It's hard to say whether to put on a costume or take off the disguise when transforming into Gaia. Gaia's acting skills in Gaia's form seem to be much better than when he was in the air base before.

The giant of the earth broke free from Aguru's shackles, and approached the area where Lei Xu fell in a panic, looking around nervously, as if searching for traces of his comrades.

After a long while, he stopped his search, slowly raised his trembling, tightly clenched fists, and turned to face the ancient dragon beast that was emitting a Qingyue dragon roar.

This time, the red giant failed to stand up again...

On the edge of the battlefield in the distance, on a live news vehicle marked KCB, a man named Tian Bata witnessed the desperate scene on the screen and sat powerlessly on the ground.


[Is Rinal fierce? Boo? 】The words of inviting credit came from the timer on his chest.

[Good job! 】

Lei Xu glanced down at the blue timer on his chest, and he was not stingy with his praise.

——Children, it is right to boast more.

However, it is really uncomfortable to sink into the semi-dry mud in the human form, and Lei Xu can't bear it a little bit.

Quickly hooked up the three Olympic and one dragon present with words:

[GKD, my dream is coming soon, play a wave, get ready to end! 】

It is a joke to talk about voltage without current.

——The actual current of the previous two waves of thunder that caused a "fatal blow" to him was pitifully small. Lei Xu reckoned that he could probably bear it without any pressure.

The giant of the earth fell slowly in the blazing silver-blue electric light, and the ancient dragon beast turned to face the only Agur who was still standing here.

Judging by the ease of posture, it seems that he can fight again.

However, Aguru obviously did not intend to fight fiercely with the beasts of the earth——

His purpose has been achieved, in every sense of the word.

In the sky, the golden brilliance of the sun slowly penetrated the edges of the surging black and blue clouds.

The giant in gold, blue and black turned around calmly, raised his head slightly under the reflection of that ray of golden light, and disappeared into the shining blue.

A fierce battle came to an end. As if all the anger had been taken away by the previous battle, the bloody eyes of the ancient sacred dragon beast returned to white again.

In the next second, the clear and flawless light blue watery light appeared on the surface of the ink-colored scales on the dragon beast's body surface, where faint smoke was evaporating, and flowed meanderingly.

Just like the reenactment of the scene when it appeared, the body of the huge dragon beast shrank into a group of aggregated brilliance exuding a faint blue light, and it paused quietly in midair for a full minute.

In the next second, the group of light blue aggregated rays of light slowly descended, submerged into the cracks on the surface, and disappeared without a trace.

secret base——




PS: Two chapters in one, so no update at noon~

85 Wang Lei's Discovery~

[Cheers~, hiccup~ boo. 】

The regular drunken ravings rang out in his mind again, Lei Xu reached out and patted on the bedside lamp, and sat up.

Originally, Lei Xu slept lightly—he seriously suspected that he might not need to sleep now, just like Xiaomeng.

Lei Xu just strictly continued his habit, keeping about four hours of sleep every night.

Whenever he was about to fall asleep, Lei Xu would wake up suddenly with a drunken whisper.

Reading words is not like sound, you can plug your ears and try not to hear it.

With a black thread hanging on his forehead, Lei Xu glanced speechlessly at the little green tadpole floating in the grass-green tea liquid.

Tsk, I slept soundly.

Just a few drops of champagne is enough to get drunk, how can energy creatures be drunk?

Sleeping is definitely not going to sleep, Lei Xu leaned against the head of the bed, the thoughts in his mind were flying up and down involuntarily.

The somatosensory time is several months, in fact, more than two years have passed, and I don’t know how the real universe is doing...


After passing through the 2.2 million kilometers like a moat, the sunlight approaching the red planet filtered through the thin atmosphere and almost filled up to 96% of the carbon dioxide in the entire atmosphere, and finally the brilliance that fell on this ancient and desolate land was a bit cold and lonely blue.

"Two years."

Bathed in the beautiful gray-blue sunset, on the hill, Joya stared at the vast and desolate crimson horizon in the distance, and sighed slightly:

"I don't know how Boy Lei is doing now."

"I said, Director, don't worry about Major Lei."

A panting male voice came from the channel, "Maybe Major Lei Xu will drive the Phoenix Nest tomorrow and return to Earth with a whole Ultra Space Guard?"

"Hey, Wang Lei is your brat!"

Joya's sentimental feelings were dismissed by jokes before they arose, and he pretended to be angry:

"Do things quickly!"

"GDI has a mission to send us to Mars at such a high price!"

"Hey hey-"

Da da da da da——, Wang Lei's voice in the channel is mixed with the huge mechanical crisp knocking sound, which seems a bit distorted:

"Mars Minerals 33, Spathum.

Director, do you really believe that Spethium exists on our Mars? "

"Before Boy Lei appeared, did you believe that there were Ultraman in the world?" Joya asked back.

"I believe!"

Wang Lei smiled "hehe", "Director, don't underestimate me, I have a share in Gatanjieer's death."

"Bah, fuck you, work!"

Qiao Ya took a sip, turned around and stepped down the small hill.


A loud voice came from the channel:

"Brothers, work harder, the director is angry, be careful not to give food when you go back."

"If you don't give food, it should be the captain's bad luck. What does it have to do with us?"

"That's it!"

"Smelly shameless, but also Gatange, Kobe and I cut together..."

In the valley not far away, the white living shelters stretched into one piece, almost covering the entire concave surface, extending out of the valley row by row.

A huge olive-shaped starship hovered quietly above the valley, casting a long and narrow shadow in the blue haze.

This is GDI Mars Advance Base No. 1, which is one of Joya's proudest achievements in his life.

There are 17 other bases like this at different latitudes and longitudes of Mars, none of which has such a scale.

Over the past year, GDI Earth headquarters has sent more than 2000 people to Mars.

Establish three semi-permanent advance bases and fifteen functional prospecting sub-bases.

On this distant planet, which is more than [-] million kilometers away from the home planet on average, human beings have only just started.

Theoretically speaking, the current technological level of human beings is still far from the colonization of Mars.

There are 18 bases, none of which can be separated from the material support of the earth so far and be self-sufficient.

Just to maintain the continuation of these eighteen bases requires the permanent occupation of a warship, as well as continuous energy, materials, and sky-high money input.

The Empire, a terrifying opponent that stands in the shadows, makes people despair.

Like a sharp blade hanging above the head, it only needs to slide down gently, and it can instantly wipe out all traces of human beings in this universe.

Everything is only for the survival of mankind.


If you can find that, as long as you can find that, humans will have a sharp enough sword.

Although even with Spaceum, human beings have evolved from ordinary ants to strong ants in front of the empire.

But——this is not the reason for human beings to stop there.

Those who give up on saving themselves are not worthy of being saved.

This sentence may be inappropriate for an individual, but it is perfect for an entire civilization.

What's more, human beings are not completely hopeless - Ultraman is still there!

Although they didn't get along for a long time, Joya fully believed in that ordinary-looking young man.

He will return with great hopes.

——Joya believed so firmly.

"Director, director, director, great discovery!"

"We found something strange."

The familiar and exaggerated report voice came again from the channel, and Joya raised his hand and pushed the radio's talk button.

"Wang Lei, let me warn you one last time, don't make fun of this kind of thing again."

After saying this, Joya immediately felt a little regretful, was her tone a bit harsh?

Now everyone is on Mars, and the earth is like an unattainable dream. Although I am enjoying it, these young guys...

Joya's thoughts were interrupted by a more urgent voice on the radio:

"No, no, director, this time it's real!"

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