As a result, Lei Xu's prepared 'backhand', that is, the video proving Greg and Ruige's complete defection, as well as the relevant backup data on the imperial logistics ship, were not available.

It may be the empathy of Otto's words, which allows the interlocutor's ability to sense each other's emotions to work——

Tai Da mistakenly took the confidence of "Lei Xu has the confidence to make him believe that Greg Ruige turned his back" as the confidence that caused "Terry Keluo" to lose power, and even framed the entire Keluo civilization.

Although the process was unexpectedly simplified, Lei Xu was particularly satisfied with the effect achieved.

Terry Corow, that's an unusual name.

Previously, Lei Xu knew that the only information related to him was his identity:

Staff member of the Sixth Universe Coordination Staff Department of the Imperial Army.

He arranged the positions and military affairs of Greg and Ruige all by himself, and he also made a big cake for them, saying that he would support them to develop into logistics and the imperial military respectively.

——I don’t need too much introduction about what happened afterwards.

In short, in the imperial military headquarters of the sixth universe, the status of the royal family of Koro whose full name is Terry Koro is not low.

As for the identity of the Keluo man in Lei Xu's hands...

Tai Da - the captain of the Seventh Team of the Koro Royal Guard.

This navigation starship belongs to the Seventh Team of the Koro Royal Family, with a total of 15 Koro-class cruisers.

In the name of Ke Luo, the starship that Tai Da and his party took was not a star ship built by the Ke Luo people themselves.

Purchased from the Empire General Assembly Department, Empire Starship Management Bureau, all-environment adaptable heavy armed scientific exploration ship.

The specifications are analogous to the human navy...heavy cruiser.

In terms of combat effectiveness, it is not inferior to the imperial starships of the same level. It has both scientific research capabilities and detection performance, and its value is far beyond.

——Equivalent to a Tier [-] main starship of the Empire.

To put it bluntly, this is a luxurious and practical toy.

It is specially designed by the empire for all levels of civilization under its command, as well as those imperial people who are full and have nothing to do.

The purpose is to encourage them to become explorers and open up new cosmic frontiers for the empire.

Tsk—— Lei Xu slammed his mouth, that ship that crashed in Tokyo is really a good thing.

The gang of misfits of Alchemy Star will soon be able to enjoy the obligation 10 996 years in advance, yay!

According to Tai Da's description, they did have an important mission to shoulder during their trip.

Unsurprisingly, Tai Da's mission is related to Greg and Ruige.

To describe briefly, Greg and Ruige were assigned a spare job to accompany the prince to study, and discovered a new universe by accident.

When the news arrived, Terry thought about trying to take advantage of the slow processing time of the military department to cut off Hu.

——Give the title of 'His Royal Highness' from the imperial people!

Anyway, these imperial people who have nothing to do to have fun are basically useless waste, and they have nothing but the status of imperial people.

With Terry's status, plus two Keluo royal families, Greg and Ruige accompanied him.

Terry can describe the actions of the 4040 fleet as his own inspiration-this is the fact.

Lei Xu has no interest in the process of grabbing credit, and only keeps records.

It is worth noting that there is a more detailed process time for the Imperial Army to dispose of the "new universe discovery"——

10-20 imperial years.

It is converted on the basis of 1 imperial year ≈ 1.98 earth year.

This means that the fastest is 19.8, and the slowest is 39.6 years later——

A main fleet of the Empire will set off from the sixth universe and go to the coordinates of the signal mark to confirm whether there is a new universe.

——The crisis of the real universe is far from over!

Next, Lei Xu had an in-depth understanding of Tai Da's experience along the way.

According to Unijin, the concept of time does not exist in the space-time wound, specifically referring to the time from entering to exiting in the normal universe.

which is--

No matter how far and how long it has been in the space-time wound, the time consumption of the universe connected with it is only a moment.

The 15 ships of the Koro royal guard rushed here all the way from the sixth universe, and Tai Da's physical sensation lasted almost 7 empire months.

Chased by time-space monsters thousands of times, incomprehensible anomalies, and sometimes turbulent and sometimes calm time-space wounds themselves are huge threats.

Two stops to fight, once attracted a huge number of time and space monsters to besiege, and lost two starships.

The second time was due to the use of an energy weapon that exceeded the threshold, which caused a sudden change in the environment in the time-space wound, and the six Koro-class starships were instantly torn apart by the riot's time-space wound.

According to Tai Da's dictation, since then, the remaining seven ships in their party can only use soldiers and animals as bait.

In the space-time wound, qualified food seems to be a scarce resource.

Therefore, once encountering space-time monsters, Tai Da ordered to throw one or two soldiers down to feed the monsters...Anyway, the soldiers themselves are very cheap.

In this way, until being chased by two strange cephalopod monsters...

After the preliminary interrogation, Lei Xu repeatedly combed through the newly obtained information and couldn't help feeling chills down his back.

How long does it take?

Only a few months!

If it weren't for the special environment of the space-time wound and the space-time monsters blocking the way, I am afraid that Tai Da and his party may have arrived in the solar system of the real universe quietly.

If... Lei Xu hadn't come out with Unikin and fell into Gaia by accident, he wouldn't have been waiting to run into Tai Da, let alone learn so much information.

Seven Koro-class ships are enough to cause heavy damage to humans.

What is even more serious is that if Tai Da successfully sent back the news, the time for the arrival of the main force of the empire would not be 19.8-39.6 years.

In less than a year, mankind will usher in the crushing of an entire empire's main fleet.

Lei Xu couldn't imagine how hopeless and helpless it would be...



I dreamed of widening my eyes, and looked over with Shishi and others who rushed over after hearing the news, and said loudly:

"The one fighting the imperial starship is the Destroyer Entity?!"

"Can you be sure?"

Shi Shi took a step forward, he cared more about the destruction of his old opponent than the empire.

That's right, the empire is still thousands of miles away, and the host of destruction is already viciously attacking the earth.

It's clear which is more urgent.


Lei Xu nodded, "I successfully pried that guy's mouth open, they have a total of 7 Koro-class armed scientific exploration starships.

Breaking into the wormhole of the Destroyer Entity on the way, and fighting with the Destroyer Entity almost immediately after arriving at the landing point. "

"What about the subject of the battle?"

I can't wait to dream:

"Is the real body of the shattered summoned body an alien, or something else?"

"Is it a monster fighting the imperial starship, or is it a space battleship of the same specification?"

"It may not be intuitive to just say it by mouth..."

Lei Xu pointed to the metal egg bridge that was still lying outside among a pile of analytical instruments.

"There are all the voyage log information in there. I hope to use the power of Alchemy Star."


69 两份信号~

Alchemy Star is a large-scale international non-governmental scientific research and academic organization.

Yes, you are not mistaken--

Even with more official funding and support from the national platform, Alchemy Star is still a non-governmental organization in name.

In the story of Gaia, apart from the two lights of the earth who appear daily, the most eye-catching and important one is the alchemy star.

To express it specifically... In Lei Xu's hand, in the analysis paper related to Gaia's plot, Alchemy Star won the reputation of 'the third Ultraman'.

The analysis reports given by many think tanks have given unified suggestions:

If there is a chance to go to the Austrian world... Bah!

For the introduction of talents, the members of Alchemy Star are the first to be recommended, followed by Dr. Yatsuo from TPC, ahem.

The members of Alchemy Star, represented by Gaimeng, Fujimiya, Daniel, and Catherine, run through the entire Gaia plot.

4 years ago, the Alchemy Star light quantum computer Chrysis project was successful, predicting the arrival of the shattered host and the destruction of human beings.

Shortly thereafter, GUARD [Earth Defense Alliance against Root-destroyed Objects] was established, and countries all over the world joined forces.

In Didi Universe, Director Sawai almost single-handedly promoted world peace, and the Alchemy Star in the Gaia world is not bad either.

In four years, Alchemy Star united with countries all over the world to build the XIG air base and complete the shaping of the defense system of the whole earth.

In the middle and late stages, it was so outrageous that artificially created a wormhole leading to 44 light-years away, and created a terrible star-killing weapon such as a planet-destroying missile.

This kind of expressive power is not bad for the Kote team, which is playing against Jie Dun.

As for what, the fact that the dark green core of the natural control machine is exactly the same as the original shield system researched by Catherine is not worth mentioning.

Affected by many reports and papers, in Lei Xu's eyes, Alchemy Star is a team of Austrian scientists. Go ahead and do whatever you want. If you can't achieve it, you will lose.

But seeing her today, she really deserves her reputation——

4 hours later, the scene in Tokyo.


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