【Currently, we are not prepared enough to deal with Zollim, and the three of us may not be able to beat him if we are tied together. Besides, it is so abrupt, with the strategy of destroying the body, how do you make the opponent hook him? 】

——The impulse was over, and Lei Xu gradually regained his senses.

It's not that he doesn't want to save Eugene, nor does he ignore the earth in the real universe.

But after all, there is still time, 29 years.

Lei Xu can wait until Womeng develops a hyperspace robot, wait for the plot of the hyperscale decisive battle, or wait for the later primordial beginning.

As an Austrian world, Gaia does not lack the means to connect with the Kingdom of Light universe, what Lei Xu lacks is only the opportunity.

As for timing, there is only one word—wait!

What's more, it is imperative to save Unigin - there is still a Koro class intact.

Even if, in order to prevent the empire from coming to our own universe, Fujinomiya and Gameng must ensure the destruction of the Koro-class ship.

【The threat of the empire... is the best reason for me to fight that kid. 】

Fujimiya said lightly:

[The existence of the empire forces me to resolve the differences in ideas between me and that child immediately in advance. 】

[A hearty battle, the winner takes all, is this reason enough? 】

Lei Xu: ...

It seems that Fujimiya is serious.

Lei Xu couldn't help being infected:

【Zoliam, how do you plan to solve it? 】

Under the clear blue sky, stepping into the invisible void, the warrior holding the ocean brilliance tilted his head slightly:

[The safety of this world, this earth, and human beings has nothing to do with you. 】

Fujimiya's recitation was word for word, it seemed cold, but it was actually warm comfort:

【Earth, human beings, our homeland, should be protected by ourselves. 】

[Before you came, I didn't know anything, I didn't have anything. 】

[But now, the child and I have the invincible SV you said, the Renlong is intact, the earth monsters are willing to assist us, and there is even Rinal. 】

【Enough, you have helped us enough...】


Aguru stood in the void, leaving Lei Xu with a slowly falling light shadow.

[Go to save your friends, go to complete your mission, and together with Younikin, go to the Kingdom of Light...! 】

74 Alchemy Star Support~

Air base, captain's room.


"That's what you've been hiding."

Shishi watched Lei Xu quietly, and said calmly:

"The empire, and the fact that the empire appeared in this universe because of you."

"Feel sorry."

Lei Xu apologized in a low voice, "Although it wasn't intentional, I don't deny the fact that the actions of Younikin and me have brought an imperial threat to this universe."

"Why are you apologizing?"

Ishishi stood up, "Do you think that without your actions, the empire would not have discovered the universe you called Gaia?"

"Or, do you think we should curl up in bed with our heads covered and wait for the empire to pass.

Looking forward to this super militaristic civilization spanning 6 universes to let the tiny earth and the smaller human civilization on it survive? "

Lei Xu looked at the stone room with some puzzled eyes.

"Perhaps——, there will indeed be many people who hold the same views as you predicted, and will blame the root of all problems, including the arrival of the empire, on you and Younikin."

The expression on Shi Shi's face was as calm as his voice:

"But I think things would be worse without you."

"At least, we still have time now, and human beings still have time to prepare to resist the aggression of the empire. That's enough."

"Whatever the three of you have planned, do it."

The stone room stood in front of the slowly opened door of the captain's room, looking back at Lei Xu's still quiet back.

"If you need my help, just ask."

"at last--"

The door of the captain's room slowly closed——

"Thank you, Ultraman Reza."

The blazing rainbow light disappears in the sky...


Tokyo, the secret base——

Unexpectedly, there is not only Fujimiya here.


The beautiful European and American girl greeted Lei Xu, "Superman boy."


Lei Xu was a little puzzled, "Why are you here?"

"And I."

Daniel poked out half of his face and one hand from behind the door, waved it casually, and then retracted it.

Lei Xu walked in quickly, besides Fujimiya who was busy in front of the computer, there were also several unfamiliar faces here.

Celestial Tian Chao Li, Dr. Inamori, and several faces that seem to be very similar to the members of the Alchemy Star in the Gaia episode.


Otto is confused~

"We all heard what Fujimiya and I dreamed about."

Catherine approached from behind affectionately and gave Lei Xu a back hug.

In the ear, a provocative whisper sounded: "Thank you, this is gratitude."

Lei Xu could even feel her light panting hitting his earlobe, and the slightly intense heartbeat from behind proved that she was not as unrestrained as she seemed.

Catherine's back hug is released at the touch of a button, which is... oh disappointing.

"Everyone here is a trusted partner."

Fujimiya got up from the computer, picked up a full oversized hiking backpack, stuffed the knuckle-sized storage device in his hand, and zipped it hard.

Lei Xu glanced at it before pulling it up, as if the backpack was full of storage devices with the same regulations.

"Here are all the technical materials of the finished products since the establishment of Alchemy Star."

Fujimiya's clothes were not good enough, and Dr. Inamori couldn't change them all in black.

Lei Xu took the backpack from him.

"I made a comprehensive assessment of the technological level of your home planet Earth. The gap in terms of rigidity is not that big. You should be able to get started soon."

"Anti-gravity technology, Ariel Air Base, a full set of Fight series fighters, Bison, Seagull, and Siren, including the upgraded design blueprint in the future."

Daniel couldn't catch his breath when he said it in one breath——


Catherine turned half a circle around Lei Xu in front of him, smiling like a flower:

"Forget about the heavens. Li saved a lot of effort, but the dark green...Although the core design of the original shield has been completed, according to the plot, it seems that there are still major flaws. Be careful when using it."

Lei Xu:......

Emotional Fujimiya even told these people about the plot of Gaia?

"The original backups you brought with you at the beginning are all in the outer compartment of the backpack."

Fujimiya pointed to the bulging bladder on the surface of the backpack.

"The design of the wormhole generating device is still only the first version and needs to be further improved. However, the space coordinate positioning system is very mature, including the design ideas and the first version of the blueprint of the planetary destruction missile, which are all in the data."

Lei Xu suddenly felt that the backpack in his hand was a little hot.

The planetary destruction missile is okay, even if it is understood, no one would dare to manufacture it on Earth, right?

There is a high probability that it is still ready-to-use and ready-made. Who would dare to store weapons of this specification in advance?

Lei Xu does not intend to reject this gift, the earth and humans in the real universe need these technical materials.

"The battle between me and that child is initially scheduled for a week later, and I will tell you when the location is selected."

A week...is not too long, even a little hasty.

In the past half a year, you have been so heartless, Younikin... It shouldn't be a big problem to last another week.

Although he was impatient, Lei Xu knew that the more hasty he was, the easier it would be for some troubles that shouldn't happen.

At the same time, there was a gap to send messages to the ghost computer, and there was another attack that failed, and the shattered recruiting body also needed time to integrate... a week was indeed just right.

Fujimiya sat back in front of the computer again:

"Exactly, one week is enough time to complete the drifting bottle."

"drifting bottle?"

Lei Xu looked at the computer screen in front of Fujimiya... in surprise.

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