Lei Xu is not in a hurry, he is waiting for Shi Shi and my dream.

I dream of wearing casual clothes, and so is the stone room.

Seeing the two walking quickly, Lei Xu asked with an expression on his face:


"?" My pure dream put a question mark on my face.

Lei Xu: ...

I didn't dream that I would go directly to Shishi and say, 'Commander, follow me to a place'?


Lei Xu couldn't help giving me a headache, "The commander already knows your identity!"


Rubbing my head in my dream, I immediately looked towards the stone room beside me when I heard the words, with a look of horror on my face.

Stone Chamber:  …

"Where is this going?"

Ishiro gave me a nod to Meng, turned to look at the bustling Marunouchi, and said succinctly:


This person is still the same as before, not very sharp.

"En!" Lei Xu nodded:

"I think you need to know."

"In two days, I will have a fight with Renlong, and a week later, there will be an 'endless' conflict between Aguru and Gaia."

The stone room was a little moved:

"Is this part of the plan?"

Lei Xu didn't answer, and said to himself:

"After that, I will go to the space domain where the body of the shattered summoner is located, and I will not look back."

Shishi's eyes gradually narrowed into a line:

"Never look back?"

"For this, I need a large number of GUARD's high-energy warheads, and I will get them myself."

Shishi was sullen and said nothing—this was considered a report.

"Zolim will attack the earth, Renlong will not join the battle, I will seize this opportunity."

"Afterwards, Chrysis' undead will use whatever means to obtain a body, and the air base will be attacked. Commander, you need to prepare early."

"Finally, today may be the last time you and I meet...don't you say goodbye?" Lei Xu smiled at him.

Shi Shi raised his eyes and took a deep look at Lei Xu, before boarding the truck I dreamed of.

—— Lei Xu's words were a notification, Shi Shi lowered his eyes slightly, even if he didn't know how to reply to Lei Xu.

"Goodbye, and..." A faint voice of farewell came from the slowly rising car window, "Thank you!"


It is still the huge cave, and it is still the clear and calm water surface like a mirror.

The only difference from last time was that Renlong seemed to have noticed that someone was looking for him early on.

When Lei Xu brought Womeng and Shishi in, he found that the huge dragon head that almost reached the ceiling of the cave was staring at him calmly.

Behind, eight little dragons are watching Aguru unloading goods curiously—half of the hundreds of trucks have been unloaded.

Fortunately, Renlong is a big and flat place, otherwise so many cars would not be able to drive in.

"Gum, go help."


I Meng accepted the fact that my identity was exposed very quickly. Lei Xu had already vaccinated him.

Gaia joined, and the unloading speed doubled immediately.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lei Xu glanced at the place where Daniel, Catherine and others were standing, and couldn't help being a little amused.

This group of pure Yegongs like dragons belongs to yes.

It's not enough to be shivering, 'beautiful.jpg' is well done.

Shi Shi looked at the nine-headed giant dragon standing proudly not far away with a full face of amazement.

If he hadn't known about it long ago, he really wouldn't believe that such a monster existed.

Is this Renlong?

Before he regained consciousness, the human-sized red Ultraman walked out slowly from the blazing rainbow light, and the words that opened instantly included everyone present and Otto on the channel.

【Ah, Gaia and Aguru are here again. 】

【Didn't they just come here? 】

[It smells so good, it looks delicious. 】

[Sleepy, want to sleep. 】

【Hey, offering, hey, hey, there's another offering...】


Well, the eight little dragons are still so... alive.

Reading words will reveal emotions, Lei Xu didn't dare to complain, he wasn't sure if he could shield Renlong.

After all, when it comes to mind power, Renlong is stronger than Ultraman, who became a monk halfway.

【Renlong, I will leave the earth soon, what I told you last time, I will fight with you in two days. 】

【Can. 】Datou's words still give people a sense of calm and steady.

【and this--】

Lei Xu raised his hand to beckon, and Fujimiya immediately turned around knowingly, and took out the 'Dragon Ball' he made by himself from the only unloaded van.

It was a large solid Plexiglas block with a concave half-arc. Lei Xu and Fujimiya lifted it up between Renlong's eyebrows.

Put it in the right position and push it up gently.

Tsk, Fujimiya's visual inspection is really accurate and perfect.

Renlong's big head stared out slightly silly cross-eyed - it was looking at the 'tempered film' of the dragon ball on its forehead.

——Although not.

As a camouflage tool, this thing is absolutely qualified, and the ghost computer called Chrissis can't see through it.

[Leave, what's going on? 】

Seemingly losing interest in the 'tempered film', Renlong looked over inquiringly - it could detect the exact meaning of 'leave' through the words.

[I needed to rescue a friend and seek help for my hometown at the same time, so I had to leave. 】

Lei Xu didn't want to talk too much, even if Renlong knew about this kind of thing, he couldn't help him, it would only increase his troubles.

But who knows, in the next second, the majestic dragon head's eyebrows lit up with azure brilliance.

The blue brilliance is connected to the timer on Lei Xu's chest.

Lei Xu only felt that something had been injected into his body.

No, not power nor light.

Is...a seed?

It has the shape of a seed, but it presents a stable energy aggregation state.

The light energy in the body accepted this strange 'seed' without any hesitation, and maintained its vitality.

Open it for yourself?

Lei Xu's daily delusion——

It is indeed a delusion. This thing has no energy at all. Instead, it has to absorb the energy in Lei Xu's body to maintain it. It is probably impossible to expect it to be activated.

【My mother once told me to give hope to her children. 】

【hope? 】

Lei Xu was puzzled:

[What is hope?Wait a minute, mother... Renlong, can you communicate directly with Earth? 】

After coming to Gaia, Lei Xu tried to communicate with the earth, but he never succeeded.

[I don't know...can. 】

Thank you for reading the words so that I can understand Renlong's expression without barriers.

Lei Xu suddenly found a shortcut to confirm his life experience——

[Renlong, can you ask me about the earth, what happened 27 years ago? 】

[I want to help you very much, but my mother's strength has been depleted and transitioned, and she has entered a deep sleep, re-accumulating strength. 】


The joy in Lei Xu's heart stagnated, but he still did not give up:

【How long do you usually sleep for? 】

[Next attack. 】 Renlong is concise and to the point.

Good guy, Lei Xu called him a good guy.

Sleeping for tens of thousands of years is cutting?

As expected of the earth, it is so arrogant to sleep.

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