The corners of Fujimiya's mouth curled up slightly, and the disdain in his heart was beyond words:

"I did a little research and found that the Marunouchi project was completed under the guarantee of the district chief, and it was used as a performance project for capital promotion."

The situation is not too urgent, Lei Xu also relaxed, "Don't tell me, you called me up just to talk about it."

"Of course not!" Fujimiya simply affirmed:

"I think it's better to hit the sun than to choose the day."

"Oh—? Tell me." Lei Xu was curious.


Guardian of the Earth: [Hey——, I will fight with Fujimiya?Now? 】

L77 survivor: [Well, this is Fujimiya's plan, and the conflict between the two of you can't be resolved overnight, it's too abrupt. 】

Guardian of the Earth: [When Senior was fighting Renlong, I came to help, and Fujimiya stopped me, right? 】

L77 survivor: [Hmm. 】

The Light of the Ocean: [My dream, for you and me, this is not a complete act, so be prepared to be covered in bruises! 】

Guardian of the Earth: [Hey! ! ! 】

83 Fake Hitting? Real Hitting!

bang - bang -

The residents of Tokyo looked in horror at the huge ruins once again blocked by the haze and smoke. The previous sound seemed to come from...

The huge alien giant ship still straddles the sky above the city, forming a magnificent shadow under the morning light, spreading fear and anxiety.

The lack of water, power outages, days of exposure to the sun, and the recent catastrophe, which caused hundreds of thousands of casualties and shook the whole world, have made people in Tokyo sensitive and vulnerable.

Whenever there is any trouble, they will immediately put down all the affairs in their hands, and look around vigilantly, guarding against disasters that may cause them to lose their beautiful lives at any time.

Although many people are well aware that doing so doesn't do much to -

Whether it's a terrifying monster, an alien giant ship that falls from the sky, a giant alien ship the size of a city, or other disasters, personal power is insignificant in comparison.

However, survival is instinct!

Even insects as small as a broken leg are struggling with all their strength. It is impossible for human beings to give up struggling, and they have never stopped in the face of disasters.

The solid ground under his feet was shaking, and the distant roar of the dragon echoed over the city, as if announcing the imminent destruction.

The blue sky revealed at dawn was covered by thick black and blue clouds, and the torrential rain swept across the entire city in an instant.


The sharp alarm bells pierced through the streets and alleys, driving the alarm bells in people's hearts to ring out.

Accompanied by the warning bell of a disaster, the next second, the dull and unclear blaring sound seemed to explode directly in the ear, and people finally confirmed that this was the prelude to another disaster.

As a result, they took a step forward, and the panicked but orderly people gathered on the street and quickly moved towards the underground shelter.

——In their eyes, there means safety.

Maybe it was true before, but this time...

"Water! It's a flood!" An evacuation worker warned his colleagues hoarsely.

"It's flooding, let's go."

"Get out, get out!"

"Evacuate, stop people entering, hurry up!" A group of people struggled to get out as they waded through the gradually submerged floodwater.

The warnings from the evacuation crews were timely and they managed to drive away the crowds who were trying to pour into the shelter.

In fact, there is no need to drive away-no one would foolishly jump into a shelter that can be submerged up to his neck.

The vast majority of panicked people would not think about it. The lack of water and electricity has been going on in this city for several months. At this time, where is the water that is enough to submerge the entire city come from.

"Look, what is that!"

This voice did not attract many people's attention, but more and more people raised their heads and looked at the ancient and sacred gesture that seemed to be condensed by the clearest water through the thick rain.

The moist radiance of light blue outlines a huge and daunting silhouette. The ancient black scales are perfectly combined with the mirage-shaped belly. The body surface is engraved with auspicious cloud-like patterns, just like the manifestation of a sacred dragon beast that came out of myths and legends. Out of the majestic form.

hold head high--

The earth beast representing the earth let out a low-pitched roar that overwhelmed the world. Anyone who saw the pair of red dragon eyes could feel the anger just like before the eruption of the volcano.

Even so, it didn't break anything.

The sacred and ancient dragon beast stood quietly in the city like this, with a bright green color suddenly blooming between its brows.

In the next moment, people were surprised to find that the rain was slowing down, and the majestic rain became weak under the brilliance of blue light.

No—it should be said that the rainwater was controlled by the ancient dragon beast standing in the center of the city, and the massive amount of rainwater sank into the ground silently, turning into a torrent rushing underground, capable of tearing everything apart.

"Commander, a series of people's livelihood infrastructure such as Tokyo's underground subway, natural gas, and cable lines have been destroyed by floods."

In the command room of the air base, Shi Shi looked away from the huge dragon beast on the screen and gave me a dream.

"I dream!"

"Yes, the purpose of the monster has been found out."

I Meng is an honest child, and I am not very good at this kind of play that you know and I know, so I can only lower my head and use the computer screen to cover my blushing face.

On the screen, the stratum structure of Tokyo is gradually becoming clear, and a huge water vein system shaped like a dragon runs through multiple civil construction projects at different heights.

"At present, it has been three hours since the first appearance of the monster, and no destruction or killing has been carried out.

Combined with the fact that the underground flood is breaking through the man-made barriers and re-forming the leyline water body, I judge that its purpose is likely to regain the living space destroyed by human beings. "

"Considering the formation system and cycle of Tokyo's underground water veins, the city of Tokyo has never had any records about this monster. It is speculated that this monster may have existed for a longer time than human history."


The voice of my dream surprised everyone except Shishi, and his voice continued——

"In other words, this monster may have lived under this land before the city of Tokyo was built..."

Staff Officer Qianye looked solemn, "Are you serious?"

"In other words, it was humans who destroyed its homeland."

The commander sighed helplessly, and turned to Director Di:

"Lightning team, dispatch immediately!"


"Look, Commander!"

Qiao Ji's voice brought everyone's attention back to the live broadcast on the screen——

The billowing black and blue clouds that seemed to be looming like thunder were severely torn apart by a stream of red light, and the brilliance from the sun briefly shone on this city that was on the verge of being broken, but it was soon refilled by black clouds coming from all directions .

The blazing rainbow light outlines a slender and huge human figure. People are familiar with that figure. It is the figure of the savior who has saved the city from despair many times.

"Come on Ultraman!!!"

"Squeeze that monster, kill it!"

The appearance of the red giant seemed like a drop of water thrown into a frying pan, instantly boiling the city.

People cheered and cheered for Ultraman, and put their hope of repelling the monsters and regaining safety and peace on the shouts and cheers, without any awareness of the arrogance in their cheers.

If they could hear the conversation between the giant and the dragon beast, they might lose their faith in an instant——

[How do we fight? 】Lei Xu pulled out his posture, and Otto's words enveloped Renlong.

[You hit the big head, why don't you hit me?I won't help you either. 】

[Yes, yes, you go hit the big head, and I will overthrow the big head with you! 】

[The big head is scary, you can't beat it, run away. 】

[If you invite me to dinner, I won't hit you. 】

[But the big head shares the pain with us, if it hurts, it hurts together. 】

[Don't worry, how could he hurt his head? 】


The Eight Little Dragons were still as lively as ever, and Lei Xu felt the corners of his mouth twitching.

In the next second, the majestic recitation overwhelmed the other eight chatterers:

[Acting, or real fighting? 】

[If it's purely acting, how can you fool the disillusioned recruit body? 】

The red streamer slammed into the ancient dragon beast, and Lei Xu's words revealed a high-spirited fighting spirit:

[Of course it's a real fight! 】

84 Cheers~ [-] in [-]


Amidst the huge shock, Lei Xu stared at the billowing dark clouds above his head with a dazed expression.

Suspicious of Ousheng...

Is there such a big gap between Reza V2 and Renlong?

Renlong took the initiative to cooperate with Lei Xu to move the battlefield to the vicinity of the ruins plowed by the previous Imperial Koro class.

——There is no place in Tokyo that is more flat than this, and is more suitable for use as a battlefield.

In order to ensure the fairness and justice of the battle, Lei Xu used words in advance to ask the Lightning team not to support, look at me C!

Damn it, this development is not right now!

Lei Xu turned over to avoid the pounce of the ancient dragon beast. 11 tons is indeed not too heavy, but who knows why Renlong's claws hurt so much.

It is obvious that his current physical body can bear the punches of Aguru V2 Liquidator and My Dream.

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