Therefore, if the gravity and temperature problems can be overcome, it is not difficult to take a bath in the red giant star, and there will be no danger if you do not go deep into the core.

It is true that, given the performance of the Koro-class heavy cruiser, it is very simple to do so.

Ke Taida is not sure whether his actions will bring danger to Greg, who may be at the source of the signal tower.

And it's even less clear that it's a trap.

He is the captain of the royal guard, and Greg is one of the objects he swore to protect.

Zog and Zollim were still chasing after them.

Tai Da quickly made a decision——

The surface armor of his own ship and the other two Koro-class ships was too damaged to guarantee the safety of diving into the red giant.

He ordered the undamaged Koro-class ship to move on to the source of the signal.

The three of my own ships broke out from the direction of the space wormhole when they came - the scanner can still see that the wormhole is in operation.

This is not only to divert the enemy's attention, but also to escape a chance.

Tai Da didn't think that the enemy couldn't go deep into the red giant star, and most of the starry space behemoths like Zorim used gaseous planets as their settlements.

Only in such an environment can a terrifying starry sky dragon like Zolim be bred.

The three Koro-class ships turned back and fought back, attracting the attention of Zog and Zorlim.

This time, Zog's attack was not so easy to hit after being prepared.

Tai Da successfully delayed the time. He carefully concealed his purpose, and ran back to the initial rushing coordinates while hitting.

— Near the wormhole!

During the period, the three ships suffered varying degrees of damage.

In order to protect the captain's flagship, the other two Koro-class ships sank one after another. It seems that there were no survivors... Tai Da didn't know, because his ship was almost poisoned.

Zolim's sharp claws of Khorne rubbed against their hulls more than once, and Zog used her invisible wave bullets to open several large holes through the front and back.

—hit the fake bridge of the ship.

Tai Da had an idea and chose to play dead——

He let the ship fall into the wormhole in an uncontrolled sinking posture, and then fell to the earth.

And at the last moment, the ship received the return from the Koro-class ship:

It was confirmed that Greg and Ruige were not found, and the signal from the dimensional signal tower originated from a creature.

A brief video recording is attached to the signal.

Daniel quickly clicked on the derivative branch recorded in this log.

With just one glance, Lei Xu was shocked by the sight——

With clean wings,

The body surface is outlined with azure mysterious lines;

The bright golden eyes are slightly closed;

The whole body exudes a faint silver light, and I see You Lian's holy figure appearing in the red hot purgatory.


73 Heartfelt Words~

The moment Lei Xu saw the figure of Mengxin House Beast, his eyes went dark.

If it wasn't for the support provided by the XIG table beside him, he might have fallen to the ground.

what's the situation?

What happened after the cute new house beast left him?

Why is Eugene in the body of the shattered summoner?

If it is said that Eugene failed to leave from the beginning, it is not that he has been squandering precious time recklessly.

If the courier is stranded, the Kingdom of Light will not and will not receive rescue at all.

Naturally, it is impossible for the real universe to usher in any possible support.


If I could have found out earlier, if I hadn't been so heartless not to delve into the missing memory, if...

As if his consciousness had fallen into an unfathomable abyss, Lei Xu's body surface began to glow with a dangerous rainbow light.

On the forehead, fine beads of sweat quickly gathered into larger drops of water and rolled down the curvature of the cheeks.

Shishi and Womeng noticed Lei Xu's reaction immediately.

The rest of the people, except for a few Alchemist Star members who were really serious, also almost noticed Lei Xu's abnormality one after another.

The log image is already a monotonous image of the interior of the wormhole passage, presumably followed by the development of Tai Da's ship falling from the wormhole to Tokyo.

Several Alchemy Star scientists are busy collecting the external environmental data recorded in the log.

——For them, this is the real treasure.

I dream silently bowing my head——

Even though it was the first time he saw it, he knew the holy figure that appeared suddenly.

In the past few months, Lei Xu mentioned Yunijin no less than a hundred times.

The time-space Eudemons in mythology, the messengers to the Kingdom of Light, assist the predecessors' hometown Earth to resist the only hope of the empire.

It turns out that there are such friendly, cute, completely harmless, and even noble-minded monsters... oh no, they should be called divine beasts.

I have dreamed and fantasized more than once, even if I only have video records, it would be a great thing if I could see the stupid and funny holy Eudemons that Senior Lei said with my own eyes.

However, when he actually saw Yunijin's posture through the video, he sincerely hoped that it was not true.

The reality is always so cruel.

My dream can completely understand the gaffe of the senior.

He asked himself - if he were to change places, he would never be able to perform better than his predecessors.

"what happened?"

Shi Shi approached Lei Xu, stretched out his hand to hold his arm, stabilized his precarious body, and was very concerned:

"Are you ok?"

at this time--

"Above Tokyo, the degree of phase distortion is decreasing, and the wormhole of the shattered body is about to close!"

Dunzi's expression was filled with joy, and the tone of the report was very relaxed.

The closure of the wormhole means that the attack of the destructive host has come to an end, and human beings can breathe a sigh of relief for the time being.


Lei Xu raised his head suddenly, and the rainbow-colored light brought a scorching heat that people could touch.

Immediately, Juyao Hongmang pierced through the porthole of the command room in an extremely violent way, turning into a red ball of light and pulling a clear ray of light in the direction of Tokyo.

"Commander, what's going on?"

Big brother Chiba was obviously shocked by this unexpected development, but Shishi didn't have time to pay attention to him.

"What about wormholes?"

He quickly approached the communication station, "Is the wormhole over Tokyo closed?"

"The phase distortion is decreasing rapidly, 140750."

Georgie responded quickly:

"...There is still 1 second until the wormhole is completely closed...The wormhole is closed!"

Over Tokyo——

The red shining ball of light moved forward without hesitation towards the slowly closing black vortex, and when it approached the vortex, the figure of the red giant suddenly appeared when it was approaching the vortex's shrinking deep mouth.

【don't want! ! ! 】

In the empty space, only Lei Xu could hear the heart-piercing words.


The tide-like vacuum airflow swept up against the trend, and roared like an explosion.

Lei Xu shrank back to the size of a person, and tried his best to touch the entrance of the wormhole like the eye of a hurricane.

However, before he could rush into the narrow pass, the gray-black space-time vortex dissipated in the next second.

The extreme movement turned into extreme silence, and the red figure stood alone above the blue sky, like a silent statue.

15 minutes later--

The brilliant blue light soared upwards, and there was a pat on the shoulder.

Lei Xu didn't tilt his head - he could sense Aguru's arrival.

【I heard what the kid said. 】

Fujimiya's voice was very gentle and steady:

[I have a plan that allows you to go to the universe where the shattered summoner is located to rescue Younijin in the shortest possible time, do you want to hear it? 】

The red Ultraman turned his head abruptly, his bright yellow eyes staring straight at the sharp eyes exuding milky white brilliance.

【How to do it? 】

[Gaia and I will fight with all our strength. 】


Hearing this, Lei Xu was startled.

【no! 】

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