Mi Tian's voice stopped abruptly, Lei Xu looked over suspiciously, and found that he had returned to his usual poker face.

It seems so.

Except for the part where I don’t know if it’s my own potential explosion (idealism), or the counterattack with the support of the earth.

The cause and effect are completely clear.

——The timeline when I actually arrived was three years ago.

Under the influence of El Robpa, it appeared in Chiba more than half a year ago.

In the middle, the part where the Falcons were not present is completely an undetectable lost memory.

Lei Xu had a faint intuition——

Maybe, this lost memory is quite important to him...

76 奥特双重闪光~

Lei Xu personally sent the three Falcons back to the air base - he needs to confirm the time again.

Unsurprisingly, the result was the same as the dictation of Yoneda and the others.

If it is more accurate, the current time is exactly two years and three months after Lei Xu arrived in Gaia.

The 'three years ago' mentioned by Yoneda is just an imaginary number.

But Lei Xu's mood did not improve because of the extra few months.

——I really wasted an extremely precious time!

In addition, there are many valuable records in the bridge logbook.

For the time being, there is no time to check them one by one, and Lei Xu has been staying at the air base until night, until all the logs are backed up.

That night--

Lei Xu once again had a big meal for nothing... I don't know if there will be a chance to eat the special supplies from the air base in the future.

One thing to say, the taste is really good.

Take out Aguru Plus——

L77 Survivor: [The night training is assembled, the old rules are set to the place! 】

Guardian of the Earth: [Hey... Received! 】

The Light of the Ocean: [Go to Rinal today? 】

L77 Survivor: [No, today is only training at night, not doing anything. 】

Ocean's Light: 【...Understood. 】

Atlantic Ocean, an uninhabited island——

The brilliance representing the earth and the sea fell, and Fujimiya rarely came with my dream.

Lei Xu raised his eyebrows at the two of them, "It's been a few days, so give it a try tonight?"

"Eh—?" My dream obviously didn't expect Lei Xu to come out like this at the beginning of the game, and I was a little dazed.

"Hmph, I'll accompany you."

Fujimiya was straightforward, as the golden wings whirled, the human-sized Aguru appeared from the blazing blue light, and the piercing wind of fists came straight to Lei Xu's face.

——Sneak attack, no martial arts!

Lei Xu didn't have time to complain, and was forced to use an iron bridge to avoid the blue fist that touched his face.

In the shining rainbow light, the red whip leg swept out a trail of air wrapped in a mournful howling wind, but what hit was the phantom of blue light that had not yet dissipated.

The azure blue light went straight to the sky, and Lei Xu rolled over without even thinking about it.

In the next second, a blue shadow descended from the sky, crashing into the jagged rock, causing debris to fly.

Lei Xu could clearly see that half of Aguru's body was sunk in the stone, seemingly unable to move.

He didn't mean to take advantage of it, Lei Xu knew Fujimiya's style very well, just as the latter also knew his usual style of play.

The bright blue photons exploded, filled with smoke and dust in an instant, and Aguru's muscles swelled slightly, like an arrow from the string colliding with the red light and shadow.


The sound waves burst out from the loud and heavy blows shattered the waves in the distance and the reefs out of the sea. My dream, who was hiding behind the rock wall, was forced to cover my ears to resist this high-pitched vibration sound wave.

Lei Xu simply stopped——

[Okay, let's go here. 】

【it is good. ] Fujimiya stopped as he said.

In fact, the night training has continued until now and has hardly improved much.

The three of them are very familiar with each other's fighting styles, and they are so familiar that even Fujimiya Kai SV Lei Xu is confident that he will not lose.

As for fighting to the end... This is not a deathmatch, and there is no need to do that level of training.

Although, Lei Xu still wants to have his hips for a while——

SV is very strong, but Lei Xu is confident that the bonus in the red light riot state is enough to deal with any conventional enemies who fight him head-on.

——As long as it’s not like Zorlim or Griza.

After V2, the red light riot state is turned on, and Lei Xu dares to fight against Zog.

If he doesn't even have this bit of confidence, how dare Lei Xu go to the lair of disillusionment by himself?

【Are you going to fight that kid again? 】

Fujimiya's recitation also included my dream of trotting over.

"Senior, I'm ready!"

I dreamed that I was a simple child, and when I took out the sapphire cone, there was a "Gaia!!!"

- Super loud!

Lei Xu: ...

【No, actually I want to teach you a skill tonight. 】

[? ? ? 】X2

Aguru raised his head subconsciously, and then... nothing.

Now at night, I can't see if the sun rises from the west.

Fujimiya felt that Lei Xu was probably talking in his sleep.

——Whether it is Reza or Tiga, the three have already tried to learn their respective skills.


The current situation speaks for itself, Lei Xu has been trying to learn the skills of the two of them.

But since Dijia re-colored and mutated, Lei Xu also gave up his plan to learn the light skills of Gaia and Aguru in the state of body transformation.

——Tiga can use Gaia's skills, and the cost performance of continuing to waste time is too low.

Fujimiya barely passed Lei Xu's description, and fiddled with the energy configuration to create a fist-strengthening skill similar to Tiga's electric punch and powerful punch.

Strange to say, Lei Xu's own learning ability is actually quite good, including knowledge learning.

He just doesn't have much time to spend learning the basics.

However, the light skill may really be the weakness of his body transformation, and he has never been successful.

[My life experience is partially confirmed. 】

[?What's the meaning? 】

Fujimiya looked over in bewilderment—Aguru was confused.

[My origin should be the L77 star. I can't be wrong. 】

[Senior, how did you know? 】

Chewing gum is also very confusing, he remembers it well.

Lei Xu once said that this is a problem that can only be clarified by going to the universe of the Kingdom of Light and meeting the old man, the King of Ultra.

[After V2, I learned four... three new skills. 】

Lei Xu's words were slightly melancholy——

[There are only two that can actually be used. 】

Fujimiya & My Dream:  …

【Among them, the unusable one is called... Ultra Double Flash. 】

[Alt double flash? 】

I dreamed of chewing on this familiar yet unfamiliar term, but Fujimiya responded instantly——

【Leo Brothers'...】

Lei Xu spent more time with Fujimiya, so naturally he is more sensitive - his ear skin is about to be worn down.

【Um! 】

Lei Xu looked up at the sky.

[That is the light skill released after combining the energies of two Ultramans into one, strengthened a hundred times. 】

[Hundred... a hundred times? 】

Gaia Otto was stunned——

I dreamed foolishly and fell into fantasy, what kind of power would be possessed after the energy of myself and Fujinomiya merged into one and then magnified a hundred times.

[Just this one, I can be sure that this must be the genetic light skill of the L77 series, let alone that...]

Lei Xu's eyes wandered in the starry sky, trying to capture the position of the Leo constellation.

【The question is whether Gaia and I can learn the Ultra double flash. 】Fujimiya asked calmly.

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