In mid-air, the red giant suddenly turned into a ball of blazing light, and silently sank into the starship below him.

Less than five seconds later, the red light pulled out a bright trajectory, penetrating Mir from bottom to top.

In the eyes of the crowd, the iridescent brilliance condensed and outlined a slender figure.

"Aguru and Gaia will take turns guarding the ship while I'm away."

Hugging a huge silver metal egg engraved with countless tiny circuits on its surface, Lei Xu smiled at everyone:

"This thing is actually quite heavy. Is there any suitable place?"

65 Does anyone want to go in and have a look together?

It was said that it was a turn, but in fact, only Fujimiya was squeezed out.

The EX accompanied the flight, and together with the Mir, it slowly pressed down on the wings.

"This is... the bridge?"

Looking at the silver metal egg placed upright on the ground, the height is only as high as his lower abdomen,

Big Brother Chiba had an expression of 'I'm an honest man, don't lie to me'.


Lei Xu looked at everyone with a funny face, and found that except for my dream, the faces of the rest of the people were more or less disbelieving.

This even includes stone chambers.


In general, humans can only understand things within their existing cognitive framework.

"Dead tall and short—"

I dreamed of squatting next to the metal egg, surrounded by strange instruments, and the PDI screen in my hand showed a silvery white.

Lei Xu:?

In such a short time, where did you get so many research tools?

Ning is my dream robot cat?

Soon, Lei Xu put aside the doubts in his mind——

"Look at—"

I Meng pointed at the PDI screen excitedly, "This is already at the nanometer level, and the microstructure is still invisible."

Then, he pressed the PDI, "Then this, in theory, we should be able to see the nucleus and electrons now, but..."

A little gully suddenly appeared on the PDI screen, and the angle of view seemed to be recalled to the previous level of precision.

During this process, a majestic circuit drawn vertically and horizontally and flowing with blue lights comes into view.

Lei Xu didn't even see its whole picture clearly, and the picture on the PDI returned to a smooth silvery white with nothing in it.

In other words,

"...what happened?"

Staff Officer Chiba blinked to fill in the frame, but everyone else saw the fleeting and magnificent circuit diagram.

"This is atomic-level precision, and the performance of this material exceeds even..."

"Hi! That's it."

Lei Xu clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention.

——If I let my dream continue, there is a half chance that Chewing Gum will enter mad scientist mode.

The other half was talking about things that normal people couldn't understand.

Lei Xu decisively eliminated both possibilities.

"Registration starts now—does anyone want to go in and take a look together?"


Seeing the people present looking over at the same time, Lei Xu pretended to be shy:

"Although my load is not very large, it shouldn't be a problem to bring a few people into it."

"I'm going!"

I am excited to raise my hand:

"Please, please take me with you, this is a once in a lifetime request!"

——The chewing gum whose identity has not been revealed can only enter the bridge with the help of Lei Xu.

Shishi is quite calm:

"What do I need to prepare?"

It seems that Shishi is also very curious about the bridge of the alien warship.

——Just treat it as curiosity.

"Full protective suits and temporary oxygen supplies are stocked at Base Geo."

I dream a quick addition:

"We also need some non-lethal capture weapons considering the Koro people inside..."

"There's no need for that."

Lei Xu showed an inexplicable smile:

"I will handle it."

"...That's it!"

Director Tsutsumi turned to Higuchi and saluted:

"sorry to bother you!"

Soon, a group of people changed into lean black protective clothing and put on full face helmets.

By the way, there is a team of heavily armed GUARD ground support team-they will also follow.

"The setting of the protective clothing is internal circulation. You want it too urgently. The temporary oxygen supply device can last up to half an hour."

Without any surprise, Higuchi glanced at Lei Xu who was still in casual clothes, "Please pay attention to the time."

"Don't worry—it will take less than half an hour.]

In the blazing rainbow light, a human-sized red Ultraman appeared in front of everyone, and the timer on his chest flickered very soothingly.

Roughly feel it, the energy recovery is less than 5% - more than enough to deal with the less than twenty Ke Luo crew members in the bridge.

[Please prepare to accept the captives. 】

Lei Xu started the Otto chanting, and pulled in everyone present, including Higuchi and a group of GUARD ground fighters:

[In addition to sterility, the air composition requirements of the Koro people are about 14% oxygen, 8% carbon dioxide, and 20 mg ozone per square meter. Others can be filled with inert gases. 】

——Lei Xu still has a fresh memory of the air environment requirements of the Keluo people.

Hearing this, Shishi couldn't help raising his head and took a deep look at Lei Xu.

After a while——, nodding silently.

In the next second, a strong red light swept past, engulfing a group of people and submerging them into the silver metal egg surrounded by a circle of instruments.

What caught the eye was a cylindrical space with a very sci-fi style, and the side of the ring was full of cascading light screens in the void. In front of the light screen, a dry and thin brown figure with six limbs could be seen——Koro Crewman.

There is a strange and strange star map floating in the center, and the meaning of the strange red symbol on the side should be disconnected - Lei Xu guessed.

On the other side is a floating...Zolim?

Lei Xu forgot to move for a while, and stared blankly at the phantom of the miniature monster in the picture.

Luxurious diamond-encrusted big head and surprisingly long neck, plus that tongue that makes the SAN value skyrocket...

Lei Xu was sure that Zolim was right!

Tsk, so it is true that as he guessed before, is the enemy facing this giant starship of the empire a creature of destruction?

The others observed that the speed of the outside world was one step slower than Lei Xu's.

"This is... the bridge?"

I Meng glanced greedily at the interior of the bridge, and now he only felt that his eyes were not enough.

Except for Lei Xu, all the people in the group were overwhelmed by the eye-catching sci-fi interior scene, and the intercom channel was full of heavy breathing.

The arrival of so many people is naturally impossible to be ignored by the Ke Luo crew members.

[It's an intruder! 】

A Koro crew member raises a pistol-like weapon.

[For Koro and the Empire! 】

Feeling weak, he could tell at a glance that he was a fish-fishing monster who could only call 666.

【Kill them! 】

Tsk, the one sitting on the captain's seat is definitely the highest officer here.


[It's still the same. 】

The impatience in Lei Xu's words was fully exposed:

【Crack! 】

In the next second, a red streamer swept across the entire bridge.


The crisp collision sound was accompanied by miserable screams from time to time, and soon, a 'pile of corpses' was built on the ground in front of everyone.

My Dream & Stone Room & Everyone:  …

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