However, in the face of a monster with an Austrian world view, such arrogance is often the root cause of great disasters.

Once again, Qiao Ya's world view has completely changed to that of the Austrian system, the one that cannot go back.

Probably... When the warships first arrived on Mars, the evil plant god sleeping under the surface was awakened by their visit.

Then, as Joya said before, this guy continued to lure the geological team, making it impossible to continue the drilling work in this area.

At first, Qiao Ya didn't have any doubts about Li Siguang's words until the Martian fossil started to germinate.

The cause of germination is also well established - oxygen.

Probably Wusum wants to use pollen, the environment of Mars itself is the biggest limitation for it.

Wearing a special space suit and face helmet when going out, and independent oxygen supply, Wusum's pollen can't even pass the disinfection procedure for entering and exiting the cabin.

In 2 years, thinking of Li Siguang's clumsy 'dissuading' Qiao Ya at that time made me want to laugh.

For the Austrian worldview, 2 years is considered a P!

There are a lot of monsters that have lived for 3000 million years, and Digali even has super-ancient humans who have lived for 3000 million years, let alone 'corpses'.

Alien corpses in the Austrian worldview have a resurrection probability of over 90%.

Plants probably cannot do without oxygen, and Mars has no shortage of carbon dioxide and sunlight.

If these two can keep Wusum alive, it won't be in that weak state.

The next work is very serious, and the earth does not know how it will react.

Joya's mood is very relaxed now - the Tsar is lost, Usum is also dead...if he is not dead, he should be waiting to die.

The vitality of the plant monster is indeed very strong. If it has the same ability as Qijiela, hiding its roots hundreds of kilometers underground, a tsar may not be able to take it away.

In this regard, Tiga's Ultra High Heat Blast can be regarded as a professional counterpart.

But it doesn't matter, even if it is alive, it will temporarily save its life.

Qiao Ya has already made up her mind, and when Lei Xu comes back, she must have him check the Mars carefully.

If Wusum is really not dead, then boy Lei will give it a hard job and send it on the road with his own hands.

As for what will happen on the other side of the earth can I dismiss the Sa family?

If it really doesn't work, if you're dismissed, you'll be dismissed. He, Qiao, didn't come to Mars because he was greedy for this little power.

However, is there really someone in GDI who is as skilled in aviation administration as he is willing to come to Mars?

It is a pity that the No. 1 forward base and the five affiliated prospecting sub-bases evaporated in situ.

But it doesn't matter, as the earliest advance base area, the exploration plan here is already coming to an end, so it's time to change the place.

Thinking of this, Joya's mood became more open, and the efficiency of arranging the follow-up work at hand was improved again.

Soon, his joyful mood was interrupted by a sudden communication——

"Minister Qiao, Dr. Li has awakened, and his heart test is normal. He claims to have important information to submit."

"What important information?"

Qiao Ya frowned, and couldn't help thinking to himself, could Wusum really occupy this guy's body, so is this guy a human or a monster now? '

"Dr. Lee claims that Usum and a monster named Cthulhu arrived in this universe at the same time.

Usum chose Mars, and Cthulhu went to the planet...Earth! "

93 is enough~

Li Siguang's confession proved Qiao Ya's conjecture about Wusum.

There is no civilization on Mars from the beginning to the end, and Wusum comes from Mars in another universe.

Wusum didn't lie, it just concealed part of the facts, trying to make Joya confuse the concept of two Mars.

In the universe that Wusum was in before, the environment of Mars was similar to that of Earth, and a splendid civilization was also bred.

There, human technology has developed enough to establish an earth-fire space flight.

An aging body doesn't grow, but what if it could stay youthful forever?

The body of the creature will become huge, gradually surpassing the physiological limit.

Wusum can indeed make its believers live forever and stay young. The reason why the underground people in the mural, that is, Wusum believers, are generally larger than surface people is because they have not reproduced and iterated at all.

Its work and rest time is amazing-waking up for 1000 years and sleeping for 1000 years.

The believers seem to obey this law completely, and the only meaning of their existence is to serve Wusum.

The medium used to control believers is undoubtedly pollen.

In short, the threat is now lifted.

Even though it might be only temporary, Joya felt that she didn't need to think about Wusum's comeback in her lifetime.

Thirty years later, after defeating the main fleet of the empire, Wusum could be destroyed with a snap of his fingers.

If you can't win, Wusum is the headache that the empire needs, and it doesn't hurt either.

Rather than confirming the correctness of the guess, Qiao Ya paid more attention to another term that Li Siguang spit out-Cthulhu.

At first, Joya was noncommittal about this part of the explanation.

Li Siguang seemed to have no problem, but don't forget, this guy was influenced by Wusum from the very beginning.

If it wasn't for the abnormality of his own body, Joya estimated that Wusum had successfully fulfilled his wish at this moment.

From the very beginning, Wusum's goal was himself.

Only Joya, who has the highest decision-making power on Mars, can let a huge plant of unknown origin board the warship and send it to the earth or to the depths of the starry sky.

The ghost knows that the so-called "Cthulhu" is the intimidation and backhand left by Wusum, or it is true.

What really prompted Qiao Ya to choose to believe was some inexplicably established 'science' dictated by Li Siguang.

Unlike Sato, Li Siguang, whose body was once occupied by Wusum, not only had plausible memories, but also many "sciences" that sounded very absurd.

Qiao Ya wasn't sure if those were science or not, but the equipment department did produce a powerful firearm that was different from the existing technology of the empire and human beings according to Li Siguang's dictation.

This is the simplest and easiest product in Li Siguang's memory.

- Atomic Smasher.

This odd-shaped firearm is made up of a pile of capacitor structures, and the final product is shaped like a long funnel with a radial muzzle.

Instead of light, it emits ripples of atomic radiation that swirl around and around.

In terms of power, if there is no technology on the imperial logistics ship, it must be the most powerful individual weapon, but...

——It is much less powerful than the imperial-made individual weapons brought by Cam, only about 1/2.

The advantage is that it is cheap. After all, it is a weapon that can be manufactured under the conditions of Mars. In this regard, the imperial weapons are a typical pile of technology.

Separated from the imperial logistics ship, it is difficult for human beings to independently prepare even a qualified gun barrel.

If these scientific and technological materials are not stored in Li Siguang's mind, but exist in the form of data, Qiao Ya will vigorously promote these strange 'technologies' no matter how big the risk is.

Now Li Siguang is very bitterly facing the computer, trying to enter the 'knowledge' in his mind.

Seeing him scratching his head, Joya couldn't help shaking his head, writing by hand is faster than using a computer.

If I really had to wait until Li Siguang finished recording the materials bit by bit, the day lily would be cold.

Well—— Qiao Ya knew that it would be difficult for her to see the powerful 'atom disintegrator' that Li Siguang was talking about.

As for the 'ether ship'.

Dream, please.

Back to Cthulhu——

A misty aquatic monster as huge as a mountain is hiding on the earth at this moment. If you consider that Li Siguang is observing from the perspective of 'Wusum'.

I'm afraid this monster named Cthulhu is surprisingly large, thousands of meters?Tens of thousands of meters?

At this size, there are not many places on earth that can hide this monster.

the sea?

No, not necessarily.

No one knows when Cthulhu came to Earth.

The vicissitudes of life, the place where the sea used to be may not be the same now.

The scope expanded to the entire earth, and there were too many places to hide this thing.

Given that Cthulhu is clearly stronger than Usum, it doesn't necessarily need an aquatic environment to survive.

Maybe it could be in a certain mountain, or at the bottom of a certain lake.

Or bolder, Tokyo Underground...Joya was just kidding.

What a troubled time, Joya's heart is heavy.

In Lei Xu's dream, the huge tentacles that appeared in the Pacific Ocean have not yet been found.

Now there is another big cosmic monster hidden on the earth who doesn't know when.

Unknowingly, the face of this world has changed beyond recognition.

Counting the empire, Qiao Ya felt that this place might be enough to shoot twenty Ultra theatrical versions in a row.

Damn, boy Lei, when the hell are you going to come back and take a look...


"Oh, is this the drift bottle?"

Lei Xu stared at the silver-white metal ball reaching the ceiling in front of him, and he couldn't help being a little suspicious:

"Can this thing last more than a year in a star?"

"A red giant star, to be precise."

During the past few days of getting along, Daniel also probably understood the nature of a scumbag in a certain Austrian.

"Of course, 6000°C on the surface of the sun is not impossible, but it's better not to do that. The temperature of the transition layer may exceed 50 K."

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