Briefly describe the previous situation-

Lei Xu: (╬ ̄dish ̄)=○

Renlong: ○v○

Lei Xu: (-__-)=@)))))))))

Renlong: ○v○


Renlong: ?‖(○v○)


Eight Little Dragons: ovo

Punching and kicking, Lei Xu almost didn't use Tijia's enhanced fist and potential energy impact, but Renlong was unscathed.

Well, it’s a bit of an exaggeration to say that, let’s make a metaphor—HP is mandatory -1.

The palm of the hand is light, and the P is not used.

The big move... Lei Xu's output is not full, but Renlong didn't even open the water shield.

Outrageous! ! !

Lei Xu was impatient, and without even thinking about it, a light wheel flew over.

Well, the water shield was opened, and Lei Xu couldn't touch even a single scale of Renlong from now on.

[The big head is shameless and shameless, don't open the shield! 】

[Give up, let me go back to sleep~. 】


In the reading, the eight little dragons chattered and reminded him of all kinds, but he almost bit his head back. In this way, Lei Xu was no match for the physical strength of the leader of Renlong.

Now, the only thing that can be touched on Renlong's body is the pair of giant claws that touch the ground, and it hurts so much to scratch it.

The whole-body water shield looks like water, and a small layer on the surface feels similar to water, but it can be approached at a faster speed, which is like the AT force field of the TM-[-] machine, and it is no different from hitting a wall with a bang.

The key point is that Renlong is not as clumsy as the actor wearing a special-shaped leather case as shown in the drama.

The 100-meter-high giant dragon beast ran on the ground and broke the sound barrier in seconds, and the roaring dragon car instantly made Lei Xu recall his memories of being a blue star.

Dragon car! ! !

A fire dragon can be invincible with only one skill of dragon chariot, and that is almost the same meaning for Renlong when he runs.

The water shield wrapped all over his body and was airtight, and the cannonball dragon car, which was as indestructible as an AT force field, hit Lei Xu almost to death.

How else can you say that rolling is a magical skill?

As long as it is on the ground, there is no way to avoid the Renlong Dragon Chariot except rolling Lei Xu.

Any movement seems superfluous, it can only look like rolling.

Lei Xu flew into the sky, trying to learn from Xiaomeng.

Insufficient strength, just rotate to make up——

With a spinning and flying kick, Lei Xu felt that his power would definitely be able to break Renlong's water shield.

But who knows...

Puff puff puff—— Lei Xu kicked through ten layers of invisible thought power shields in a row, and then was frozen in mid-air by the blue brilliance on the forehead of the ancient dragon beast, unable to advance an inch.

Yes, Lei Xu received the same treatment as Gaia in the plot - aerial massage~.

The difference is that Lei Xu's massage is real.

Renlong didn't use his heavy hands at all, but Lei Xu still cooperated with him and let out painful battle cries... Due to the use of a lot of skills and a long time of fierce fighting, the timer on his chest frankly began to flicker.

——If not, how can this big drama continue to be performed reasonably?

As early as during the fierce battle, Gaimeng rushed to the sky above Tokyo with the excuse of 'I'll go and see the scene'.

The magenta light of the earth soared high, and the muscular earth giant fiercely pounced on the ancient dragon beast that was violently attacking the red giant in the sky.


—and was knocked to the ground by a single shot from the Reckoner.

The long and narrow blue lightsaber drew an arc of the full moon in the void, making Renlong who was concentrating on Lei Xu 'forced' to relax the 'torture' on the red giant in the sky.


In the heavy rain before, Lei Xu crashed to the ground and splashed huge mud and water... Oh my god, what a strong sense of sight.

Lei Xu shook his head and left the scene of a certain name aside, got up again and pulled away from facing Renlong.

On the other side, the giants of the land and the sea have finished their short communication, anyway, they just started talking without speculating.

The fiery quantum streamlines flashed like hot lava, and the liquidator's light ball entwined with golden light particles blatantly opposed it.

The loud storm followed like a shadow, and the sonic boom produced by the clash of fists and feet resounded through half of Tokyo. Once the battle between the two lights of the earth started, it declared that it had entered a white-hot state.

Lei Xu: ...

Renlong: ...

I always feel that the fight between the two of you is more exciting than ours.

Taking advantage of Renlong's distraction, the timer on Lei Xu's chest flickered more intensely.

——Red light riot state, open!

The picture scroll of the city under the ravages of machine dragons echoed in his mind, and the fury that suddenly flooded into his mind once again ignited the light energy in Lei Xu's body that was still full.

Unlike before——

This time, Lei Xu almost perfectly controlled his emotions.

Angry but still calm, the furious emotions did not subside, but settled in his heart, which he controlled freely.

【I am coming! 】

There was a reminder in the words, and the next second the red giant stepped forward, like a violent red lightning, crashing into a shiny water shield.

This blow did not break the tough moisture barrier in front of him, Lei Xu turned back without hesitation.

With a bang, the elongated crimson lightning hit the moist obstacle like a wall of sighing again.

Then, it was the third, and the fourth.

Before the vacuum created by the action was filled by the surrounding rushing air, it was knocked away by the sweeping red light and shadow again. The fiery rushing red light seemed to exist here, shining for a long time.

Originally, under such a huge force of friction, this piece of land should have turned into an incomparably scorching lava hell.

However, the stagnant water soaking into the bends of his legs minimized the impact of Lei Xu's attack on the environment. The rising white water vapor was engulfed by the violent wind and vacuum, and directly followed Lei Xu's trajectory into a feng shui path. The wall stretches exaggeratedly among the ruins of the city, as if the clouds and the sky are falling.

[Renlong, it's almost there! 】

Only Lei Xu himself knows how unreasonable Renlong's water shield is. No matter how many times he hits it, this layer of shiny water barrier will bounce him away again and again as if he was not affected.

Although a little helpless, Lei Xu could only ask Renlong to cooperate with the acting in the words.

In the next second——, the water shield rippling with a light blue light suddenly disintegrated into countless photon fragments, and the red lightning that turned back again suddenly stopped in front of the ancient dragon beast, and stretched its upper arm forward, firmly pressing against the dragon's eyebrows The glory and splendor of the space.


The dragon ball bursting with blue light made a breathtaking crisp sound, and the majestic dragon beast raised its head and roared proudly for the first time as if it had suffered a great insult.

Near the huge dragon's head, the undissipated pure white cloud vapor had sunken and collapsed visible to the naked eye. Lei Xu, who was closest, was even subconsciously covered his ears by the huge roar.

— at this point his superhuman hearing was a torture.

Not only Lei Xu, but even the two of us, Meng Teng Gong, who were fighting inseparably from a distance, stopped for the time being and paid attention to this side.

After a while, the majestic dragon beast's soaring head bowed down, and the scarlet eyes focused on Lei Xu again.

It may be that Renlong's acting skills are too outstanding, and Lei Xu's bloody eyes make him feel hairy.

The thunder light looming in the black and blue clouds roiled overhead, and the thick silver-blue thunder plasma instantly tore through the pitch-black twilight.

It is like a giant tree that grows backwards. When it hangs down to the ground, countless tiny silver-blue electric sparks bloom, and it falls with a huge momentum wrapped in Pei Mo Neng.

Before Lei Xu had time to react, he was struck into the ground by the rushing lightning that fell to the ground. The surging thunder formed by the vibration of the air was so terrifying that it almost split the whole world.

Less than three days later, where the thunderbolt touched, countless beautiful explosive fireballs rolled up.

Bright yellow flames and thick water mist steam rose up, mixed with no less black smoke and mixed with each other to form a wave of fire mist surrounding the entire field of vision, turbulent.

What a terrifying scene of hell, if a creature of human size stood in the center of this battlefield, watching what was happening, it would undoubtedly be regarded as the end of the day...

In fact, it's not that far from—

In the distance, almost all the people in Tokyo who could see the battlefield stood there blankly, their eyes firmly fixed on this terrifying battlefield.

The sound of praying and cheering disappeared at some point, and everyone was immersed in this terrifying scene that was so shocking that even the heart of fear could not rise.

This is already a myth in this world, and it is not lost to any epic battle where heroes fight against monsters and resist gods.

This is not over yet!

In the next second, the rage was not inferior to that of the rolling thunder and the loud explosion before, piercing the sky like an arrow shooting into the sun, and piercing everyone's hearts.

More than Tokyo——

In the air base, Shi Shi, who was watching the development of the scene, knew in his heart that this was just a scene arranged by the script, but he still couldn't help but his heart tightened and his eyes were solemn.

Now, humans have lost the possibility of participating in this battle.

Whether it's the hidden thunder in the clouds, the explosions that are still happening on the ground, or the wreckage and debris mixed with Mars floating everywhere in the sky, they are all hindering human actions.

—Fight fighters are not even qualified to enter this battlefield.

Wisps of black smoke entwine around him, and the red giant rolled up the smoke like waves, and the movement of the fish jumping out of the smoke screen undoubtedly caused violent winds to swirl and turbulent airflow, directly attacking the ancient sacred dragon beast.

On the chest, the scarlet timer flickered more and more intensely. Although he stood upright again and launched an attack on Renlong, anyone could see Lei Xu's powerlessness at the moment.

——His movements were as slow as ants compared to not long ago, and the red fist raised straight up in front of his chest seemed powerful, but it was actually the end of his strength.

Despite this, the red Ultraman is still advancing, and he is persistently trying to imprint his fist on the giant dragon beast that stirs people's fear and uneasiness.

In the next moment, the red giant froze in mid-air, and fell powerlessly in the plasma frenzy that once again tore apart the world...

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