Or, to put it another way, a secret that could be related to the life and death of himself, and even the entire Koro people..."

67 The collapsed Tai Da~

Shishi's analysis is not unreasonable, and it also opened up new ideas for Lei Xu.

He could have made the Koro think—

Even if they didn't have a secret that they would risk their lives to keep, the Keluo people would have no choice but to die.

It just so happened that he really had such a seemingly invisible 'handle' in his hand.

To this end, Fujimiya's cooperation is necessary, and he took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket——

L77 Survivor: [I dream, you find a chance to sneak away for Fujimiya, and transform yourself to monitor that ship. It will take me half an hour. 】

Guardian of the Earth: [No problem...but what must Fujimiya do? 】

L77 Survivor: 【...It's nothing, let's go. 】

Guardian of the Earth: [Suspicious...]

The mouth is suspicious, and the body of the chewing gum is very honest. The toilet escape fruit is a classic magic weapon.

With the light of the earth piercing the sky, the Aguru Plus in Lei Xu's hand soon vibrated——

Ocean Light: [What's the matter? 】

L77 Survivor: [Geo base, come quickly, bring the Imperial logistics ship data disk, the most original one, you can directly transform into the bridge. 】

Metal Egg Bridge.jpg

L77 survivor: 【This is the bridge. 】

Ocean Light: [immediately. 】

Guardian of the Earth: [Okay!Senior Lei, Fujimiya, I don't even know what data disk is, you two are indeed hiding a lot of things from me! 】

L77 Survivor: 【...You didn't transform into surveillance? 】

Guardian of the Earth: [Ultraman form can also swipe the phone and read PDI, typing is no problem, right? 】

Lei Xu imagined the picture of Gaia's muscular Ao holding his mobile phone and typing.

Poof——, burst out laughing.

L77 Survivor: [Okay, Fujimiya is here, remember to keep an eye on it, and destroy the wormhole that attracts bodies! 】

After typing quickly, and snapping the phone off, Lei Xu jumped into a ball of light and sank into the silver metal egg again.

Aguru is almost on the front and back of him...so is it possible that the Gio base is really the back garden of Fujimiya's family?

cough cough.

Lei Xu said succinctly: [Things. 】

In the sea-blue light, carrying a backpack, Fujimiya's figure suddenly appeared.

Snatching the backpack from Fujimiya's hand, Lei Xu urged:

[The air in this environment is harmful to you, change back quickly! 】

"It's okay, Agur's light protects me."

As he said that, Fujimiya raised his hand to shine on the original Bandai sapphire bracelet on his left wrist.


Aguru's light also has the function of replacing the human respiratory system and maintaining vital signs?

Lei Xu thought for a while... It seems that there is such a thing.

——In the original plot, in order to defeat the super-giant celestial creature Diglob, Fujimiya once transformed into a burrower and went to high pressure and high heat.The underground filled with magma poisonous gas awakens Zhong Naier. (17 episodes)

Without any protection!

Lei Xu simply didn't care about Fujimiya—his performance now is not much different from my dream just now.

The red Ultraman picked up the first and hardest bone again.

【You think I can't do anything with you, you Keluo people? 】

Tai Da looked contemptuously at the red figure on the opposite side, he had already seen through this guy who was strong on the outside but capable on the inside.

Enemies of the Empire?

Maybe, it's just a shivering lost dog who survived the fierce offensive of the empire and hid in a level 0 civilization.

He didn't even dare to kill himself, because without his own authority, he couldn't get any data and information,

—Even if he was already inside the bridge.

[Greg, Rig. 】

There were two names echoing in my mind—for some reason, Tai Da could clearly understand that these two words were names.


So familiar... a bit like Coro's style.

[Greg Corot, Rieg Corot. 】


Tae Da was terrified——

The suffix of Ke Luo is exclusive to the royal family, but not everyone is qualified...

At this time, he finally remembered the origin of these two names - as one of the captains of the Koro Royal Guard, remembering the names of all existing royal family members is the foundation of the foundation.

And if he remembers correctly, in the task description sent to him by His Royal Highness Terry...

This is a trap!

Tai Da wanted to withdraw his previous judgment, and dared to set a trap for the empire at the cost of a cosmic coordinate.

The red guy in front of him, or the existence standing behind him, is by no means a lost dog.

Tai Da was silent, turned his head and did not want to look into those bright yellow eyes.

Since it was an enemy who dared to plot against the main force of the imperial army, with only one royal guard, more than half of the royal guard's combat power was still lost, and the defeat was not shameful.

In the next second, this message came to my mind:

[Guess, do I have the ability to send news to the Imperial Army. 】

What does it mean?

The enemy is trying to break through your own psychological defenses, Tai Da, you can't listen to anything!

—he told himself so.

But the direct call to the soul is like a magic voice filling the ear:

[The news that the Ke Luo family is our undercover agent should be of great interest to the Imperial Army. 】

Tai Da straightened his head abruptly, but he couldn't see anything from the unchanged metal face.

[The Sixth Universe, Terry Coro. 】


This time, Tai Da couldn't hold back his inner line of defense at all.

——His Royal Highness has always used Tyrell in the imperial military system.

To be able to know the real name of His Highness, the person who leaked it must be a royal family!

[Greg Keluo, Rieger Keluo, the scum of the Keluo royal family, they should all be pulled to fill the front line of the empire's blood prison! 】

The monstrous hatred in the words could not be more obvious, Lei Xu was stunned for a moment.

Is the effect so obvious?

What is the front line of blood prison?

Lei Xu secretly kept this word in his heart.

It seems that this time I really caught a big fish, a tiger shark!

[If you cooperate obediently, I can give up my plan to send news to the Imperial Army. 】

Lei Xu's words were full of delusion:

[Not only that, I can even let you go, what do you think of this deal? 】


Tai Da looked at those bright yellow eyes coldly:

[Then become your eyeliner and inner ghost in the Imperial Army, right? 】

[I advise you to kill me now, otherwise, you will immediately know what real pain and despair are like. 】

Lei Xu almost laughed out loud while reading.

——In this sentence, the uneasiness of the strong but the dry is fully exposed.

[Remind you. 】

Lei Xu opened up his words to Tai Da to empathize with his emotions, and clearly conveyed his joy at the moment to the Keluo people in his hand.

【I can perceive your current emotions and...whether you are lying. 】

Tai Da:  …

2 minutes later--

Lei Xu carefully placed the Keluo man who called himself Tai Da on the ground, and asked the first question in the words——

[Tell me, how many ships have you come on this trip, what is the combat power, what is the mission destination and content? 】

68 Almost despair unfolds~

The psychological defense line was broken, and Tai Da collapsed faster than expected.

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