91 Come here!!!

Li Siguang's nerves were convulsing, and he felt as if his perception was extending.

The sweet and charming music in my ear almost stopped, and in the reverberation of the subtle melody, the human senses were replaced by some inexplicable strange feeling.

Like a dreamlike temptation, it melted the hidden resistance in his consciousness, making him subconsciously accept and approve the declaration.

【I am Wusum, you have belonged to me since the beginning of the world, and will always belong to me...】


This grand declaration was strangely transmitted to Li Siguang's strange perception at the moment with an echo similar to a whisper, which made him a little confused about the flowers in his vision.

Where did the flowers come from?

A frozen flower suddenly appeared in the perception, it is like a sculpture, seven thin tongue-shaped petals gently curled outward, like a small incense burner enshrined by grandma when I was a child, smooth and heavy ivory petals A rosy tint in not too dim light.

A misty and refreshing fragrance poured out from the censer-like petals, bringing an irresistible sensuality, which was not the desire of the body, but a kind of refreshment from the soul.

Even though there was only that one flower, Li Siguang's senses seemed to be overwhelming. The seductive fragrance permeated his whole body, and made him vaguely glimpse something in this misty fantasy.

It seems that something is engraving in my mind.

The mechanism of atomic energy radiation and the simplified constraint design diagram, what is this?

The operating mechanism of the atomic disintegrator and the general blueprint of the ether spaceship, can this kind of thing that is piled up like crazy with coils and capacitors be called a spaceship?

During the message engraving, Li Siguang's sensory functions were in a state of delirium, and the sound and image mixed with the smell of flowers together constituted a rapidly scrolling and changing three-dimensional image.

And Li Siguang felt as if he was in it, watching this evolution in a way similar to God's perspective.

Ignar, the interstellar capital city on the land of Chuhong, is a space port for strange aircraft that take off and land continuously, vast canals and intricate, labyrinth-like streets and alleys.

Here is... Mars?

Looking at the blue planet in the distance, Li Siguang suddenly felt a great sense of absurdity.

This is the sense of alienation that can only be felt when there is a huge deviation in cognition. It is impossible for such a scene to appear on Mars.

The red planet lost the conditions necessary for this scenario 40 billion years ago.

The too weak magnetic field makes it impossible to form an atmosphere that supports the existence of life. This is a forbidden area for life!

In the next second, the surrounding world turned into an empty underground space.

Tall alien-like robust creatures walked among the gleaming coils and messy motors, and a slightly embarrassed person rushed out from the depths of the strange hall.

He came to one of the halls with a stick formed by the petrification of some giant fungus, facing the bottle of sleep... why do I know the name of this bottle?

Li Siguang didn't have time to think, the man smashed the three huge fat belly containers one by one with the fungi fossil stick in his hand.

When the container breaks inward, there will be a sharp whistling sound, it doesn't seem like the object is broken, but it seems to be screaming.

One second before, Li Siguang could feel the sense of confidence floating in his heart that didn't belong to him, and the next second, inexplicable embarrassment turned into anger welling up in his head.

Unexpectedly, this anger subsided quickly, and a faint drowsiness hit him, getting heavier and heavier, and he couldn't resist it.

The sudden silence of the senses made Li Siguang briefly regain his human perception.

There was an illusory blackness in front of his eyes, and the sound of soft breathing echoed in his ears. He had no sense of touch, smell or touch. He tried to open his mouth, but he didn't feel any taste.

Li Siguang, who was originally panicked, was strangely not panicked by the three feelings of loss. This state lasted for about a moment, and suddenly, the perspective of God returned.

Li Siguang looked around curiously, but he was startled.

That's right—

Even in this state, he was taken aback by the sight in front of him.

Surrounded by a misty, unreal water body, Li Siguang saw the horrible and disgusting obese existence in the water body.

The green body is huge and full of folds, some areas are covered with scales, silent like a mountain in front of it - it is indeed the same in terms of body size.

There are countless tentacles growing on the soft head, and on each side are three bright pupils that are as large as mansions, inside of which are icy yellow eyes that do not contain any emotion.

It not only has huge sharp claws, but also drags countless soft, full of suction cups, and grows to an incredible stretch of tentacles.

Behind it is a pair of dilapidated pocket wings, the sharp black thorns are dusty and inconspicuous at all, and it seems that it does not match its body shape.

Without dialogue, that concept seemed to appear directly in his mind, and Li Siguang clearly knew all the meanings given by this concept.


Cthulhu seemed to be mocking him, no, the master of the senses.

In the ridicule, Cthulhu called Wusum's name...

He was able to understand some words that flashed during the conversation between two strange beings.

[New universe...coordinates...invasion...benefits. 】

Afterwards, the picture scroll from God's perspective started flying again.

This time the clarity is not as good as before, and the picture is intermittent and a little out of touch.

The two terrifying existences seem to have reached a certain level of agreement, and the picture is stretched to the point of distortion again, and the red earth is infinitely approaching.

And that obese figure as big as a mountain rushed towards a blue star in the pitch-black star curtain.

Suddenly there was no follow-up, and the senses like God's perspective completely retreated. Li Siguang felt the return of familiar senses, and he seemed to wake up.

——This is indeed true.

He stared blankly at the unfamiliar ceiling in front of him, but suddenly got up with a loud bang, and the severe pain from his forehead brought Li Siguang back to reality in an instant.

He wanted to reach out and rub it, but found that his hands and feet were bound by iron chains to the edge of the bed.

As for himself, he was shrouded in a transparent restraint container.

Li Siguang knew this container - he remembered the same specification used to hold Martian fossils not long ago.


He suddenly thought of a terrifying possibility, and Li Siguang moved his head tremblingly, looking under the edge of the bed.

Afterwards, he saw a huge transparent container, inside which was a dense blue flow, which seemed to be entwined with electric light.

Gudu——, Li Siguang swallowed a mouthful of spit.

He has seen this thing before, it is the warhead of a plasma bomb, and now the distance between this thing and him is less than ten centimeters.

"Come on!"

Li Siguang raised his voice and shouted angrily:

"I have something important to say, come here!!!"

92 Cthulhu is on Earth~

Today is a day worth remembering.

For the first time, mankind successfully detonated the largest nuclear bomb in history on the second planet, with a ton level of 1 million.

This figure is more than double the equivalent of all gunpowder used in World War II.

The real tsarist hydrogen bomb!

The purpose is to destroy a plant monster that is suspected to be the same body of Qijiela's other universe.

Joya stared blankly at the three-dimensional model of Mars on the screen in front of him, a huge mushroom was outlined by simple lines hovering.

The range of red lines representing danger directly includes 1/10 of Mars.

From the perspective of space, it can be seen that the mushroom cloud produced by the explosion of the Tsar's hydrogen bomb even reached the top of the atmosphere, spreading in a reverse curve, and strikingly outlined the curved surface of the Martian atmosphere.

The direct killing range exceeds 15 square kilometers, and the circular area with a radius of more than 300 kilometers is completely turned into a piece of molten scorched earth.

Because it was detonated underground, the scorching plasma flames instantly created a huge magma lake on the surface of Mars, and the melting depth of its core explosion point even exceeded 5 kilometers.

The power is a bit amazing.

Joya also didn't expect that the czar's shot would be so powerful. If he was on the surface of Mars, half of the planet would feel the shock.

I am afraid that it is necessary to re-map the star model map of Mars and correct the deviation of the model data-it will be very slow to complete these tasks with just a few geological scanning satellites.

However, this piece of geological conditions is stable, and there is a large solid plate underneath, which is unlikely to cause changes in the earth's crust, which is a good thing.

The hydrogen bomb itself has no radiation, but because it needs to use a small fission bomb as a detonator, there will still be a little bit of the core explosion area, and it will be temporarily impossible to enter for a short time.

Therefore, within a short period of time, Joya could not be sure whether Wusum had really been completely wiped out.

As for the Beast Ship... Qiao Ya is not prepared to take risks - humans cannot afford to lose.

The plan for the Jupiter time-space wound monitoring station is under preparation. Before the first human-owned starship leaves the factory and launches into the sea, the seven warships and beast ships are all important capacity.

If it weren't for Mars' natural environmental restrictions, Wusum would not be able to move, and with the opponent's weak BUFF and carelessness, it is still unclear who will win this battle.

Looking back now, Joya is a little scared.

The guy who calls himself Wusum is undoubtedly stronger than Qijiela in Tiga's plot!

There is not even the slightest oxygen on the dry Mars, and Wusum, who is a plant, can probably only maintain a minimum level of 'alive'.

It has a complete self-awareness, high intelligence, actively invades the human brain and occupies the body, has a clear understanding of itself, and even has a long-term confrontation with a "Martian" civilization that it does not know.

This made Joya wonder if this guy's level of civilization surpasses that of humans. It doesn't look like a low-intelligence monster, but an evil god in myths and legends.

It's just that the combat power is a bit weak, Joya guessed that Wusum's strongest method is pollen.

— it mentions this many times in the dialogue and takes pride in it.

Just listening to those descriptions of Joya's sensitive nerves is deeply prickled. It is a highly effective and addictive D product, and it is also a panacea for immortality and eternal youth.

Joya couldn't imagine how the earth would react to such news, and he didn't want to know.

Is it—

From the moment Wusum revealed the nature of its D product, Qiao Ya couldn't stop his murderous intentions, and the subsequent immortality made him instantly think of Qijiela.

You are doomed, no one can save you, I said so!

——Joya dropped the earth-penetrating Tsar hydrogen bomb without hesitation.

The arrogance of human beings and their inability to learn any lessons from history make the gang of high-level souls never let go of even the slightest possibility.

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