Since the last defeat, Lei Xu and Fujimiya quickly designed special counter tactics and handling strategies for every enemy that appeared in Gaia.

Facing the cloth bird, the only winning point is the red energy crystal on its chest that can absorb light, which is exactly the same as the Poseidon of Root Destroyer.

Fill it up so it overflows~.

Then hit the winning blow!

Naihe Shattered's timing to attract the body was extremely accurate.

At that time, the three of Lei Xu who had returned from Jupiter's orbit were short of energy, and it was almost impossible to fill Bu Niao.

—Rinal must be exposed!

Otherwise, Renlong will have to come out to save the field, there is no other possibility.

Few of the monsters on Gaia Earth can fly, and the monsters on the ground cannot stop the cloth bird from moving.

Tsk——, as expected of a cloth bird.

In the video, the fallen angel-like figure easily turned around to avoid the light beams shooting at him, and approached the seven giant ships at a high speed.

This side is not a vegetarian either, the seven ships seem to have some kind of automatic anti-aircraft system that detects the enemy, weaving a terrifyingly dense light beam air defense network in an instant and sweeping towards the cloth bird.

This seems a bit overwhelming.

On one side, there are seven giant starships overlapping each other, while on the other side, it is only 60 meters high, with a wingspan of less than [-] meters.

Next, there is a seemingly thrilling but no suspenseful grappling game——

Lei Xu could see that the cloth bird was not only comfortable, it even enjoyed it a bit.

Playing like a thrill, avoiding the last beam of plasma light that hit the door directly, the tiny fallen angel launched an attack on the original starship.

Two red destructive light bullets bombarded the body armor of a giant ship, lifting off a large piece of metal armor, revealing the solid composite armor layer underneath.

...didn't break the defense.

slip away.

The fallen angel drew a beautiful curved line, and flew back and forth without looking back.

The seven giant ships followed closely behind—they didn't know where to go to be safe. Since the cloth bird can't pose a threat to the Koro class, they should follow.

Ahem—— Lei Xu was not surprised by Buniao's retreat.

Blitz Blotz really lacks high armor-piercing energy offensive means, and in this situation, he dare not use the crystal on his chest to receive anti-aircraft fire.

——It may be caught off guard by being flooded with Ultraman light, but if it is shot by these seven giant ships... it will die!

Tai Da and his party are also tigers, or there is no way.

The artificially made wormhole channel, if the thing runs out and closes the wormhole, the seven ships of them don't know where they will get lost.

Bite the bullet and have to move forward.

Soon, in about 3 minutes, the exit of the wormhole passage was close at hand.

Almost at the front and rear feet of the cloth bird, seven giant ships broke through the passage.

This is... the old nest of the shattered body?

Lei Xu frowned and looked at the starry sky in the image, which seemed to be dead.

The huge red fireball is almost close at hand... no!More than one!

Lei Xu could clearly see, on the side of the fireball that almost covered the horizon, a huge circular arc that was burning gently was faintly outlined.

"Red Giant!?"

I dreamed about it:

"Qiao Ji, analyze the video and send the data to me."



"I think you're right!"

After analyzing it intently for a while, I dreamed to conclude:

"This is a binary star system, and according to spectroscopic analysis, the lifetimes of the two stars are almost the same.

It should be born at the same time, and stars with similar masses have reached the end of the stellar evolution cycle and become red giants. "

"Dunzi, process this image, blur the image of the stellar light source, and send it to the GUARD Space Agency.

Let them help to identify and compare the existing star maps to see if they can find the position of this star system. "

"But there are too many binary star systems in the existing universe... almost as many as single star systems."

Catherine bit her finger and gave advice:

"Considering the energy consumption of opening wormholes, let the space agency give priority to binary star systems within 50 light-years of the solar system"

"Okay! A note has been sent to GUARD Space Agency."

Pier side head:

"Transferring data."


The work was arranged in an orderly manner, but Lei Xu only focused on the ongoing log images.

Where did Boo go?

Where is the body of destruction?

In the next second, the video perspective quickly switches——

A hideous figure across the entire field of vision appeared in front of everyone...

71 佐利姆&佐格!

The shadows fill—

More than a dozen images from different perspectives are full of the majestic and terrifying shadow of Khorne.

The red giant star in the background was also more than half blocked by the majestic and terrifying giant in the horizon.

In the background, the stars that have been obscured by the close-in red giant star have been affected.


The stars changed positions, and the starlight distorted on the side of the giant beast. Even the bloody Huayao sprinkled by the red giant star behind him could not light up the whole picture of the giant monster.

On the contrary, it sets it off as terrifyingly as if it is entwined with the blood light of hell.

Although I knew very well in my heart that the angle of view and distance accounted for most of the factors in this scene in the video, everyone present was stunned by the gesture of a monster crawling out of hell, and could not speak.

Tai Da and other Koro crew members on the seven giant ships were undoubtedly terrified by this terrifying scene.

The bridge recording was hoarse, and the command system's announcement showed that Tai Da ordered to retreat away from the red giant star.

—that was the direction from which the monstrous beast came.

Lei Xu was not frightened——

Ever since he had seen the gigantic sharp claws piercing the sky that could only take the entire earth into the palm of his hand and knead it in the fantasy dream of destruction, it was difficult for him to be surprised by similar scenes.


Because the dream from the first-person perspective was too real back then, Lei Xu even felt a bit of disdain in his heart when he put the screen video to watch the record.

......That's it?

The majestic and colossal shadow suddenly moved.

In the majestic and dim shadow, four eye-catching diamond-shaped blue lights of different sizes light up.

As if awakened by something, the starry sky behemoth with its head buried between the wide flying wings slowly woke up.

Light yellow, very much like the cold eyes of some cold-blooded animals looking at the first perspective of the image without any emotion.

It didn't seem to care about the escape of the seven giant ships, and it stretched its body very slowly...

one two three four!

There are four pairs of giant ring-shaped blade wings that cannot be seen even in the most exaggerated and incredible sci-fi movies, almost covering half of the light and shadow of the red giant star behind it.

——Even if the giant ship from the first perspective has been away from it at full speed for more than ten seconds.

Up, down, left, and right, four angles of brilliant blue light crystal light reflected the ferocious and terrifying dragon head.

Looking at the very slender neck standing gracefully from a distance, under the cold eyes, the giant beast gently opened its mouth full of fangs like a yawn.

Due to the angle of view and light, there is only the spectacular scene of the bright yellow flame covering the sky and the sun in the image.

It is impossible to see whether the tongue in the huge mouth is as disgusting as shown in the episode, which makes the SAN value plummet.

But Lei Xu guessed that the real image would only be more exaggerated and disgusting.

Fortunately, I didn't see it clearly, otherwise I might have to wash my eyes.

Bad news——When Zollim really arrives on Earth, I'm afraid he will have to take the initiative to drill into it again.

Tsk——, I don’t know how my dream in the plot overcomes this psychological obstacle called visual torture.

- That's right!

Zollim, the gigantic monster in the video is exactly the spearhead of the root-shattered summoning body, the giant beast Zollim!

At this time, in the log image, the terrifying starry sky dragon has fully awakened.

It shook Khorne's body, approaching the seven giant ships like a dragon.

The unsolved mystery that has plagued countless fans——

How big is Zollim's real body and what does he look like?

At this moment, Lei Xu finally had a conclusive answer before Lei Xu's eyes.

However, there was no joy in Lei Xu's heart, only countless small question marks stacked up.

This TM, are you sure Gaia SV can do it?

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