
His fist hit the table with a loud sound. Dr. Daomori looked at the blood dripping on the table with distress, and hurried to find the first aid kit. Lei Xu turned his head to look at Daniel:

"How? How sure are you?"

"not enough time!"

Daniel put out the most direct practical problem, "A week can't even go through the administrative procedures, let alone manufacturing."

"You may have misunderstood something."

Lei Xu reminded and tried to describe his needs:

"What I want is not a complete planet-destroying missile. I just want its core warhead, which can be detonated, and that's fine."

"You can completely understand it as a large grenade, which can be triggered to detonate."

"if it is like this......"

Daniel's eyes brightened, "The core of the planet-destroying missile is a high-energy warhead, and multiple warheads detonate together to trigger a chain reaction..."

"In other words, if you only pursue power... There are ready-made high-energy warheads, and you can just reassemble them. It's very simple. If you have equipment, you can do it by yourself."


Time is running out, and Lei Xu is ready to take an unusual path.

Robbery, Aguru can do it, and Reza can do it too.

——At most, report to Shishi.

"I'll arrange it immediately!"

Catherine's eyes lit up, eager to try:

"I know where the US GUARD's high-energy warhead manufacturing plant is located."

Damn, why is this woman more excited than me?

Lei Xu was stunned for a moment, and then remembered his fierce performance in the original plot——

Single-handedly provoking Xia Zak, the monster in the pit stepped off the cliff and was blown into disgrace.

During the period, the display included but was not limited to a whole box of grenades, a bomb capable of setting off a mushroom cloud equivalent, and an RPG arsenal hidden all over the entire mountain without knowing it was the entire forest.

How does this look like a scientist on the alchemy star? Those who don't know it might think that this is the Queen of Arms.

"I'm in charge of Japan."

Fujimiya seemed to be persuaded by Lei Xu's determination, "There are high-energy warhead reserves in the Geo base, at least two of them."

Please, Fujimiya Ameng, please save some face for Geo Base.

"Find out the location, I'll go." Lei Xu didn't look up, "Anyway, it doesn't matter that I'm leaving soon, but you don't want to be wanted every day like the plot."

"Even if you don't have to think about yourself, at least you have to..."

Lei Xu glanced at Inamori who was bandaging Fujimiya, and pretended not to care: "Think about Dr. Inamori and Miss Reiko."

Fujimiya: ...

Dr. Inamori raised his head sharply, and successfully noticed the stagnation on Fujimiya's face, and the corner of Lei Xu's mouth curled up a subtle arc of a successful prank.

"Who is Miss Reiko?" Inamori tied the bandage a little bit harder.


Seeing that Fujimiya Ameng looked over 'viciously', Lei Xu changed the subject as if nothing had happened:

"I'm planning to go to Renlong tonight, does anyone of you want to go with me?"

"Eh——, really?"

Catherine seemed to have been thinking about this matter for a long time, so much so that she volunteered to take over the preparation of the sacrifice.


Lei Xu took out Aguru Plus——

L77 Survivor: [Chewing Gum, go find Shishi, let’s visit Renlong together tonight. 】

Guardian of the Earth: [Eh——?Got it, senior! 】


80 Goodbye Renlong ~ Two in One

"Anyway...isn't that a bit of an exaggeration?"

At the Marunouchi city project site, Lei Xu's eyes twitched as he looked at the endless rows of vans.

PAL helps a lot, you don't need to find a driver to drive and you don't have to worry about leaks.

And it's not completely unmanned, the members of Alchemy Star are scattered in the convoy, modifying the autopilot parameters at any time.

The carriages contained tons of roasted pigs, cattle, sheep, chickens, dogs, and horses.

——This is the six animals.

There are also grains:

Rice, millet, millet, wheat, bean.

All measured in ten tons.

Catherine's preparations were quite thoughtful, and it could be seen that she had studied Asia, especially the ancient ritual customs of the Celestial Dynasty.

"Miss Catherine, are you planning to bribe Renlong?" Lei Xu couldn't stand it anymore, "That's a monster over 100 meters high, I don't think you can feed it enough.

"How much worse do you think?"

A clear female voice came from the earphones, "If it's not enough, I'll do it again, soon."

Lei Xu: ...

Is it a matter of how much?

And that's all I said, are you really going to bribe Renlong?

For a moment, he couldn't figure out what this crazy group of women wanted to do, so Lei Xu chose his words cautiously:

"What do you want Renlong to do for you?"

"Shazak, the legendary god of the forest."


Lei Xu was noncommittal, he remembered this episode.

Catherine's original shield system experiment was about to start, but was blocked by the local monster Shazak living in the forest.

The fundamental reason is that the original shield still has a lot of flaws. Once the experiment is started, it will have an irreversible impact on the local forest ecology.

Xia Zak shot to protect his living environment, but Catherine didn't understand, and once designed a trap to try to kill the former.

"Didn't you already know that Yuan Shield still has big flaws?" Lei Xu asked.

"Earth Emperor, Renlong."

There was an inexplicable excitement in Catherine's voice, "If I can get Renlong to give Shazak an order to cooperate with my research, maybe the defects of the original shield system will be improved soon."

"Since Xiazak can detect the defects of the original shield system, it can also monitor the use of the original shield system in real time. After the system defects are improved, I want Xiazak to go to other places to see if it is suitable for the original shield system. use."

Lei Xu: ...

MD, hello SAO.

Xie Renlong to command Xia Zac, not only want to study other people's bodies, but also want monsters to work for you?

In the end, I figured that Xia Zak's few meals were all taken care of by you.

But it doesn't seem to be malicious, and Lei Xu doesn't want to care about it.

Anyway, Fujimiya and I are both dreaming together, no matter how crazy Catherine criticizes, nothing big will happen...probably.

"By the way, Daniel, what is the current situation of the Marunouchi project?"

"Well, I used the influence of Alchemy Star in Japan to stop this project. In the future, this place will become one of the research institutions of Alchemy Star. Let's protect Renlong in this way."

"Hmph, Renlong doesn't need protection."

Fujimiya was still as blunt as ever, with a cold voice:

"It is human beings who protect themselves."


Daniel obviously knew Fujimiya's character for a long time, and he was not angry at all.

"The real purpose of protecting the environment is to protect human beings. It is a pity that there are only a few people who can really understand this truth..."

Regarding environmental issues, no matter which earth it is on, human beings have not done very well on this issue.

Development and environmental protection, these two are bound to conflict to a certain extent, Lei Xu sighed in his heart.

"Why isn't the chewing gum here yet?" Catherine obviously couldn't wait, "Superman boy, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up."

"Again, don't call me Superboy."

Lei Xu took out his phone——

L77 survivor: [I dream, how long is it? 】

Guardian of the Earth: [ we are! 】


There was a sudden strong wind blowing overhead, Lei Xu looked up and saw that FightEX was slowly landing.

"Everyone is here."

Lei Xu raised his hand and pressed the earphone:

"Fujimiya, you take the convoy out."

The huge convoy began to move, and it took an hour for so many cars to arrive and start.

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