Considering Gaia and Aguru, plus the wave of strengthening he had received before, Lei Xu felt it was reasonable.

Ah, this—that is, when I received the enhancement before, the earth was in a dormant state?

Or is it Gaia and Aguru who gave him their own strength?

There is no need for Renlong to lie, and there is not much time left. This is a question that is destined to be unanswered, and Lei Xu resolutely gave up pursuing the answer.

As for the 'seed' of hope in the body... Lei Xu confirmed to Renlong that all the answers he gave were that he didn't know.

According to Renlong, it just carried out the mother's order, nothing more.

That being the case, it is meaningless to go deep into it, and let's just think that the earth has its own deep meaning.

Anyway, Mother Earth won’t harm herself—Lei Xu thought optimistically.

There's nothing below... oh yes, Catherine's Xiazak kidnapping plan.

【Catherine, it's your turn, use your thoughts, and convert what you want to say into a message and tell Renlong. 】

Said, Lei Xu took the initiative to give up the right to talk.


During this exchange, the little dragons were very polite and none of them interrupted. I don't know if they were beaten or... Lei Xu didn't dare to think.

The communication between Catherine, a crazy female scientist, and Renlong seems to be smooth, and Lei Xu silently sweats the honest beast.

May Mother Earth bless you, Shazak.

At this moment, Xia Zak, who is in Canada, still doesn't know that he is about to be packaged and sold to evil humans by his immediate boss.

——The miserable future of the worker beast awaits it.

Finally——, reconfirming the appointment two days later, Lei Xu said goodbye to Renlong.

Daniel and the others have no special requirements, obviously not everyone is as big-hearted as Catherine.

There were horrible chewing and biting sounds from the rock wall behind, and a group of empty vans returned the same way.

Watching the EX that Womeng and Ishishi took disappeared into the night, Lei Xu looked at Fujimiya who came to his side at some point.

In the turquoise light, a blond girl with shimmering body surface appeared, and the Rinal girl turned her head to look at Lei Xu, her voice was ethereal:

"Rinal already knows that you are about to leave, and hopes that you can pass."


Lei Xu pointed to his nose:



The Rinal girl said softly:

"She is coming."

Who is she?

Lei Xu looked puzzled.

The next second, there was a crackling sound, and there was a soft and cold touch on his face.

Lei Xu: ...

Needless to say, Rinal probably woke her up by trying to contact him through the little guy.

[Big liar boo, leave Rinal for another boo! ! ! 】

81 Rinal's request~

PS: I made a mistake in the accounting review, and the manuscript fee was a little undercalculated. I am too late to deal with this matter, sorry~

Lei Xu originally planned to go to the Mariana Trench to find Rinal tomorrow night, but...

As a result, I Meng, who had just rushed back to the air base, was forced to rush back to work overtime—with Rinal who was by his side.

Deep and quiet, the ocean trench abyss as deep as [-] meters, no one knows that this is the home of the second intelligent civilization on earth.

This is the Garden of Eden in human myths and legends.

In the monstrous flood that swept the world, Rinal who extended a helping hand to the ancestors of mankind is the "God" in Gaia's earth legend.

——As Fujimiya said, Rinal told many long histories, from which he discovered the prototypes of many modern myths and legends.

Compared with the last time, this time there were three Rinals leading the way, and the three of Lei Xu arrived at the pitch-black abyss where countless Rinals floating island cities were floating.

The Rinals, who had already known that the three of them would come, quickly gathered around.

[Hey, why does it feel so much more empty, is it my illusion? 】

Lei Xu glanced at it twice, feeling that it was different from what he saw last time.

In the eyes, the floating island of Rinal City, which quietly radiates shimmering light in the dark and still water, is much less.

Was it because the Seagod was defeated and sank to a deeper place because the roots were shattered?

[The darkness is gone, the seal is lifted, and our clan does not need to gather in one place. 】

Familiar reading words, familiar Q cute green tadpole... Lei Xu can barely recognize that this is the one he talked to them last time.

[Some clansmen went to build new homes, and some went to play in the human world. 】

Lei Xu & My Dream & Fujimiya:  …

The monsters and ghosts in the ancient legends of Gaia Earth are also played by Rinal, it must be!

Lei Xu didn't waste any time, and went straight to the point——

[I think, you should already know that I will leave soon, the situation in the future may be even worse, Rinal needs to be prepared. 】

【empire? 】

Lei Xu nodded, he was not surprised that Rinal knew about the empire.

Fujimiya is not like Rinal next to my dream... Lei Xu reached out and plucked the little green tadpole from his head and held it in his hand. The latter turned around angrily to show his respect.

[Although it is useless, thank you very much for your help. 】

Lei Xu let go of his hands and let it float in front of him on his stomach:

【She may not be very happy in the human world, and I don't know what happened. I often forget her...】

This is real.

——Lei Xu made up his mind every time to remember to take Rinal with him, but he forgot every time. Common sense says that this should not be the case.

【this is normal. 】

【Empire...Huh?what did you just say? 】

Lei Xu looked at Rinal in surprise, [Normal? 】

[This is her characteristic. 】

Rinal's words revealed complex emotions, Lei Xu was unable to accurately distinguish the true emotions of the speaker for the first time:

【She is the youngest child of our family. 】

[The smallest? 】

I Meng couldn't help interjecting: [Then why don't you change...]

[My family has not had a newborn for a long time. 】

Rinal spat out a news that surprised the three of them.

[Didn't you rely on self-division to increase the population? 】

Fujinomiya looked around at the sparsely populated Rinal floating island city, and was very puzzled:

[In theory, there is no shortage of living space in the sea. 】

Rinal didn't answer, but instead solemnly asked Lei Xu:

[Resa Altman, no matter where you go, can you take her away? 】

The meaning of the recitation will not be inaccurate, Lei Xu's first reaction is to refuse——

【no! 】

【What I am going to do is very dangerous, not because I don't want to, but because I may not have enough time to take care of her. 】

This can be regarded as an explanation for his subconscious refusal.

[It's okay, even if you can't take care of it, it doesn't matter, we can accept the worst result. 】

Lei Xu: ...

The worst outcome is undoubtedly death, Lei Xu was even more puzzled.

And this doubt was also passed on to Rinal along the words:

[Give me a reason. 】

Lei Xu stared at Rinal:

[I want to know the reason why the number of the Rinal group cannot increase, and your purpose. 】

[Our mother is the earth. 】

In the reading, among the extremely complicated emotions, there is finally one item that occupies the absolute majority and becomes the dominant one.


The great sadness was clearly felt by Lei Xu and the other three through the words in an instant.

[As long as you are still in the arms of your mother, the total number of Rinal will never increase again. 】

[So, is it the earth that limits your population size? 】

Fujimiya was agitated, 【But, this is unreasonable! 】

[There are so many human beings, isn't it greater than the damage caused by Rinal? 】

【Aguru, you misunderstood. 】

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