When there was no more Keluo crew member in the air, Lei Xuning held a dry Keluo man whose clothes were obviously different from other Keluo crew members and slowly landed.

Shishi was refreshed:

"This is......"

[Commander Shishi, wait a moment. 】

After saying that, the red Ultraman left the Koro man.

Stretching out his hand——, breaking all his upper and lower limbs with familiarity...

66 任务or秘密~

3 minutes later--

The group of people fell silent as they watched a row of more than 20 Keluo people with six limbs amputated on the ground.

Lei Xu didn't realize how much his brutal actions had affected Shishi and the others, but Womeng watched silently.

The innocent boy who has always been kind and gentle lowered his head and stood by.

——He knows a little about the empire.

Shi Shi casually glanced at my Meng's expressionless face, a flash of understanding flashed in his eyes.

In contrast, both Hiroyuki Hiiragi and Staff Officer Chiba looked unhappy.

Seeing Lei Xu walking slowly towards the first Keluo man again, Hirohiro took the initiative to take a step forward, saying in a deep voice:

"Mr. Lei Xu, what you do may cause us trouble.

Please also stop for a moment, whether it is a hostile stance or out of the most basic humanitarianism, torturing captives is not a qualified and civilized performance. "

[No——, this is not abusing prisoners, I'm not that boring yet. 】

Lei Xu turned his head to look at him, and vetoed in his words:

[I'm just disabling their ability to resist, if you're worried about causing diplomatic problems...

Well, you better hope the coordinates of this universe haven't been revealed yet.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be surprised if 100 million warships like Tokyo's now appear outside the Earth's atmosphere in the next second. 】


Staff Officer Chiba was startled, but the baptism effect of the previous 180 billion figure was remarkable, and he subconsciously took a step forward:

"Why do you say that?"

[Because the basic civilization national policy of the empire is...conquer when you see it, and destroy the weak. 】

Lei Xu bent down, locked the neck of the Koro man who was suspected to be the highest official, and lifted him up, forcing him to look at him.

[Also——, the 100 million I said is the standard number of warships under the imperial military system for a capital fleet. 】

[In fact, including logistics supply ships, engineering ships and other special ship types, there will be about 500 million ships. 】

Hiroyuki Hiiragi: ...

Lei Xu's tone was light, but the content of the statement, or the information, made everyone present dumbfounded...except my dream.

——His frightened time is relatively early.

Seeing everyone's reaction, Lei Xu decided to add another spoonful of oil.

[Finally, you should have seen the biological weapons guarding the starship before, right? 】

Shi Shi and the others listened with great concentration——

[Those things are called soldiers and beasts, and they are the lowest-level components of the empire's military equipment system.

By analogy, it is similar to a bullet in status, and in terms of value... it is even cheaper. 】


As if knowing that the world will be destroyed tomorrow, Shishi and the others reacted as exaggeratedly as when they heard that Anchimata could restart the universe.

【All right!No need to pretend! 】

Lei Xu also pulled the screaming guy into the reading channel.

[Koro people are very sensitive to pain, yes, but as long as you don’t touch them, the phytochemical part of your body will spontaneously secrete hormones to inhibit the transmission of pain nerve signals. 】

——This is the conclusion of the relevant report issued by the Coro research team at the L7 base.

【Now, tell me the truth——】

Lei Xu slowly narrowed the distance, his angular bright yellow eyes stared directly at the pair of eyes hiding fear and pain:

[Tell me how you came to this universe.

Are there any other spaceships traveling with us, and where are they now?

Also, how many dimensional signal towers are there on the ship you took, and where are they hidden...]

【Say! ! ! 】

In an instant, Tai Da understood that the enemy who invaded the bridge in front of him had a considerable understanding of Ke Luo and even the empire.

In other words-

What he planned in his heart, the idea of ​​fooling the civilization on this planet for the time being, was declared shattered before it even started.

【Pooh!The enemies of the empire will perish! 】

——There was such a reply in the reading.

Good, very good!

Lei Xu hated hard bones, he bent a finger, and gently pressed on Tai Da's upper limbs where the thick wooden stubble was exposed, stroking very gently, fingering the sharp thorns on the broken stubble back and forth.


Miserable and terrifying howls shook all directions.

Half a minute later, Lei Xu read again:

[Say——, or continue? 】

The Keluo man whose neck was held by Ning glanced at him weakly, and Lei Xu saw the ridicule in it.

Throwing Tai Da's body on the ground, Lei Xu dragged his half-broken lower limb like this, and walked around Ke Luo's 'corpse' lying on the ground twice.

[Do you have anything to say? 】

After a while, the Keluo people who came back gave him a stubborn look of disdain again.

Tsk, what a tough bone.

Lei Xu has a headache, this guy is different from the embarrassing Rui Ge and Greg, this guy is a real tough guy.

Unless he can accurately grasp his weakness, no matter how much pain he suffers, he will not let go even if he is tortured to death.

Unexpectedly, Lei Xu didn't dare to kill him to make an example to others——

Where are the dimensional signal towers and how many are there? Do you have to ask this guy for this kind of information.

But some of the systems and equipment on that ship may require the cooperation of this guy to be retrieved and used.

Forget it, Lei Xu will leave this guy behind for now.

He casually picked a lump of metal from the ground and stuffed it into his mouth, then looked up at the Keluo people who were closest to him.

Lei Xu didn't believe it, could the crew of Ke Luo here be all tough guys?

Curiously, I approached the stacked light screens, touched left and right, and studied carefully.

—He is a serious scientific researcher here.

The rest of the people were basically watching Lei Xu's brutal interrogation performance.

After 10 minutes, Lei Xu stared at the sky speechlessly.

What the hell!

——All the Koro people present are tough guys.

Even if Otto can distinguish lies by reading words, it is not mind reading after all.

At least someone had to answer his question first.

Didi Didi——, the alarm sounded.


I dreamed back, weakly reminded:

"Not enough oxygen."

Lei Xu: ...

Simply put, the group of Keluo people lost their mobility completely, and the bridge was not inside the ship, so there was no need to keep guards.

Lei Xu turned into a ball of light again, and led the group out of the metal egg-shaped bridge, back to outside the Geo Base.

"Mr. Lei, if that's the case, the torture work will be postponed. Let's move them to a special cell first, shall we?"

Hiroyuki Hiroyuki's voice was very cold, as if even the last trace of warmth had been taken away.


Lei Xu nodded:

"If it doesn't work, I can only go to that ship to catch the engineer or something and ask...but the information they know is really limited."

"Mr. Lei Xu...can I call you Lei Xu directly?"

Lei Xu looked at Shishi in surprise, met the latter's gentle eyes and nodded slightly:

"Of course, I don't really care about that."

"Then Lei Xu, based on the current situation, what kind of power do you think will make all the bridge personnel not let go?"

Shishi paused, and continued after a while:

"Being able to strengthen the will of the entire bridge crew to resist, I think these Koro people must have some major mission on their shoulders.

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