"We now have one and only two ships, and we will sweep these areas in the shortest possible time."

"Remember, the main ship must maintain a safe altitude, 1.7 kilometers, and report any suspicious areas first, I don't want..."

Joya babbled like an old lady for more than ten seconds, Cam nodded fiercely to him, and left without saying a word.

Two armed ships loaded with GDI Space Marines have fallen into Desolace, where they will maintain surveillance.

"Let's start too."

In the sound of the order, the fat and puffy silver-gray olive-shaped starship leaned over to the other side.

Joya didn't deliberately start with the polar regions.In any case, at least one ship will be needed to return to the vicinity of the mine to recover the surveillance personnel.

With the efficiency of two warships, it took about a whole day for Joya and Cam to meet again near the mine.

"Nothing found?"

The old man Cam shook his head in the communication video, and said harshly:

"There are water resources, but no biological traces have been found. This is a Death Star."

The scanning system of the Beast Ship is indeed not very powerful, and it cannot be used for prospecting, but it is not a problem at all to find the open space under the surface.

Or, the Martians are extinct, which is a high probability event.

There is also a small possibility that the Martian's activity area is far deeper than the scanning radius of the starship.

But why can't even find the second bone fossil?

Joya couldn't help wondering if his order just now was correct. It might be the last complete Martian fossil on this planet.

"Can traces of civilization be found?" Joya asked.

"Wait, something's not right."

Li Siguang interrupted Qiao Ya's thoughts and work arrangements.


Qiao Ya turned her head to look at the great geologist. The latter looked a little tired, with panic and a touch of fear on his face, and panickedly sent a distorted magnetic field waveform map to the bridge screen.

"This is......"

"It wasn't like this before, the magnetic field pattern in this place has changed."

"Not surprising." Joya calmly pointed out:

"We've melted massive amounts of metal before, twice.

Metal conducts heat very well, and it is normal for high heat to cause a short-term change in the magnetic field structure. "

"It's different!"

Li Siguang suddenly waved his hands nervously, and finally put them on the console in front of him, as if trying to use all his strength.

Qiao Ya narrowed his eyes slightly, and he could see Li Siguang's knuckles turned white from too much force, and his face was also pale, as if he was fighting against something invisible.

Anyone could sense something wrong with this weird scene, Joya suddenly remembered his original delusion about the Martian demon destroying the Martian civilization.


In the next second, the door of the bridge opened suddenly, and a group of heavily armed GDI space fighters filed in. The strange-shaped guns in their hands were vaguely pointed at Li Siguang, who was behaving abnormally.

Suddenly, the complexion of the geologist changed back, and his pale cheeks became healthy, rosy, and shiny within a few seconds.

Joya brought him a cup of tea calmly, with worried words:

"Dr. Li, are you okay?"

Li Siguang looked up and looked around at the GDI fighters who were about to pull the trigger, and finally fixed his eyes on Qiao Ya, with a smile that made people feel like a spring breeze.

In the next second, a sweet, clear, loud and clear voice echoed in the bridge.

It sounded like everything except a human voice.

"I need your help, Joya, my friend."

— so it said.

"who are you?"

The invisible being occupying Li Siguang's body didn't intend to act, but Qiao Ya's heart twitched, but he wasn't going to just talk to him like this.

This is the bridge, the core center of the warship.

This ship does not have a space-compressed bridge like the imperial logistics ship. The warship is similar to a pistol that fires bullets in the imperial military system, and it is also a cheap consumable in a sense.

"Back off."

Joya commanded the GDI fighters to force 'Li Siguang' to retreat, but it didn't move, and it didn't even want to leave its seat.

Even if the gun in a soldier's hand is already on the chest of 'Li Siguang'.

"It needn't be, my friend."

"I don't think you and I are friends. Friends don't occupy other people's bodies without saying hello."

Joya's voice sounded calm, but the content was a severe accusation.

"I'm sorry for my reckless behavior, please forgive me."

That sweet and sonorous voice, like a voice directly knocking on the heartstrings, said sincerely:

"Please don't be surprised, and don't be afraid. Now I can only have a positive dialogue with you by borrowing this body."

"I wish to be friends with you in exchange for your concern for me, and I hope you will not find this impossible.

But first - I must explain something that confuses you. "

"Of course, first of all, if you really feel that both of us need to be honest, please lower this ship, so that I can come and have a soulful exchange with you in person without borrowing this body."

"No—don't waste this time."

Joya raised her hand and stroked her chin slowly.

"If you can ensure the safety of this body and not harm Dr. Li, we can communicate like this. I can't wait."

Hearing this, the sweet voice paused for a moment, then quickly continued:

"I don't know if you guys still keep legends about me and dismiss them as superstitions."

Joya's mood moved slightly, but her face didn't show a single bit. She looked over calmly and at the same time let out a "hmmm" from her nose.

"Like all myths, they are half-truths and falsehoods.

I am neither a god nor a demon, but a being who came to Mars from another universe long ago.

While I am not immortal, I have a lifespan longer than that of any creature in the solar system.

I am governed by the laws of my own body, alternating cycles of sleep and wake that span centuries within a time frame that you can understand.

In fact, as you believe, I arrived on this planet eons ago, before any intelligence existed in this galaxy. "

"I was banished here from my own world, falling like a meteor from heaven, and this is what the myth really is."

Qiao Ya nodded slightly listening to its narration, and tapped the operation interface in front of her with her fingers, as if recording.

"I don't want to conquer Mars, but the kings and rulers of this planet want to drive me away."

It continued:

"I gathered some believers, armed them with more advanced weapons, I secured my position and gained some other followers.

Finally, as a token of my sincerity, I retreated to the caves of this planet, where I and my followers have lived ever since.

I endow believers with a lifespan almost equal to mine, and they sleep and wake up with me, reincarnating every 2000 years.

This allows their bodies to resist the passing of time and maintain their youthful vigor. "

"I've maintained this way of being for many years.

I never interfered with the activities of the residents on the ground, but they used their own words to slander me and turn me into an evil god or evil spirit.

Although the word evil itself doesn't mean anything to me. "

"So you destroyed them."

Qiao Ya suddenly said, "Destroy the civilization on this planet and turn this planet into what it is today, right?"


That sweet voice vetoed:

"In fact, the civilization on this planet is self-destructing, and I didn't do anything."


Qiao Ya seemed to accept this explanation easily, "Then there is no way."

"Okay, let's get to the point, you said you need help?"


'Li Siguang' watched over quietly.

"I have many senses that you or the Martians are not aware of.

My perception extends at will over vast spaces and even time.

So I know what you are facing right now, and we can help each other. "

Speaking of this, Joya suddenly became interested:

"You know what we're dealing with?

How can you help us? "

"An opponent you cannot resist is on the way, and will come soon.

Before that, you must either gain enough power, or abandon your homeland and flee to the distant starry sky. "

Joya looked at it with a frown, "Have you read Dr. Li's memory?"

"No, I wouldn't do that against his will."

"In short, I'm tired of Mars."

The sweet voice suddenly felt tearing, distorted, stuttering and stuttering:

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