It is a complete metal sphere, the height is unknown.

"It's impossible for you not to rest at all, ten layers of high-strength space solid alloy, soundproof, temperature-proof and radiation-proof."

"Considering the way you enter and exit, in order to pursue the maximum structural strength, the ball will be sealed at that time, and no door will be left for you... You can also use Gaia's twisted ring to enter and exit."

Fujimiya explained:

"It contains all the material support you need for a temporary rest. Even on the surface of the sun, it can persist for more than a year. It is basically impossible to burn this ball when the temperature is lower than [-] K."

"Originally, Daniel also said to install some detection devices and space equipment, but I vetoed it."

Fujimiya turned his head to look over, and Lei Xu felt that he deliberately let himself see that mocking smile:

"Because I think you won't be able to learn how to operate it even if you install it. It's better to save more backups and strengthen the structural strength to the limit."

Lei Xu: ...

"Finally, the three of us took the time to find Renlong and Rinal during this week."

Fujimiya reminded:

"After you leave, we will lose the ability to communicate directly with Renlong, the earth monster, so..."

Lei Xu nodded silently.

"Hey, I'm going too!" Catherine raised her hand.

"The news that XIG just arrived."

Daniel's voice drew everyone's attention.

"Encrypted recording from Commander Stone Chamber... black box recording from Fight Combatant's testing period."

"The driver is Yoneda... Falcons!"

75 Lost Memories~ [-] in [-]

"The black box records of the Fighter test period?"

Fujimiya quickly opened the record - only data.

"On the way...what do you mean?"

Daniel looked at the text message that was recorded and was puzzled.

Lei Xu reacted quickly:

"Al Robb!"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and entered confusion——

Not long after arriving on Gaia Earth, Lei Xu asked Chewing Gum to check the abnormal flight test records of the Falcons when they were in the Defense Force.

Fight fighters are not imperial starships, they have complete video logs, and if necessary, they can restore the real scene of the bridge.

The black box follows the old consistent setting, only the recordings in the cabin and flight data, such as time, altitude, orbit, route and other records.

It is confirmed that the plane of the Falcon trio has jet lag as in the plot, and it can be confirmed that the plot of El Robber has not changed.

Therefore, Lei Xu can only choose to wait when he has been unable to find the trace of El Robpa.

When the plot begins, Al Robbapper himself appears.

Speaking of which, the three of Lei Xu have also formulated more than 30 sets of plans specifically for El Robpa.

Fujimiya prepared a special portable instrument and asked the three of them to carry it with them.

——Maybe this is the only chance to obtain time-space wound data.

Elrobpa is a space-time monster that cannot be captured. If its horns with space-time power are destroyed, even if it is successfully captured, it will be meaningless.

In Gaia, at first Lei Xu could think of only three ways to touch the space-time wound space——

El Robpa... This guy can enter as he wants, and he is definitely the overlord in the space-time wound.

Destruction invites body... time and space, and wormholes are for this guy to play with.

Chronobot... This thing is one of Gumball's dreams.

Unfortunately, it is still in the idea stage.

- There is no progress in creating a new folder!

Lei Xu didn't know how Womeng sneaked away from his busy schedule in the original plot. During his tenure at XIG, he used his position to build a large toy prototype.

But you can be sure - it is definitely not the state of this uncreated folder.

——The appearance of Lei Xu has greatly changed my dream schedule, taking up a lot of the latter's spare time.

Originally, I Meng didn't have much free time after joining XIG. The daily night training and frequent overtime work made him completely lose the leeway to pursue his dream.

This is also the root cause of Lei Xu's doubts about whether the theatrical version of the Great War can still be filmed as scheduled.

Simply in Fujimiya's research plan, assisting my dream to complete the hyperspace robot is a high priority.

Now add the help of the Austrian scientists in Alchemy Star.

Probably maybe maybe... faster than my dream of building a computer alone in the plot?

Be optimistic, just arrived home the day before, and the next day the space-time travel version of the air base will directly drive to the sky above the earth in the real universe.

——Lei Xu's daily delusion.

It really wasn't his random thinking——

OV Gaia reappeared, undertook the story of the big battle in time and space, and captain Yoneda, who picked up the plane, revealed that the new air base under construction is equipped with the function of time and space travel.

Cough, pull away, back to the topic——

Lei Xu raised his head and recalled... That's right, when he and Fujimiya confessed to Shishi, they did indeed tell the whole plot of Gaia TV.

Even including the theatrical version of the Great War of Time and Space, the root shattered Poseidon that appeared two years after defeating Zog, only concealed the existence of Rinal.

Shi Shi definitely knew about El Robpa, and also knew that Lei Xu had been chasing him.

Naturally, it was impossible for him not to confirm the abnormal flight records of the Falcons in the old defense force period.

Then the question comes-

Why did Shishi send such a record?

Are you afraid that Lei Xu won't know?


Theoretically speaking, Shi Shi knew about this matter later than Lei Xu did.

After a while, Lei Xu suddenly noticed that something was not quite right.

——The missing memory when he first came to Gaia.

"There is a helicopter landing at Geo base outside." Daniel's voice woke Lei Xu up from his contemplation.

He narrowed his eyes and looked at the three men in civilian clothes who disembarked from the helicopter.

...the Falcons?

Who else is there if it's not the Falcons trio?

It turned out that Shishi's 'on the way' text message referred to the three members of the Falcons.

"Hello, Captain Yoneda."

Lei Xu took the initiative to greet the three with a handshake.

——A guess faintly emerged in his mind.

"Hello, Lei Xu... Sa Altman."

Yone Tian smiled at him, "It's really embarrassing for me to say goodbye to him for a long time, even though I owe him a great favor."

Lei Xu: ...

As soon as these words came out, half of his guess came true.

"I don't remember ever saving you."

Lei Xu stared intently at Yone Tian's eyes, and saw a ray that was so clear.

"The commander said the same, so the three of us are here now."

... Sure enough?

Lei Xu has always felt that Shi Shi is far more complicated than the tip of the iceberg shown in the plot.

I think that although he stood firmly on Ultraman's side at the critical moment, but...

Human beings are complicated, and someone like Ishishi who can be the supreme commander of XIG is by no means a drama, but a supporting role that can be thoroughly portrayed.

At the same time, after Lei Xu took the initiative to mention the story of El Robpa and the Falcons, Shishi never transferred the relevant information to him for verification.

——Even if Lei Xu is stationed in the air base later.

Reserved belongs to is.

Therefore, Lei Xu has always maintained a minimum level of vigilance against Shi Shi.

"I think you've seen the commander's message and our flight log."

Yoneda showed his face and recalled:

"Fully loaded extreme maneuver and thermal missile power test."

Lei Xu nodded, this is marked on the black box record.

"A huge cumulonimbus cloud filled with lightning and tidal swirls took us to a strange place."

The player next to Yoneda, Tsukamori added:

"Infinitely many colors, no up, down, left, or right, time no longer flows, we found..."

Lei Xu was thoughtful:


"That's right!"

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