With this ship and the outrageous Austrian scientists like Alchemy Star, the humans on Gaia Earth will usher in an era of leapfrog development.

Of course, the premise is that the last Koro-class ship is completely wiped out.

In other words, Lei Xu has been so open and candid, did the ghost computer send the news of the empire back to the body of destruction?

If there is, the body of Shattering will definitely ensure that the ship is completely wiped out, but there is no need for Fujimiya and I Meng to trek again.

If it's only one or two strokes away, Lei Xu doesn't mind taking care of the trouble.

As for the ones formulated with Fujimiya at the beginning, such as——

'Using Ultraman's carrying capacity to start the development of the solar system'

'Capture all three natural control machines and send them to Mars to transform a livable colonization environment'

'Start Mars prospecting, try to find the No. 33 Mineral, Specium Substance'

'Assist my dream to realize my dream and mass-produce hyperspace robots'

Lei Xu will definitely not be able to see the above series of later development plans.

Of course, Fujimiya and I also confessed our identities to the top GUARD after defeating Zorim.

And with the goal of dealing with the possible invasion of the empire, the plan to fully develop deep space and strengthen preparations for war, etc.

Lei Xu has decided that after rescuing Younijin, regardless of whether he has the ability to return to Gaia Earth, he will directly set off with the cute new house beast.

——Go to the Kingdom of Light!

After all, Yunijin is still just a child, and Lei Xu shouldn't let him take this risk from the very beginning.

Tai Da's description of the space-time wound space is too different from what Younijin said.

Dangerous environment, thousands of pursuits, this is certainly because Tai Da is not familiar with time and space wounds, but...

Lei Xu has every reason to suspect that the environment in the space-time wound is far more dangerous than when Unikin came.

And now and then—

Before, Lei Xu refused to take risks because he did not have the ability to span 300W light-years in a short period of time.

But now...

Tiga? Light of the Earth Edition?

What's more, when we got to the place, Eugene's companions would help to spread the word.

It shouldn't be a problem to find the gang of street sneakers in Kingdom of Light who are keen to maintain the peace of the universe in a short time.

Relativity's Time Velocity Change?

——Unikin can provide time query service, presumably Mengxin House Beast will not refuse to go out with Lei Xu for a few days in the Kingdom of Light.

Taking the 30-year period, minus two...three years, Lei Xu theoretically has 27 years left.

In 20 years, Lei Xu set a deadline for himself.

In these 20 years, he will do his best to go to the Kingdom of Light.

After 20 years, with 7 years remaining, Lei Xu will ask Unikin to send him back to the real universe.

——Whether he succeeds or not, he must rush back to the real universe.

Otherwise, once any unexpected situation occurs, it will be a loss that Lei Xu cannot bear...

"Hey, Superman boy, what were you thinking... Whoa."

There was a slight pat on the shoulder, and Catherine sat opposite Lei Xu in surprise.

"Do you eat that much every time?"


Lei Xu gave her an unspoken look.

Where is this?

Standing up, he carried the huge steamer that had steamed a large amount of white water vapor behind him to the table.

Lei Xu unloaded slowly——

There are two cages of mutton, char siew, bean paste, crab roe, steamed dumpling and siu mai, plus a pot of stewed meat piled up in a hill and a pot of peeled and boiled tea eggs.

I don't know how Fujimiya resumed the supply of the secret base restaurant in such a short period of time.

"These are the breakfast." Lei Xu ordered the pot of bones before, "Those can only be regarded as appetizers."

Catherine's eyes were full of disbelief:

"Isn't that breakfast for us?"

Lei Xu: ...

No matter who Fujimiya prepared for, anyway, if it entered his stomach, it was his.

Eat first as a respect!

"Is this what makes you different from us?"

She looked at Lei Xu's stomach with interest, "If you eat so much, will your weight change?"

With his mouth full of food, Lei Xu shook his head firmly.

"WC? Pull or not? How much?"

What's the matter with this woman?

Lei Xu didn't want to talk to her at all, talking about such a disgusting topic, do you know that she is eating now?

Catherine's attention was entirely on Lei Xu's body at the moment, she turned around curiously, and stretched out her sinful hands to Lei Xu with bright eyes:

"Can you study it for me?"

Lei Xu trembled when he heard this, and almost choked on the pork bun in his mouth.

He continued to shake his head, avoiding Catherine's salty hands to show his unwavering refusal.

What's going on with these Austrian scientists? Why do they all want to study my body?


You are just greedy for my body, you are lowly!

79 Lei Xu's preparation~

Lei Xu is preparing for his departure.

You can ignore the time and space wounds for the time being, that will be after you rescued Eugene.

The first thing that needs to be considered is the base camp (let's assume that is the base camp) and the strategy of action after that.

Although Lei Xu now has the confidence to compete with Zog, he will not be so stupid as to start a movie with Zog in the enemy's hometown.

Putting aside whether he can beat him well, the mere possibility of being beaten by a gang is enough to make Lei Xu bald.

——He is not strong enough to race a rabbit.

Excluding Zolim, who will definitely start to move after the wormhole is opened, there are Zoggarbu birds in the log records alone.

Don't worry about Mo Qian'an being extremely bulky, and the god of death doesn't know if he is there.

None of the above is scary, and Lei Xu's body transformed into a photosphere and moving at the speed of light is not afraid of the cadres and aces under the gang of shattering bodies.

At the scale of space, if you keep a little distance, it is impossible for the enemy to accurately hit a ball of light-this pit, Tai Da and his party have already waded through Lei Xu once in advance.

The plan in Lei Xu's heart can be roughly described as:

After rescuing Younikin, Chedika's account left at super-speed of light, guaranteed to be shattered, causing the body to stare and eat ashes.

The above is Lei Xu's general plan, and it is also the other half of his confidence in daring to go deep into the enemy camp alone.

There is only one uncertain factor - El Robber!

This guy is elusive, and the fact that he exists in plural at the same time guarantees that he will never be absent.

best case -

Elrobpa's body is not there, and only one that travels back from other timelines will intercept Lei Xu.

Worst case scenario - two El Robpas volley Lei Xu at the same time.

I can't cause any effective damage to it, but it can guarantee to stop Lei Xu's escape route.

Of course, there is also the possibility that Lei Xu made a mistake in his previous speculation about El Robpa.

——Younikin appeared in the lair of the shattered summoned body for other reasons, and Elrobpa was not on the side of the shattered summoned body.

Possibility is possible, Lei Xu must be prepared to deal with the worst situation - he cannot bear the price of failure.

Probably this is the reason why he, Lei, had to help Mother Earth even if someone cheated on him.

Compared with those Austrian TV protagonists who act faster than their brains, Lei Xu prefers to make decisions before acting, and he is not afraid to use some methods that are not so aboveboard.

Just like...


Daniel's voice was so loud that it attracted the attention of everyone present. He paced back and forth nervously in a small space, thought for a while, and looked up at Lei Xu:

"I can only say try my best. After all, you also know that the manufacture of a planet-destroying missile needs to be reported to the GUARD and obtained the consent of all high-level officials in the country. Chrysis will definitely not be able to hide such a big situation."

"Planet destroying missile?"

Catching this key word, even Fujimiya couldn't help but be moved, "Are you crazy? You didn't go to fight the Shattered body!"

"I know, of course I know."

Lei Xu is very calm, this is his thought after weighing all kinds of things, "But I need a countermeasure that can make a final decision and prevent the shattering from causing the death of the body and the net of the fish."

Fujimiya knew what he was worried about, "Then I will be with you..."

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Lei Xu interrupted:

"In case I can't come back, do you expect me to carry everything alone in Mengmeng?"

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