There was a heavy panting sound from the channel, and Qiao Ya was keenly aware that the mechanical knocking sound that should have been resounding regularly also disappeared.

He suddenly became serious:

"GDI Mars Captain Wang Lei, immediately report what you found!"


About 1 kilometers away from the No. 15 advance base, in the mountain mine marked 07.

Wang Lei and several comrades carefully smashed the cross-section of the huge ore seam in front of them, and carefully swept along this natural gap with a high-focus flashlight.

There is no shortage of geological experts present. This is a natural rock crack, which is not uncommon in mountain geology.

But Wang Lei noticed that the fine dust accumulated in this natural stone crevice for an unknown period of time was flying inward under the illumination of the spotlight flashlight. He was sure that there must be a huge transparent space behind this stone crevice.

"Can you expand your horizons?"


The geological expert lifted the wall breaking machine, visually inspected a similar angle, and carefully opened the opening horizontally.

As more and more fragments of the stone wall collapsed, several clear beams of light swept towards the end of the gap.

In the darkness at the corner of the almost closed gap, one can vaguely see a long, narrow and flat flying edge of an ancient stone building that cannot be formed naturally...

86 Ruins and corpses~

"The detailed location coordinates of the building, can the depth be determined?"

In less than 5 minutes, Joya had already arrived at the scene - on a warship.

Accompanied by more than 100 GDI Mars pioneers, most of them are professional astronauts.

To be precise, more than 50% of the current human space elites are on Mars.


Seeing Qiao Ya's arrival, Wang Lei immediately stepped forward to greet him and pointed to the unremarkable rugged hill about [-] meters high not far away to report the situation.

A red flag is waving halfway up the hill.

"We fired a positioning device with a spark gun, and the calibration position was about 550 meters directly below the flag."

"So deep?"

Joya subconsciously asked:

"Why didn't you scan this cavity during the previous exploration?"

"I'm afraid that's not an empty cavity." A voice suddenly merged into the conversation between the two.

Qiao Ya recognized this voice, Li Siguang, a geologist stationed at the No. 1 Mars Advance Base.

"You said it wasn't a cavity?" Joya was puzzled.

"I looked at the previous rock scan data and the image of the magnetic imager. The imager showed a light green color. I am afraid that what they saw was only the high part of the building that was not completely buried."

"The latest detection data shows that the space inside is distributed in flakes, more than 90% of which may be incomplete collapse, there may be room for air flow inside the building, and there must be a karst cave space underneath that leads to the underground river , so there is airflow diffusion.”

Li Siguang quickly explained:

"I suspect that the building has been completely buried."

"Then it's a big project."

Qiao Ya stopped and frowned: "How long can we dig out this thing with our current equipment?"

"This joke is not very funny." Li Siguang hid his foolish eyes behind the glasses.

Joya:? ? ?

"Before we chose this mountain as a prospecting site, mainly because it has a strong magnetic response, there are no too many faults, and the prospecting safety is extremely high. If you operate carefully, there is almost no risk of collapse."

"At the same time, the ore samples collected before are of extremely high grade, almost 70% of which are metal substances, almost all around and underground."

At this time, the last sunset light has entered the other side of the horizon.

Li Siguang pointed to this solitary hill that reflected the cold light under the artificial light and said lightly:

"Director Qiao, you are fighting with a 550-meter-thick pig iron lump."

The night of Mars is darker and colder than that of Earth. Everyone temporarily retreated to the Beast Ship and returned to the No. 1 forward base.

Through Li Siguang's explanation, Qiao Ya roughly understood the current situation——

Even on the earth, it would take more than a month to blow up the 550-meter-deep pig iron mountain by using engineering explosives regardless of the impact on the environment.

If you do this on Mars...

Leaving aside the question of how many bombs and equipment are needed, to be honest, even with so many manpower and material resources, Joya dare not do this.

——His view of the world has become the shape of Osei Tosho.

The ruins of a collapsed mine on Mars.

How likely is it to be a stone statue of Trigga?

How likely is it that there is a cute 'Meng Meng Da' hidden in it?

For example, the Martian demon that destroyed the Martian civilization.

Joya didn't dare to think.

Not only the hundreds of people at the No. 1 forward base, Joya is responsible for the lives of more than 2000 GDI Mars pioneers on this planet.

Furthermore, since there are man-made buildings on Mars, is the civilization that built this building extinct, or does it exist in the depths of this vast land?

Joya was a little horrified by his own thoughts, but this was not nonsense.

The prospecting points were temporarily sealed, and the trigger laser mines covered the gaps and prospecting passages.

If something gets through here, they'll be happy.

Another seventeen bases also received warnings from Joya.

From now on, all bases implement the strictest military control.

Qiao Ya seemed to be suffering from persecution paranoia, and asked all branch bases to immediately carry out self-examination to ensure that there were no errors.

At present, the distance of the ground fire has almost reached the farthest point - 4 million kilometers.

There is a sun in the middle.

Therefore, even if there is a warship as a signal intermediary, a communication still takes more than half an hour.

But as long as communication is still possible, Qiao Ya quickly received instructions from her superiors.

The document was thick and lengthy, and Joya summed it up in three words——

Figure it out!

Zhang Wei also took the time to send a four-character postscript:

【The side of the couch】

Fortunately, Hun Dan, who gave instructions from above, is not just lip service.

A warship full of GDI combatants will depart within 24 hours and will arrive at Mars in 72 hours at the latest.

In addition to the firepower enough to drown half a Sato Mezzard, the accompanying ship also has an earth-penetrating warhead.

Inside is a big guy who is more violent than the tsar.

The final killer belongs.

Joya has the right to make decisions, and there is only one restriction——

Make sure everyone is on board and destroy all man-made facilities on Mars before use.

Not even the slightest bit of information is allowed to be leaked!

As for the equipment used to 'figure it out', what is embarrassing is a group of individual energy weapons produced by the imperial logistics ship. It should not be a problem to melt into a passage several hundred meters long for humans to walk.

—— Qiao Ya suddenly missed Lei Xu very much.

After 67 hours, the sky was nearly dark and it was dusk again.

A new-looking olive-shaped spaceship broke through the thin atmosphere above the No. 1 forward base and slowly descended.

It took only an hour for the heavily armed GDI fighters to adapt to the planet's gravity and gather under the mine.

A report came from the communication channel:

"Minister Joe, all forward base personnel are boarding the ship."

"Roger that!"

Joya turned to look at Cam, succinctly:

"It's all on you."

The hawkish staff officer from the bald eagle had sharp eyes as always. Cam waved his hand without saying a word, and the soldiers who were already ready tilted their odd-shaped guns at about 15° to the ground.

In the next second, the fiery jet instantly melted the ground in front of it into a sheet of molten iron.

The purpose of this step is to cut the ground enough slope and channel, so that when the channel is actually opened, the molten iron can flow directly down the slope.

The coldness of the Martian night allows the molten iron to condense faster for work the next day.

The sky was bright and the chill was still there. Joya and Cam, who hadn't slept much all night, stepped off the warship together.

"How's the progress?" Joya asked.

"It can be opened within 2 hours at the fastest, theoretically." A strange voice replied in the channel.

In fact, Joya didn't wait for two hours.

He watched as two rotor drones churned air into the steaming molten cavern.

The drone applied with imperial materials has excellent heat resistance, and soon brought Joya an internal image and...a discovery that made people feel complicated.

——The completely collapsed ruins and a corpse embedded in the wall.

87 Seal?

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