Lei Xu looked at my dream in the XIG watch in surprise—he had just received it, and he also had a XIG uniform by the way.

Maybe, Shishi is not used to Lei Xu's casual clothes?

"All logbooks downloaded?"


My dream looks very excited, to be exact, he is very excited today.

"Senior Lei, go back to the air base, Daniel and the others are here."


Snapping the watch cover shut, Lei Xu looked at Aguru who was watching the giant imperial ship, and a large green tadpole was lying on top of his head.

——It is said that Dr. Inamori ran away in embarrassment after accidentally knowing Rinal's real body.

"...That's it!"

"Fujimiya, I have to trouble you here for the time being. Prepare well and keep in touch. We need to get rid of the great enemy Zorim as soon as possible!"

【Next time, let me study you too. 】


——Iridescent brilliance pierces the sky in an instant.

Air base command office——

What did Amen Gofujimiya say?

It's too frightening... Oh!

I dreamed that maybe it was just talk.

And Fujimiya Ameng said that Lei Xu was afraid that one day he would wake up in the middle of the night and find himself lying on the research table...

Calming his mind, Lei Xu showed an awkward but polite smile when he looked at a bunch of strangers in the command room who were staring at him.

——In a hurry, I forgot to take a look at how many people were in the command room in advance.

"Hey——, I'm still wondering when I can see the true face of the amazing Ultraman."

Xun Sheng looked over, she was a beautiful European and American woman.

Catherine was not brought into the bridge by Lei Xu before.

"My name is Catherine, hello."

There was a plain white hand hanging in front of him. Although he was not used to this kind of familiarity of American social cowhide, Lei Xu still shook it cooperatively.

Then, he looked at Daniel, "Should I go in and bring him out?"

"sorry to bother you!"

Daniel simply nodded and showed a smile, "But I really didn't expect you to be Ultraman, thank you!"

【No, even though it was an accident, I can still be considered an Ultraman no matter what. 】

——Lei Xu hasn't abandoned his previous character design yet.

The iridescent radiance dyed through the metal egg bridge placed in the center of the command room. In less than half a minute, the red light brought a group of eight back to the command room.

"How about it?"

Daniel couldn't wait to help take off his protective clothing—it has been confirmed that the air on the bridge is almost sterile.

Among the eight people, the last one turned on the data storage device in his hand, and said in a muffled voice:

"It's all here!"

Lei Xu: ...

Here we can see the gap between the real universe and Austrian cosmologists.

Before Lei Xu left, GDI gathered scientific research forces from all over the planet and barely deciphered the system of the Imperial Logistics Ship, downloading data, compiling and so on.

It took eight people here four hours to download the complete logbook data.

Outrageous fucking opened the door to outrageous belongs to yes.

Although Lei Xu would like to take a look at the Empire's posture in the sixth universe, the current situation is not too bad.

Moreover, he himself is actually very curious——

What is Tsuburaya's ultimate old pit that has plagued countless arcana fans for decades, the final boss of Gaia's world, and the body that caused the destruction of the roots?

On the big screen, the time axis of the voyage log began to go backwards.

First, the arrival of the ship and the final battle——

Symphony of space - space-time wound.

The... squid monster chasing after several giant ships?

It looks as big as one ten-thousandth of a single giant ship.

This is the space-time monster that forced the seven giant ships to take the risk of breaking into an unknown area rather than fight back?

Lei Xu is a bit confused... Is the squid monster too strong, or the situation that Tai Da encountered before was so terrifying that he was scared out of PTSD by the time-space wound?

Just as he was wondering, he heard the voice from the stone room:

"If it is a black box, is there any command and analysis report of the bridge at the same time?"

"Let me see...there are some!"

In my dream, I operated for a while, and the real-time words appeared on the big screen soon, like an announcement.

[...Passively retrieved the signal of the dimensional beacon tower! 】

Lei Xu's face changed - this is a detail that Tai Da did not disclose in the previous preliminary interrogation!

Dimensional signal tower signal?

Lei Xu couldn't help thinking about it——

Speaking of which, did Younikin escape safely?

At the beginning, I had indeed held El Robpa back. It stands to reason that there is no doubt that the cute new house beast escaped successfully.

Is it difficult-

What danger happened in front of the space-time wound, forcing Younikin to look for him?

If so, where is Eugene now?

[...The interval is obvious, the independent time axis marks are chaotic, and it is speculated that it is in a state of space-time disorder...]

【...It was found that there is a man-made space-time distortion ahead, and a signal that partially matches the beacon tower was retrieved. The reason is unknown! 】

Two signals from the dimensional signal tower?


70 Destroying the Lair of Invited Body?

While Lei Xu was still struggling with the signals of the two dimensional signal towers, seven Keluo-class giant ships had already entered the black vortex in the time-space wound.

Speaking of which, Lei Xu has never seen what the inside of a wormhole looks like, no matter it is the original drama or he is actually in the Gaia universe now.

——The same goes for the Alchemy Star members present.

Tsk, eye-opening!

The image log shows a chaotic, whirlpool-like layer of gray and black, a bit like a storm cloud.

In the cloud-like environment, the strong electric current is unrestrained and random.

Dense blue currents penetrated the space like branches of trees, briefly illuminating that evil figure.

Lei Xu was shocked to see the black and white body, the bloody cross inlaid on the chest, and the pair of jet-black wings that almost blended into the background color, like a fallen angel descending, and was speechless for a moment.

Destroyer, Britzblotz!

The Austrian fans are nicknamed Cloth Bird... One of the Austrian monsters that has been blown to the sky in a certain bar.

Episode 45 of Gaia's original storyline debuts, destroying V10 Aguru's life meter within 2 seconds of the first kill, defeating Fujimiya's destruction and recruiting body cadres!

Lei Xu suddenly realized, and immediately felt lucky and scared.

The imperial ship crashed into Tokyo, and Tai Da's interrogation, two things overlapped.

So much so that Lei Xu almost forgot that he and Fujimiya Gameng had just repelled the three Anchimata this morning and dealt with the anti-universe challenge.

The timing of the appearance of the wormhole combined with the destruction of the summoned body...

Obviously this is the move of the shattered summoning body!

The three of Lei Xu were still thinking before, since the Anqi Mata incident had the shadow of a shattered summoning body, the enemy's moves would definitely leave behind.

Just like the last Animos diffusion event.

For this reason, Lei Xu specially contacted Rinal to get them ready.

It's not that there is no back trick in the relationship, it is that there is a sudden change in the middle.

——In the video, a huge ship fired at the cloth bird first.

Lei Xu almost burst into tears, Tai Da is really a good person!

It is true to directly block the disaster for the three of them.

The cloth bird is a rare intelligent and high-speed enemy in the world view of the Austrian system.

The tactical ability is extremely high, and the purpose of the action is extremely strong. The analogy belongs to the special forces among the Austrian monsters.

The ability is so comprehensive that it is terrifying——

The destructive power of the hand knife is strong enough to kill Tigulis with a single knife. The fighting ability and strength are not inferior to Gaia, and the nerve reflex and speed are all better than Gaia and Aguru in the V2 state.

In the original plot, without the help of Tigulis and XIG, it is hard to say whether Gaia SV can beat this guy.

After all, the cloth bird is a monster with a high IQ. After wiping out Fujimiya's doubles support, facing Gaia SV alone only needs to delay time and exhaust my dream's physical strength.

Of course, my dream is also a chicken thief-resolutely not to use SV harvesting if I don't play the advantage, if I really want to fight, the outcome will not be counted.

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