[Rinal is a child of the earth, and each Rinal is the manifestation of the power of the mother. 】

Lei Xu nodded thoughtfully. From the very beginning, he felt that the existence of the Rinal race was very unusual.

During the Gaia OV period, the earth fell into a deep sleep, and the light of Agur and Gaia was exhausted, but Rinal was able to restore the power of the two OVs.

Even, Rinal can directly produce and back up the light energy he needs by analyzing his own light. How can this be something that ordinary civilized creatures can do?

[Rinal is the elf of the earth, you in the beginning even represented the will of the earth to a certain extent, right? 】

Under the shocked stares of Fujimiya and I Yume, Rinal gently nodded his big head:

[You are right, Ultraman Reza. 】

[But creatures, the instinct of civilization is to survive and develop, even if it is an elf of the will of the earth, there will be a day when it wants to break free from its mother's embrace. 】

Rinal described rather bitterly:

[Our family once had a glorious history and once became the overlord of this planet, just like the current human beings. 】

[Rinal has done some wrong things, and the mother gave birth to Agur and Gaia because of this. 】

My Dream & Fujimiya:  …

[The seal of darkness, although it threatens us, was the umbrella of our clan in the past. 】

What Rinal stated was a secret sealed in the ancient history.

[The ancestors swear to their mothers to guard the dark seal and never step over the thunder pool again. 】

Rinal's history can be summed up in four paragraphs and three words——

I'm floating, I'm up, I'm upside down, I'm dead.


Lei Xu looked at Rinal solemnly:

[You want her to go to the earth in my home universe to expand the living space and number of Rinal, right? 】

【Yes. 】

[It doesn’t matter even if human beings refuse Rinal to stay on Earth in the end, you must give our race a chance. 】

Rinal's attitude is very frank:

【Altman Resa, I understand your concerns and respect the choices of human beings.

At that time, if she is willing to leave, please place her on other unowned planets, and if she is not willing to leave, let her follow you...]

82 Not acting~

In the end, Lei Xu chose to agree to Rinal's request, but failed to get rid of the blond girl Rinal.

It wouldn't be a burden - it could be quantified and stay in his timer.

Speaking of which, Lei Xu himself didn't know that the timer could hold a Rinal.

Looking back, as Rinal said, they have no more room for development on this planet.

As for whether the human beings in the real universe are willing to accept Rinal... Lei Xu personally thinks it is affirmative.

Just being able to give this Ultraman the ability to store spare energy is already a temptation that human beings... GDI's high-level management cannot refuse.

As for the little green tadpole who was still angry with Lei Xu just now, he was so angry that he fell asleep with his head down.

Little Rinal can also carry a nearly full energy supply for Lei Xu, which makes Lei Xu very excited.

[By the way, you just said, her characteristics? 】

Lei Xu recalled that he often forgot the existence of Little Rinal, 【Is the trait to make people forget her existence? 】

If he really wanted to be this passive, Lei Xu felt that she might lose it every minute if she followed him.

[It's not forgetting, it's ignoring. 】

[This is the ability that Rinal used to protect himself before he became an adult. The sense of existence will be reduced when he is sleeping and resting, and he will not be observed. 】

【Uncertain Interference and Maintenance of Consciousness and Quantum Physics? 】

In my dream, I opened my mouth and popped out a strange term that made Lei Xu's head swell.

【...yes. 】

Rinal nodded his head and explained:

[She is still a child, less than 700 years old. 】

The three of Lei Xu: ...

Only——, less than 700 years old.

Listen, is this what people say?

One sentence broke Lei Xu's defense.

Lei Xu has never thought about it, or he himself has been deliberately avoiding this question with the excuse of 'imperial invasion'.

——As Ultraman, how long will your life be in the future?

In the Austrian world view, there has never been an Ultraman who died of old age.

King Ao, over 30 years old, Ao's father 16, and the six Showa Otto brothers represented by the first generation are generally over 1.5.

Both were born in L77, and the cheap brothers Leo and Astra both debuted at 1 years old.

The closest to Lei Xu is the new generation of Jiede, who was 19 years old when he first appeared on the stage, 8 years younger than the current Lei Xu.

However, his own seniority is extremely high, theoretically both Sai Tuo and Tai Jia have to be called uncles.

There is Superman Aguang on the bottom, and the backstage of the Aowang Station on the top. One TV changes seven or eight forms, and his strength skyrockets.

Compared with those genuine Ultramans, Lei Xu, who became a monk halfway through, received human education and the concept of time since he was a child.

Lei Xu thought of the Tulayga gun that traveled 300 million light years to the Land of Light and brought the voice of friends to Xiaomeng in the Taiga radio drama.

As soon as he shot it, Lei Xudao was stunned.

He was still young at that time, he never thought that one day he would face the same predicament as Xiaomeng.

If it is my parents in the real universe, Qiao Ya, Zhang Wei Sophie, the two Chief Assistants, or even Fujimiya and I Meng.

Familiar people and friends have passed away one by one, but I still live in this world, so what should I do?

All the happy, warm, and happy memories now will eventually become painful blunt knives stabbed at me in the future.

On the way back, Lei Xu kept thinking. Now he can still comfort himself with the unresolved reason of the imperial invasion, so there is no need to think too much.

But——, after all, this is a reality that he cannot escape from.

【Then I will take her away. 】

Lei Xu stretched out his hand to hold the little Linal in his hand, and bid farewell to Linal in front of him:

[After a week, please pay close attention to the movement on the ground, and give Gaia and Aguru some support if necessary. 】

The Rinals nodded silently.


Under the night, Lei Xu stood at the entrance of the secret base and let out a long sigh, letting out the depression in his heart.

At least for now, for the time being, I don't want to worry about life-span and other issues that make people feel depressed.

——If you encounter difficulties, sleep a lot.

Oh yes, first make a matcha-flavored 'bed' for Rinal, which is actually a cup of tea.

[Good night boo~. 】

Looking at the little Linal who was sleeping soundly in the teacup with his head upside down, Lei Xu suddenly felt that this was not too bad.

——Rinal's lifespan can also reach the standard of tens of thousands.

But to be honest, with such a long lifespan, it's no wonder that Rinal will be limited by the earth's population.

Silent all night.

The next day, Lei Xu was woken up by Fujimiya.

"What's the matter?" Lei Xu put on his clothes quickly, and Fujimiya motioned him to look at his phone.

KCB Live——

【...At present, the dragon-shaped monsters appearing in many water bodies in Tokyo are still not moving. I wonder if this is related to the water shortage and power outage in Tokyo in recent months. Reiko Yoshii will report it for you on the spot...】

The images switched one after another, and the eight small Renlongs stood in the wells, rivers, and bays, quietly watching the passing vehicles and pedestrians, and did not make any other dangerous moves.


Lei Xu was stunned for a moment, and agreed that two days later...it should be tomorrow.

He thought about it again, it seems that it is not impossible to warm up today.

But it is still necessary to figure out whether Renlong's time is wrong or something else.

"Shall I go to the scene to confirm?"

"No, no need." Fujimiya looked quite calm, "It's good to make a fuss, I think it may have something to do with this matter."

As he spoke, he turned over the PDI in his hand.


Lei Xu couldn't think of anything else that could compel Renlong to come forward.



Lei Xu looked at the report on the PDI, which was sent by someone, "The Marunouchi blockade project broke the blockade and forced to start this morning", and joked:

"Now you alchemy stars are so useless?"

"A mere district chief dares to provoke you?"

"Not surprisingly."

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