Lei Xu: ...

"The origin of this thing... Forget it, I don't really need to know this."

Lei Xu changed the subject with self-knowledge, "Are you prepared for natural crystals and ash tree poles?"

Considering the possibility of Yunijin being injured, Lei Xu does not rule out the need to temporarily restrain the cute new house beast and store it in the crystal.

Of course, the more preparations you can do at your fingertips, the better.

"of course."

Daniel called a staff member, and the two were led by the latter to a warehouse. Lei Xu could see mountains of crystals and wood piled up inside.

"Man-made and natural crystals are available."

Daniel pointed to two piles of clear crystals and said, "I don't know which kind you need, and there are white wax rods."

"The temperature isolation layer is being made, even if it is used inside the red giant star, it can persist for more than 1 minute. I think this is enough for you..."

"Ah——that's right!"

Lei Xu stared at the carefully packed metal sticks on the wooden frame, saw the ash wood sticks inside through the space metal on the surface, and said with satisfaction:

"Enough is enough..."

94 The Finale is Coming~ Two in One

"Commander, Ultraman is fighting again, why is that?"

Staff Officer Qianye looked at the red and blue figures who collided violently with a huge storm blowing up on the open grassland on the screen, asking in vain.

"The lightning team has arrived at the scene." Dunzi turned around, but did not find the figure she wanted to see.

——Alchemy Star temporarily borrowed my dream, saying that it was to develop a very important quantum system.

"Surveillance in situ as before."

Shi Shi ordered with a sullen face:

"It is not allowed to participate in the battle between Ultraman."

"Received!" X3

"Why, why is there a fight between Ultraman?"

Kajio manipulated the FightSS under him to pull out a very short arc angle, stopped far in the air and looked down at the fierce battle below, muttering to himself:

"And you, could it be that you have really..."

In four days, in just four days, the two Ultraman Gaia and Aguru fought three games as if they had gone crazy.

"Probably, they have a way of thinking that we don't yet understand."

The scientific analyst at the Jio base, who temporarily represents my dream, looks serious:

"After all, Ultraman is not human, just like we can't understand the thoughts of that one."

Hearing this, Shishi gave him an inexplicable look, and the two correspondents and Big Brother Chiba were all in a low mood.

Although the time spent with each other was very short, that special identity gave him a considerable status in the eyes of almost everyone in the air base.

After the Battle of Tokyo, the gluttonous eater never appeared again.

He is already...

In the video, the battle between Gaia and Aguru is still going on.

Red silver gold, blue black gold, they have a common gold, which can highlight the opposite red and blue, and the black and silver contrast is more eye-catching.

At the moment when they intersected with each other, Gaia fell to the ground first, and the life meter on his chest danced with a dangerous red light uneasily.

In contrast, although Aguru was not so weak that he collapsed, he also flashed a dangerous alarm.

After a brief reprieve, the battle resumed.

This time, the two Ultramans seem to be ready to use physical skills to decide the winner.

The slashing palm drew a sharp vacuum blade, bringing out a series of eye-catching sparks, and the colliding fists shook out a terrible air explosion, blowing the grass on the ground to wash and fall.

The two Ultramans in the fierce battle didn't notice, the energy of their confrontation quietly rose into the sky, broke through the thick atmosphere and came to the dark and endless deep space.

The light and shadows of the stars are moving slowly, twisting, the dim light and shadows are entangled, and the brilliant galaxy is dimmed.

The brilliant sunlight was also affected, floating through the atmosphere, casting a slightly strange brilliance.

Everything seems to be a harbinger of a great horror that is coming, and people on the ground know nothing about it at this moment.

The battle between the giants is coming to an end, Gaia and Aguru are surrounded by ferocious storms, and each is flashing red and blue representing their own positions.


The soft grass field under their feet was suddenly sunk by tens of meters due to the huge force output in an instant. In an instant, the three Kajio people who were watching the battle lost the two Ultraman figures in their eyes.

They could only see the huge gap that suddenly ran across the endless grassland, and some places were still burning with raging flames.

In the next second, boom—a huge sonic explosion accompanied by a terrifying vacuum shock wave spread out for a full kilometer.

In the space where the two Ultramans were facing each other, a part of the air that had no time to escape was compressed to the point of being extremely bright, almost to the point of fusion.

boom -

The dull loud sound extended through the sky and the earth, and the blazing red and blue light mixed with each other, and then exploded in the deadliest way in the form of light radiation.

Kajio couldn't help raising his hand to block the too dazzling light in his sight, but when he put down his hand, he only saw the huge gully on the grassland still burning with raging flames...

"Thanks for your hard work."

secret base——

Lei Xu stretched out his hand to give Fujimiya a high-five, stepped forward to hold Wumeng who was about to fall, squinting:

"I said chewing gum, don't you, is that false?"

"Fuji...Fujimiya, why are you so physically fit..."

I Meng gasped heavily, he felt that the current self is definitely much better than the same period in the predecessors, but why is he still not as good as his deputy?

"Fujimiya's exercise intensity is not comparable to yours. He exercises with me."

Lei Xu recalled the amount of exercise that Fujimiya hardly lost to him every day.

Fujimiya is just an ordinary human being, and his exercise intensity is incomparable to his own, but his exercise amount is no less than Lei Xu's.

Lei Xu watched him gradually catch up with his own level from 1/10 of the daily training volume. After that, no matter how much Lei Xu improved, Fujimiya remained consistent with him.

At the same time, Fujimiya Ameng can actually do scientific research, think about things, and make plans while exercising.

Exercise seems to be his muscle memory... multithreading maybe?

It has to be said that it is a bit BT. Is this the strength of Austrian scientists?

"Eh—?" I Meng looked at Lei Xu reproachfully, "It's all because Senior is urging him by Fujimiya's side!"

"I didn't urge him, it was him who practiced by my side."

Lei Xu hilariously held my dream and threw it on the lazy sofa beside him, letting him recover himself, and teased:

"If you keep chewing gum like this, the Gaia episode might have to be renamed Aguru."

I dream:  …

Fujimiya: ...

"Absolutely not!"

I don't know where the strength came from in my dream, I stood up all of a sudden, looked at Fujimiya full of fighting spirit, "Come again!"

"Save it!"

Lei Xu slapped him on the shoulder unceremoniously, watching the grinning light of the earth slowly weaken.

"The task for the two of you now is to rest and prepare for the final battle."

"The vision of the starry sky has appeared, and Zulim is ready to move, just waiting for you two to come and get ruthless."

Lei Xu replayed the original plot for the two of them.

"It will take about 7-24 hours from the time you fight to the appearance of Zolim. During this period, the two of you will have no fighting power."

"Therefore, we must prevent disillusionment from attracting bodies to take advantage of this opportunity to do things."

Fujimiya nodded and added:

"Rinal's side is OK, they have re-prepared enough energy supplies."

【Are you talking about Rinalpo? 】

A wet and sticky feeling came from his neck, Lei Xu stretched out his hand with a black face, groped around, and took a long time to catch the sticky little guy at the back of his neck.

Fortunately, the feeling belongs to the feeling, the sticky water is wrapped by Rinal's power and carried around, so it will not wet the clothes and make people feel uncomfortable.

Looking at the little green tadpole in the palm of his hand, Lei Xu showed helplessness:

"I said can you stop drilling my collar."

[Who told you to always leave me behind? 】Rinal floated in front of the few people, vicious, but also a little confident.

Speaking of which, this is indeed my fault.

Lei Xu touched his nose with a guilty conscience, left Rinal twice, and once thought of it, he didn't look back.

Cough cough, no!

"It's not because you've been sleeping!"

Lei Xu suddenly gained confidence, put one hand on his hips, and spoke plausibly:

"Do you know that people will subconsciously ignore you when you are sleeping?"

【You are not human. 】

"You are not human!" Lei Xu replied angrily, and immediately realized something was wrong as soon as the words came out.

【Rinal is not a human being. 】

There was a little joy in Rinal's words.

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