"Close contacts have been quarantined."

"Yeah!" Joya nodded in satisfaction.

"Is this the corpse?"

No matter how cautious Joya was, he wouldn't face a dead body that had almost turned into a fossil.

So he just put ten layers of protection on the corpse... that's all.

Well, not much at all.

X-ray scans showed that the body had almost completely become a part of the rock formation. The reason why it still had a shape was entirely due to the dexterity of the geologists, who knocked off the rock blocks that condensed on the surface of its body bit by bit.

—The geologist has been quarantined.


Because he was too old and unable to do anything, Li Siguang was lucky to escape, and persuaded him earnestly:

"The history of this corpse is determined to be more than 2 years. It is impossible for a monster to be resurrected from iron and limestone for such a long time, right?"

Qiao Ya turned a deaf ear to Li Siguang's persuasion, and he focused on this huge half-curled alien existence.

Obviously, this is a humanoid creature.

It has 6 limbs, two pairs of arms and a pair of legs used to walk upright. It is an obvious vertebrate.

But apart from the body shape, there is another point that is different from the semi-vegetative Koro people-Joya can see the swollen muscle shape.

Visually, this guy is extremely tall. If he stood upright, he would be at least [-] meters, maybe close to [-] meters.

The facial features are clear, with deep eye sockets and long and narrow nostrils like the reincarnation of Voldemort in the movie.

On average, it is only 2 million kilometers away from the earth, a place within astronomical scale, Mars.

There are already living creatures?

The scientific community's speculation that Mars was once a habitable planet turned out to be true?

Joya's mind is in a mess, although the existence of the Koro people and the empire has already made him understand that human beings are not alone.

But on Mars, which is close at hand, there are traces of suspected intelligent civilization and the discovery of corpse fossils still surprised the old aerospace expert.

Are the Martians dead?

If it perishes, how will it perish?

If not dead, where are they now?

Joya suddenly felt a little fear of this planet that he had previously regarded as the hope of human civilization.

"Director, the ruins have been found."

The news from the headset brought Qiao Ya back to his senses in an instant, "I'll be there soon." His voice was hoarse and concise.

Li Siguang also seemed to have received the report, and while listening intently, he quickly followed Qiao Ya.

Joya was a little puzzled by the rapid progress. The collapsed ruins were almost completely submerged in the clotted metal mountain, as if they were completely grown inside.

"what's the situation?"

The first time Qiao Ya stepped into the door, she looked at the screen hanging from the top—it was a live broadcast.

On the screen, a huge space has been burned out at the end of the dark corridor.

At first, Qiao Ya wondered where so much molten iron went, but in the next second he saw a mural half-submerged in hot molten iron, distorted by the red light.

"Sorry Director."

An apologetic and rough answer came from the headset:

"The subordinates seem to be a little rough. The room has been flooded with molten iron to the bottom, and now it is a solid lump of iron."

Joya: ...

"No, we can't see this mural without flooding."

Li Siguang vetoed it smoothly:

"Although there is no oxygen, the carbon dioxide concentration in the Martian atmosphere is enough to corrode it in a short time. You see, the lines on its edge have begun to distort, and the metal vapor has protected it to a certain extent."

Joya didn't intend to blame anyone, he ordered the magnified mural of the flickering mural and asked the soldiers and beasts to send a copy to the earth as soon as possible.

——Among the more than 2000 people on Mars, there are no professional ancient historians and archaeologists at all.

Simply because Li Siguang deserves to be a master, it doesn't feel too much pressure to play a half-archaeologist as a cameo in geology.

"I also have a situation here." Li Siguang said while carefully observing the half mural.

"Speak." Qiao Ya was also observing the murals, he didn't quite understand them, and was more thinking.

"The grade of the ore, the higher it goes, the higher it is, and it was initially determined to be 70% before.

But in the area near the ruins, the metal content has increased to more than 92%.

The main body is iron, and there are other different metal elements, except for a small amount of silicon and phosphorus, almost all of them are metal elements. "

Qiao Ya suddenly became interested when he heard the words, "Conclusion?"

"Do you think this can be formed naturally?"

Li Siguang said lightly:

"It's possible in theory, but I don't think it's applicable in this hellish place."

"You mean..." Joya thought thoughtfully:

"Is this artificial?"

Li Siguang silently nodded.

"It's easy to speculate about the purpose," he said.

Qiao Ya's face also became a little serious, and the two looked at each other, and read the word from each other's eyes at the same time.


This ruin, this strange, hybrid metal mine almost full of high-grade ore.

Possibly a restraint the Martians used to kill, or roughly seal, some horrible being.

"Stop exploring the ruins!"

Joya no longer cared about looking at the murals on the screen, and almost roared an order to Cam who was commanding the GDI tactical team:

"Now, stop exploring the ruins immediately, this is an order!"

"Roger that!"

In the channel, blunt replies followed by the latest instructions:

"All teams withdraw immediately, deploy one-time reactive firepower and laser booby traps along the way, and immediately withdraw from the ruins."

"Repeat, all squads..."

The old man Cam was indeed a qualified soldier, and he accepted the order without any objection.

It was not until it was confirmed that all GDI fighters were successfully withdrawn that Qiao Ya calmed down and looked at Li Siguang.

"Did you find anything?"

Li Siguang shook his head, "There's only half of the mural, and there's only one painting with the upper half and no lower half, so there's nothing valuable to see."

"Only this one is a little more complete."

As he said that, the images on the screen switched, and in the fiery red molten light, a mural with missing corners came into view.

The picture shown on it is very strange, it seems to be a huge cave buried deep in the ground, coiled and bottomless.

In the underground caves and on the ground, there are human-like creatures drawn, and the lines are very similar to the corpse that was excavated before.

One faction on the ground and one faction underground seem to be fighting. This is a mural of the war going on.

The only thing that surprised Joya was that the outlines of the humanoid creatures in the underground cave were obviously a full circle larger than the ones on the ground.

Underground caves, the underground Martians are also in front of the surface people along the caves.

The missing corner is exactly the end of the cave... it should be.

On the edge of the defect, Joya could see an obvious swelling...

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Following Joya's order, Cam used a large number of high-risk explosives and trigger traps to quickly block the ruins that had just been excavated less than an hour ago.

Two GDI tactical teams equipped with Space Marine I-type exoskeletons remained in place, and their orders were to kill all anomalies - whatever that was.

"what happened?"

As soon as he entered the door, Cam lowered his voice subconsciously. The hard-line bald eagle officer immediately noticed the unusual atmosphere in the room.

A strange and incomprehensible mural was displayed on the screen. Cam paused for a second at the missing corner of the mural, and then looked at Qiao Ya inquiringly.

No one answered him. Following the dull gazes of Qiao Ya and Li Siguang, Cam's gaze fell on the real-time monitoring in the corner, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

The belly of the fossilized corpse of a suspected Martian that he had just watched excavated, stretched out a thin, ivory-like luster, but gave people a sense of paleness and desolation.

In the monitoring, this weird branch is still sprouting at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it bears small flower buds, as if it is persistently wanting to bloom.

Faced with this strange development, Li Siguang was dumbfounded. He remembered his earnest love to Qiao Ya before, and his old face turned red.

Qiao Ya didn't care about anyone, a sudden discomfort surged in his heart, and a creepy feeling shrouded his intuition.

"Restrictive measures?" Joya asked, suppressing the discomfort in her heart.

"Yes, the restrictive measures placed in the isolation research room are plasma bombs, just below the experimental table." The correspondent's report was very clear.

"Order everyone to evacuate the temporary camp. The plasma bomb countdown is half...15 minutes. Everyone must evacuate to half a kilometer within 10 minutes."

Joya's order was very decisive.

"Confirm the order, the countdown to the start of the plasma bomb is 15 minutes."

On the other end of the channel, the communicator on the Beast Ship immediately notified the news to the GDI fighters and researchers who were still in the temporary camp.

It was said to be 10 minutes, but in fact it only took half of this time, 5 minutes, from the order to the end of the evacuation.

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