Yoneda nodded:

"You, part with that silver monster, fall into the cumulonimbus cloud with that monster, entangle, fight."

Sure enough, it was still too chaotic at the beginning, and he didn't realize that he had been peeped by the Falcon trio in the space-time wound.


Lei Xu sensed something was wrong——

"The time when you tested..."

"Three years ago." Yone Tian said, "I remember it very clearly, there is no mistake!"

Lei Xu: ...

Three years ago... He arrived on Gaia Earth in less than a year. He happened to catch up with the famous scene where Fujimiya was beaten up by seafood. He remembered this incident clearly.

Could it be that......

Lei Xu's heart tightened suddenly - he thought of a terrifying possibility.

He was taken through the timeline by El Robber and arrived at the beginning of the plot.

In that case, has the time in the real universe passed three years or less than one year?

But Unigin said that all the universes connected with the space-time wound have roughly the same time flow rate.

Lei Xu has never left the Gaia Earth, and there is no such thing as the uneven flow of time in the theory of relativity.

Now Yoneda's explanation immediately made him realize that what he had wasted was not half a year, but three full years of precious time.

... How did Lei Xu accept this for a while?

No, be sensible.

Lei Xu warned himself.

In fact, it is very simple to confirm the time progress. The log records in the metal egg bridge can be used as a reference.

——The time velocity of the sixth universe should be consistent with that of the Gaia universe.

Lei Xu forcibly suppressed his urge to immediately go to the air base to confirm, and looked at Yone Tian:

"Is there any more? What happened afterwards?"

He really wanted to know if the three of Yonetian saw how Yunijin was captured by the shattered summoning body.

However, Yone Tian gave an unexpected answer to Lei Xu——

"El Robb caught up with Unigin?" Lei Xu just felt incredible.

"I'm sure I held it off then!"

"Yes! But..." Yoneda first gave an affirmative answer, and then changed the subject:

"You may not have noticed when you were entangled with the monster. Another group of cumulonimbus clouds appeared in that space, and the same monster flew out of it, catching up..."

"You mean, at the same time, there are two El Robpers, and both are alive?"

Yoneda nodded.

Lei Xu understood.

It was indeed his own mistake——

To be correct, Lei Xu should not have dragged Al Robpa into the normal universe.

The space-time monster Elrobpa has the ability similar to the time stone.

With your own mind, you can change and travel time arbitrarily.

Theoretically speaking, there can be infinitely many Elrobpas.

An hour ago, two hours ago.

In an hour, in two hours.

As long as they return to the normal universe, El Robper on other timelines can travel to this time node at will.

Of course, there must be limitations that Lei Xu is not clear about, but reality has proved that it is completely possible to have two Al Robpas appearing at the same time.

Isn't it the same in the plot?

Although one is dead and the other is alive.

El Robper created an infinite time loop in an attempt to redeem himself and the Falcons from dying together.

Ultra Edition Negotiation.jpg

The difference is that Doctor Who negotiated a deal, and El Robpa was brutally beaten by the supreme SV + ashes and one-stop service.

——There is no rule that two live El Robbers cannot appear at the same time.

At the beginning, it was not easy for Lei Xu to try his best to hold down an El-Robopa, but the second El-Robopa, who came from another timeline, could easily intercept the cute new house beast.

If you completely follow the logic of the plot, if you want to completely defeat El Robpa, you must fight twice.

The first kill, the second broken/broken corner kill.

If Elrobpa can only build a time cycle once, then there is no need to break the corner, just make sure to kill it twice.

Lei Xu's thoughts became more and more smooth, and a new question naturally appeared in his mind——

Why is Yunijin in the old nest of shattering and recruiting bodies?

Next thought -

Fuck, El Robber is also a monster that Destroyer summons?

Thinking about it carefully... Lei Xu realized that this seemed to make a damn sense.

Neither the Gaia plot nor Tsuburaya’s settings have elaborated on the source of Elrobpa, only saying that it is an unknown space-time monster born in the energy body of Cumulant Cloud.

Such a powerful monster...has the same high intelligence as the cloth bird and the god of death in the later period.

The cloth bird specifically targets GUARD's key military installations on the ground.

Grim Reaper specifically targets Ultraman.

Morchian is directly targeting the entire human race.

Zuolim needs the energy of the conflict between the two Ultramans to appear, so let's put it aside.

Assuming that Elrobpa is really the subordinate of the shattered recruit, what is the purpose of its appearance earlier than the above three?

Change your own death?

Of course this counts as one, but that's for later.

Lei Xu snapped back to his senses——

He remembered how the first Elrobpa died in the series.

Take down the airbase and die with the Falcons.

Al Robb is on a mission to destroy the airbase!


Lei Xu felt a chill in his heart.

The shattered summoning body has already formulated a complete battle plan for the guys under his command, and each has its own target.

Lei Xu suddenly realized that he seemed to have never understood Gaia.

The attack plan of the shattered recruits covers all aspects——

Tampering with the optical quantum computer Chrysis in advance, the layout provoked a battle between the two Ultramans.

Instigated against the members of Alchemy Star, and at the same time specially invited the Mezzards to launch a spiritual offensive against humans and Fujimiya.

Weaken the old rival Renlong and provoke the confrontation between humans and earth monsters.

It's hard to say whether Kiru, who was late for work in the first chapter and was brutally beaten by Gaia, was also deliberately influenced by the body of the destruction...

Before the final words, he made no secret of——

Guide humans to launch an attack on Gob's home planet, making humans a 'threat' in the eyes of possible alien civilizations.

Against GUARD, against humans, against Ultraman.

In the end, he was still playing Li Wei's trick of killing chickens and monkeys.

It's like a certain country announcing to the world——

It is suspected that XXX has threatening weapons, and then provokes to force it to resist, and then show it to the international community.

Substituting a certain country into destruction will bring about... There is no sense of disobedience.

Cough cough, stop!

"We couldn't find our way back and had to risk following the cumulonimbus cloud."

Yoneda's narration continues——

"The red giant is you." He looked at Lei Xu, "You used your body to block the attack for Lin in the battle with it."

Lei Xu nodded slightly, it was in line with his own memory... I have a vague impression.

He also remembered that there seemed to be a ground battle.

"We don't know exactly what happened, we just know that you suddenly exploded when you were about to lose."

Yoneda described it this way:

"It seemed to be full of power suddenly, and the flashing red chest lamp also turned back to blue, and gradually began to suppress the monster."

Lei Xu: ...

He didn't have the slightest impression of this passage.

Mother Earth Gaia supports me?

Unlimited Energy or Super V1?

Lei Xu was habitually thinking wildly.

"In the end, the monster tried to escape and you chased after it. Our plane was damaged and we couldn't chase into the cumulonimbus cloud again."

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