After all, except for a few geologists and Joya and others in this temporary camp, the rest are well-trained elite interstellar warriors who are prohibited by orders.

A group of people quickly boarded the warship and lifted off. The distance of half a kilometer is not even a leg lift in front of this starship that can go back and forth between the ground and the fire.

"Continue to back off."

Joya ordered:

"Use the anti-gravity method to reduce the speed to the minimum, and move away from the temporary camp bit by bit."


Cam looked at Joya inexplicably, not understanding the meaning of his order.

The driver doesn't have to understand the intentions of his superiors, he just needs to follow them.

Soon, the height of the warship slowly rose by 500 meters again.

"not enough!"

Feeling the diminished discomfort in her heart, Qiao Ya relaxed her tone a bit: "Keep away."

The fat olive-shaped starship rose quietly. At this height, the camp on the ground was already a small black spot on the desolate red earth.


Qiao Ya finally determined the boundary, he could feel that he seemed to be far away from the dangerous boundary, and the discomfort in his heart disappeared at that moment.

Sure enough, there is something different about him, is it because Boy Lei instilled light energy into himself?

Joya only thought of one possibility, but he didn't have time to delve into it now.

"Current height?"

"1.6 kilometers from the ground."

"Plasma bomb countdown 321, detonate!"

On the screen of the bridge, a striking blue and white light spot suddenly bloomed in the center of the big red map.

The camera zoomed in, and the blazing blue plasma sphere crazily swirled and devoured the valuable isolation research room, and at the same time burned most of the temporary camp.

After a while, the violent blue-white ion light dimmed, revealing the scorched earth below.

As the warship slowly descended, Qiao Ya concentrated on sensing it, and found that the uncomfortable feeling in his heart did not appear again.

Is it because of that flower?

"What about quarantined people?"

Qiao Ya asked in the channel: "Did you find anything unusual?"

He thought of the quarantine personnel who had been in close contact with the corpse fossil before.

Soon, the reply came——

[No abnormalities have been found yet. 】

After ordering to continue the isolation and maintain a high level of vigilance, Joya had time to explain to Cam.


Joya silently looked at the only clue so far - the mural.

Oh no, to be precise, there are still a bunch of ore samples.

The GDI fighters who went in before knocked back a bunch of them according to the requirements of the geological team.

Qiao Ya's 'intuition' didn't call the police, but he still insisted on asking these guys to stay away from the warship and lay another camp for research.

I thought that the old staff officer of the bald eagle would not approve of the 'intuitive' explanation, but unexpectedly, Cam nodded in agreement:

"I believe you."

Ah this...

The warship re-landed and released a large number of GDI fighters. According to Joya's instructions, they blocked the passage again and injected a large amount of molten iron into it until it solidified into a solid lump of metal again.

Joya is determined to block and monitor this place, with a boundary of 5 kilometers, and no one is allowed to approach the mine within 5 kilometers.

"What are you going to do now?"

Cam said slowly:

"The sons of a bitch up there want to know what's going on on Mars, and they won't be satisfied if you do that."


Qiao Ya took a long breath, and the busy figures of GDI fighters shuttled back and forth were reflected in her eyes.

"now that......"

As soon as he started talking, he was interrupted by a report in the channel——

"Sir, I received a reply from the Earth side, which is the result of a preliminary analysis of that mural."

Qiao Ya subconsciously looked at the screen in front of her, and the screen immediately switched to the image of the previous mural.

The difference is that many additional instructions have been added above.

[Guess [-], Realistic murals~ Mainly used to record certain important matters and warnings, as well as records of feasible measures and crisis response plans. 】

[Guess [-], wars between different species of the same race are separated by the way of living (doubtful). Individuals living under the surface should degenerate intergenerationally during reproduction, and their limbs shrink to adapt to the underground environment. The content of the murals is completely opposite. 】

Qiao Ya took a closer look at the mural and nodded approvingly.

Indeed, if it were not for the analysis report, he would not have been able to get this information from the mural at all.

It has to be said that there is still a need to specialize in the art industry.

[Guess [-], non-decorative embossment in the cave area (more information is required)]

[Guess [-], the missing corner piece fell unnaturally, and it was suspected to be pushed open from the inside by the root of the plant. Further investigation is recommended. 】

[Guess five, the individual combat power of the Catacombs...]

Joya's eyes froze, and all his attention was focused on the fourth item——

Plant roots?

8 9 Usum~ [-] in [-]

Joya thought she might be suffering from PTSD.

Any, pay attention to any plant, will cause his subconscious reaction, such as shivering and startling.

Joya carefully analyzed the picture of the mural, especially the corner of the gap.

The more you look at it, the more you look at it.

In the end he came to a very absurd guess——

Martian civilization was destroyed by a plant?

This joke is not funny at all, can this thing be Qijiela?

But even if it is really Qijiela, it is not it who actually destroys the super-ancient civilization of Didi Earth, but the dark ruler Gatanje who appeared later.

But Qiao Ya turned her head and thought of Lei Xu.

—Australian worldview, that’s fine.

In the realistic murals, the relief in the underground passage is so abrupt.

Joya suspects that the swollen protrusion that broke through the mural, which looks like some kind of tuber, is the prototype of the countless embossments in the intricately coiled passages in the mural.

But he has no evidence.

"The new situation, I'm afraid the history of the Martians is longer than we thought, and they may have really..."

Li Siguang's voice came from the channel, and only then did Qiao Ya realize that the geologist was not by her side.

"What do you mean?"

"The carbon-14 identification method is invalid." The opposite party spit out these words concisely, "You know what it means."

"I understand." Joya replied simply, without much surprise on her face.

Mars is no better than Earth, and some dating methods relying on external conditions are difficult to work, and carbon-14 is currently the most reliable.

The biggest disadvantage of the carbon 14 identification method is that the effective period is about 5 years, and it will be broken on the spot beyond this delineated range.

This proves that the Martian fossils have existed for far more than 5 years, such a long time is enough to bury all traces of a once prosperous civilization.

This is still on Mars, if it is on Earth this time will not even exceed 1000 years.

Joya didn't hesitate for too long, he called his countermeasure team.

"If I want to search for traces of Martian civilization and Martians, is there a ready-made strategy?"

Previously, Joya was given the task of searching for the possible existence of Spethium material on Mars.

All his construction strategies and plans are centered around this core purpose - to detect minerals and any high-energy polar substances on Mars and to carry out preliminary detection and experiments on the spot.

Now, Joya is looking for the remaining traces of civilization on this planet.

Find the Remnants of Mars, and any valid information that points to the threat that lurks beneath the planet's surface.

"I recommend targeting the equator, the poles, and some mid-latitude areas."

One expert suggested:

"These are the only places on Mars where there may be a large amount of water resources. No matter what the Martians become, as long as they still have body fluids, they may not need oxygen, but they must need water."

Joya nodded silently.

"Secondly, low-lying areas, especially downstream of sufficiently deep paleochannels and volcanoes."

In the channel, Li Siguang's voice broke into the discussion:

"The surface environment is harsh, and geothermal energy is an inexhaustible natural energy source. If Martians dig holes to stay underground, they must choose low-lying areas, where relatively abundant groundwater resources may also be stored."

"List the coordinates that meet the above criteria."

On the three-dimensional Mars star map model, hundreds of green marking points emerge, the most densely distributed areas are the poles, which can be scattered in the equator area and other spiritual star marking areas are far better than the former.

Joya looked at Cam who was not far away, and looked at him calmly:

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