round O shape.

In the next second, a terrifying line of fire like hell lava swept across the sky, blasting a landing rescue helicopter in the air with incomparable precision, and also made Lei Xu's raised hand stagnate in the void.

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