
[I have seen the bridge of the imperial starship, they can use space technology to accommodate the bridge into an autonomous damage control maintenance machine less than half a meter high.

On that ship, each energy storage compartment can be docked with the command system without damage. 】

My dream & Chiba & Ishimuro & Hiroyuki Hiiragi:  …

In just one sentence, what is revealed is the terrifying level of technology that human beings can hardly match.

Especially——except for my dream, the rest of them are all from military background.

Commanders, generals, staff officers... Their positions make them more aware of what kind of design concept this setup is based on, and what kind of application scenarios it serves.

It can be said that this setting completely cuts off the possibility of accidents and fire on the bridge.

Such a battleship, unless it is completely destroyed.

Otherwise, even if there is only one intact turret or other weapon unit left, it may continue to attack under the control of the bridge.

Completely and completely, it serves war, and it is also a design that can only be found in extremely intense space wars.

It is foreseeable that this type of bridge can be popped up anytime and anywhere, so as to ensure the safety of the bridge crew to the greatest extent.

Recycling——, replacing it with a new ship will immediately restore its intact combat effectiveness.

Veterans who have experienced failure will become more cunning, and their combat effectiveness will not decrease but increase...

"Mr. Ray, I have a question."

Hiroyuki Hiroyuki worded carefully:

"I hope to get your answer."


Lei Xu changed his observation angle again, and there was some haste in his words—the timer flickered faster and faster, and the energy was insufficient!

[No honorable title, you can ask, but I don't guarantee that I can answer. 】

Hirohiro turned a deaf ear, he stared solemnly at the red giant outside the porthole, and said slowly:

"I would like to ask, what is your relationship with the empire? And why do you know so much relevant information?"

6 4 Is there a suitable place?

Hirohiko's question pulled Lei Xu back most of his energy.

While brainstorming—

Do you want to tell the truth?

In fact, this is nothing. The empire and the ruined party should be regarded as irreconcilable or even hostile.

Lei Xu looked at the dense scars on the surface of this giant starship, and had a vague guess about the enemy it faced.

Terrible scratches, one huge hole after another, suspected to be penetrated by something, and the extremely violent melting and burning marks and explosion marks.

In the sky, the wormhole that destroys the incoming body is still not closed.

Combined with the fact that this starship giant fell from the wormhole, the one fighting it should not be...

[Hostile relationship! 】

Lei Xu didn't leave too much time for the few present to digest, and further explained:

[To put it simply, I set off to the Kingdom of Light to ask for help in response to the threat of the empire, but by chance I ended up in this universe. 】

"Ask for help?"

Staff Officer Chiba couldn't help asking:

"Is the empire invading you?"

But Shishi has captured more interesting keywords——

"Where is the Kingdom of Light?"

"For help... In other words, the Kingdom of Light has the strength to rival the Empire?"

Divided against each other... The empire is a super civilization that directly ruled the two universes.

The comparison between the strength of the Kingdom of Light and the Empire... Lei Xu has no idea who is telling the truth.

But this does not prevent him from giving an affirmative answer without hesitation——

【Yes! 】

[The Kingdom of Light has a total of 180 billion giants of light like me...Ultraman, resisting imperial aggression is effortless. 】

Thinking of the state of the Kingdom of Light's time travel like eating after the Super Milky Way and... the operation of the old king incarnate into the universe, Lei Xu once again surged with confidence.

This calculation is not blind self-confidence... After all, the gang in the Kingdom of Light are truly idealistic creatures.

Miracles are almost a daily routine for these guys, and their friends are all over the universe—the civilizations that the Kingdom of Light has helped are almost all over the universe.

Lei Xu complained in his heart——

It's different from myself, a half-bad guy who needs help from Mother Earth.


Big Brother Chiba was stunned, and he struggled to squeeze out a voice from his throat:

"180 billion... Ultraman?"

The rest of the people were speechless for a while, they could understand this number, and it was precisely because they understood the number 180 billion that they could better understand the horror of it.

180 billion Ultraman, the number of humans on earth is not even 80 billion.

-Gaia Earth is at the turn of the century.

There are a lot of researches on Ultraman in Geo Base.

I can testify in my dream that the analysis data of Gaia, Reza, and Aguru are full.

Not to mention the explosive power of light skills, Ultraman can remove all human armed forces and modern industrial facilities in a very short time by relying on ultra-high-speed flight close to the ground.

That's why - in the original plot, after Fujimiya's identity was exposed, the GUARD's arrest of him was delayed because of this.

Geo Base has even been reduced to Fujimiya's back garden. No matter whether he has the power of Aguru, he can come and go whenever he wants, and he can always successfully obtain information.

Do you really think that GUARD soldiers are made of mud?

It is too sweet!

It was clearly testing Fujimiya, building his mental model, and trying to figure out his bottom line.

At the same time, he is also afraid of the power of Aguru and the revenge of Fujimiya.

Strength and wisdom, neither alone is terrible.

But once combined...

Look at the attitude of GUARD towards Fujimiya in the plot.

They didn't even dare to really arrest and stop him, even if Fujimiya had already lost the light of Aguru at that time.

And there are 180 billion such existences.

Shi Shi and the others don't know that Lei Xu's combat strength is considered outstanding if he wins the Kingdom of Light.

——The current Lei Xu, in terms of pure combat power, has no problem competing with any Ultra Brothers in the TV era, he has this confidence.

I, Reza, V2!

——Gaia Earth, God forever!

Lei Xu is very dog-legged.

"Then... where is the Kingdom of Light?"

Shishi hesitated for a while, and added:

"Is it in...another universe?"

[The Kingdom of Light is located in the M300 nebula, which is about 78 million light-years away from the earth. The Kingdom of Light is the name of Ultraman's parent star. 】

【Eh!It's in another universe, that's right, in this universe... I don't know if there is a Kingdom of Light. 】

Lei Xu gave everyone a reassurance first, and then changed the subject:

[But I think you should be able to guess... For the Ultramen of the Kingdom of Light, traveling through the universe is not very difficult. 】

Ishimuro & Hiroyuki Hiiragi:  …

"What is Kingdom of Light's position?"

Hiroyuki Hiiragi deserves to be the brigadier general of the GUARD, grasping the key points with precision.

【Protect the weak... At least in the universe where the Kingdom of Light is located, they take the initiative to shoulder the responsibility of maintaining the order of the universe. 】

"Actively shoulder? Maintain order?"

Hiroyuki frowned.

...Lei Xu also found that his description was somewhat inappropriate.

No——, it should be said to be thought-provoking!

For those present, this description could easily fit into a ready-made template—America!

The Pacific Police, holding the banner of maintaining world order, is actually the chief culprit in causing world chaos.

Ahem——, skip it.

Humans usually use their own cognitive framework to substitute and describe all unknowns——

Hiroyuki Hiroyuki believes that the Kingdom of Light is a so-called "maintaining order" similar to the United States that puts its own interests as the highest priority.

[Don't use the United States as a substitute... The Kingdom of Light is a real order maintainer who only provides help and does not intervene in civilization and biological disputes within the planet.

They are the protectors of human civilization, regard the earth as an irreplaceable planet, and have protected human beings from alien invaders countless times from aggression and challenges that are beyond their current capacity...]

[Let's go here! 】

Lei Xu's sudden stop drew everyone's attention instantly——

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