[I think it's probably okay... In the plot, Sai Luo also learned it, proving that this skill can be taught. 】

Lei Xu's gaze was fixed on those stars connected to form a lion pattern, staring intently.

【And after all, now you both have my light in your body...】

77 Terrible Power~


Suddenly, two intertwined lightning-like energy streams tore through the darkness on the deep ocean floor, and in the next second, a huge azure blue light ball surrounded by countless golden light spots collided with it—the liquidator V2!

From the looks of it, this is a very asymmetrical confrontation.

——Compared with the liquidator V2, the two intertwined lightning-like energy streams are like the grass branches trying to fight against the watermelon, even more exaggerated than this comparison.

However, the reality is that...

At the moment when the lightning-like energy flow called Ultra Double Flash touched the Reckoner V2, it triggered an energy surge that lasted for a very short time.

Afterwards, the azure blue blazing light ball was severely pierced by these two intersecting streams of different-colored energy.

The disintegrated energy disturbed the calm ocean floor, and the violent and dangerous underwater torrent swept across the jet-black rocky seabed that was already full of cracks.

On the periphery of this area, fine sea sand and nutrient-rich seabed silt are mixed with countless sundries to form a crater.

Although it took less than a second, the power of Otto's double flash was indeed greatly weakened, and it fell on the seabed far away to create a turbid and violent current.

Therefore, the Ott double flash that landed not far away just added a scorching hot magma lake about the size of ten football fields to the ocean floor.

Well, Lei Xu is not surprised - there are two magma lakes beside this one, one bigger than the other.

This will not cause much damage to the marine environment, after all, Lei Xu and I Meng are using it in the form of waiting for people and carefully pay attention to the output of light energy in the body.

If you don't believe me, looking at the one he played with Fujimiya for the first time, Lei Xu felt that it was at least as big as a district of Tokyo.

A hundred times...Lei Xu always thought that this was Fugubuki's cowhide.

In the finale of Xiaomeng TV, the Leo brothers used this trick to unblock the sun, and the range of their hits was not wider than that of the first generation and Jack with Spicyum.

Lei Xu subjectively believes that the statement of a hundred times is just a false finger, so he didn't deliberately control the energy output.

After all, he and Aguru are both human-sized, and their energy output is already limited.

Who would have thought that the so-called hundred times refers to—at least!

Can you believe this?

Lei Xu felt something was wrong the moment it was launched.

Mother Earth suffered a severe blow, Lei Xu said that it has nothing to do with me, and that the Light of the Ocean will take the blame.

Chewing Gum guarantees with his reputation as an Austrian scientist, that shot is definitely stronger than any light skill in his V2 form.

【I succeeded! 】

I was exhausted in my dream, but Lei Xu could still hear the excitement.

【Huh——, in this way, both of you have succeeded. 】

Lei Xu glanced at Aguru who flew over from afar——Fujimiya has turned back to the size of a human.

【Sa——, I'll intercept this time, you two try a combined launch. 】

Fujimiya nodded silently.

[Note that the sequence is not important, what is important is the subtle conflict and reorganization between light energies. 】

Lei Xu reminded:

[Don't conflict too much, although it can increase a little power, it can affect the stability of the light configuration, and it is easy to hurt yourself. 】

[At the same time, you can't be afraid that if the power doesn't conflict or get close at all, then the skills won't be released. 】

[In the end——, who is in front and who is behind is not that important. 】

...Did these two not hear my last sentence?

Lei Xu stared blankly at Chewing Gum and Fujimiya who stubbornly wanted to occupy the rear, that is, the standing position, and had a headache.

These two always give people a childish feeling in unexpected places.

My dream has finally won—

Lei Xu could see that Fujimiya sank half of his body reluctantly, and raised his hands together.

Here it comes, Lei Xu pulls himself together and pulls out his posture.

As if a shock current short-circuited, the moment the two hands, one red and one blue, touched——

The magenta representing the earth and the azure blue representing the ocean reached the extreme brightness. In one hundredth of a second, the red and blue current-like energy slurry intertwined with each other and once again tore the eternal dark ocean bottom.

In the next second, the blazing red light stream pierced the icy sea water, and at a 45° angle, it collided with this converging and entangled double flash of the light of the earth version of Ultra.

...something seems wrong.

Feeling the increasingly terrifying energy conflict not far away, Lei Xu subconsciously increased the energy output of his ultimate move.

Is it so exaggerated?

Fujimiya can weaken even a Reckoner V2, so why is my ult not enough for two dozen of you?

At that moment, Lei Xu thought a lot.

In the end, he chose to withdraw the energy output of the ultimate move, allowing the two entangled streams of red and blue light to disappear on the ocean floor.

The ring-shaped water flow, which was far more violent than any time before, suddenly spread, and the area that burned out a large vacuum was instantly refilled by the violent sea water.

——If you don't stop, the energy explosion will be far more than this small scale.


Lei Xu tilted his head and looked towards the direction where the Ultra double flashes of Tengmeng and the others fell - something seemed wrong.

The huge shaking of the earthquake and mountain shaking came in the next moment. Lei Xu could clearly see the scorching lava spreading and flowing in the cracks of the dark rocky seabed, the golden red sparks pouring into the sea water and some tiny black lava. The smoke seemed to be a signal.

In an instant, the pitch-black seabed was heated to fiery red, and then turned into blinding white.

In the next second, the roaring lava rushed into the icy sea water like a fountain, and the astonishing heat immediately dispelled the coldness on Lei Xu's body.

At the intersection, the sea water is instantly boiled into abundant bubbles that rise vertically indefinitely.

Soon, the heat was dissipated by the surrounding sea water, and the bubbles stopped surging.

At the same time, because of Lei Xu's deliberate drive away before, all the marine life with the ability to move has been far away from this ocean floor, but there has been no development of dog blood that hurt innocent people.

The same is true for these magma lakes, there is not really magma underneath.

Without a steady stream of heat sources, the magma lake is just passive water. In less than 72 hours, the water temperature in this ocean floor will return to normal.

But this is too exaggerated! ! !

Lei Xu stared speechlessly at the eruption vent, which was a circle larger than the lava lake where he and Fujimiya successfully used Ultra double flash for the first time, and had some doubts about Aosheng.


This shot was weakened by Lei Xu's ultimate move, which means that the Ultra double flash used by Gaia and Aguru is stronger than his original version.

What kind of shit is this!


Isn't this the genetic skill of my L77 line?

At this time, Womeng and Fujimiya also reacted, and flew to Lei Xu's side to be side by side with him.


The warning in Lei Xu's words is already full:

[Never pull the shooting angle below the horizon! 】

78 Despicable!

When I returned to Tokyo at the end of the night training, the sky was already pale beyond the horizon.

I dreamed painfully and happily rushed back to the air base to work overtime, while Lei Xu and Fujimiya rushed back directly to the secret base—Daniel and others were still there to help.

The helper was at work, but Lei Xu and Fujimiya mysteriously disappeared all night... It seems a little unnatural.

Before dawn, Fujimiya went to bed first—he still had a normal human physique, and he couldn't bear it.

Emmmm, did I forget something?

Standing at the gate of the secret base and thinking for a long time, Lei Xu didn't expect that he forgot something, so he patted his thigh and went straight to the restaurant.

——Maybe you’ll remember it after you eat your fill first.

The restaurant warmed a large amount of meat 24 hours a day. Lei Xu gnawed his elbows one by one, and soon there was a pot of bones in front of him, but he didn't care about it and gradually fell into deep thought.

The next thing is to go to Renlong and Rinal to explain the situation.

Renlong...Take care of Fujimiya to make the sacrifices more generous this time.

Big... the main head is fine, I didn't see the main head eating last time.

The food intake of the eight little dragons should not be very large, and it should not be difficult to feed them.

Leaving Rinal... that's right!

Lei Xu suddenly recalled something he had forgotten - the blond young girl Rinal seemed to be still in the air base.

The little guy sleeps in the kettle when he has nothing to do, and he has to soak it with matcha.

She seems to be still young, and Lei Xu learned from Rinal of Fuji Palace that the one beside him is still a minor child, so it is very lethargic.

Forget it, anyway, I still have a week to leave... Lei Xu is not good at saying goodbye, especially for someone like Rinal who can cry for him.

Cough, thoughts return——

As for the technology of the Koro-class imperial starship, I can't think of it for the time being...

It will be a long-term work to analyze and reverse the completely unfamiliar alien giant ship.

——Even if the stars of alchemy are all Shengzhang people, and all of them are masters of hand rubbing trigger boy transformation tools, they still have to give rubbing time, right?

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