Lei Xu: ...

Too lazy to debate with Rinal whether he is human or not, Lei Xu is not bored enough to quarrel with a young girl who hasn't grown up yet.

He picked up a cup casually and put a pinch of matcha powder in it.

No, you obediently got in, didn't you?

Lei Xu watched and couldn't wait to get into the teacup, and rolled himself to the ground of the matcha, and picked up the warm kettle beside him.

【Hurry up~】

"Please beg me." Lei Xu said proudly, "Please, I'll make you a matcha hot spring."

【Please boo. ] Rinal has no morals.

Tsk - suddenly a little dull.

Lei Xu tilted his hand boredly to pour hot boiling water into the teacup, and watched the little Rinal sinking comfortably in the steaming hot tea with his hands crossed.

It's really like soaking in a hot spring, and a mere 100°C is like basking in the sun for an energy creature like Rinal.

Fujimiya & My Dream:  …

And this Rinal?

Fujimiya is not only physically stronger than Memeng, but also recovers faster than him.

"Give me your phone."

Lei Xu took out Aguru Plus without knowing why and handed it over.

"I dream!"


Looking at the mobile phone held by Fujimiya, I dreamed that I knew something in advance, and stood up slowly while leaning on the wall.

"Start now?"


Fujimiya nodded, "If you don't do it, I'm afraid there won't be enough time."

"doing what?"

Lei Xu felt something was wrong listening to the conversation.

Happy birthday, Chewing Gum and Fujimiya Ameng are hiding something from me! ! !

I Meng endured the slight soreness from the limbs and muscles, and gave Lei Xu a bright smile:

"Secret for now."

Lei Xu: ...

For the first time, my dream and Fujimiya left shoulder to shoulder and entered a laboratory inside the secret base.

——The kind that Lei Xu can't enter.

There is no special reason, the equipment inside has been damaged by Lei Xu.

At that time, Fujimiya Ameng was heartbroken for more than five minutes holding the experimental instrument.

From then on, Lei Xu lost the qualification to observe Fujinomiya's research.


Lei Xu suddenly discovered a very serious problem.

...... What am I going to play without my phone?

Lei Xu has been in the Gaia universe for so long, but Lei Xu has not been able to get rid of the habit of taking out his mobile phone and taking a look at it from time to time, even if he can only check the time.

Without Bilibili, there would be no Maoke, and without QQ, there would be no WX.

Mommy, how did I get through the old days?

After being speechless for a while, Lei Xu pushed open the door of the restaurant.

In case of indecision, eat first as respect!

In fact, Lei Xu vaguely guessed what Womeng and Fujimiya would do with the phone, and he was looking forward to it.

With the technical power of Austrian scientists, to achieve that effect... it seems that it is really TM possible!

It seems that this research is not easy to realize, until Lei Xu had lunch and did not see the two of them coming out of the laboratory.


Lei Xu must remain secret until Zulim appears.

Cancel all unnecessary outings, and the fact that you are still alive must not be discovered by the ghost computer.

Bored, he thought of Mengxin House Beast again.

Eugene, wait a little longer, just a little longer...  


"You two must rest!"

It was night, Lei Xu transformed into the laboratory and broke into the laboratory without looking at the Aguru Plus which was scattered into pieces on the desk.

"Although it is said that tomorrow is just acting, but I can't be sure if the disillusioned experience will do anything wrong, you two give me a break!"

Facing Lei Xu's semi-forced warning, Fujimiya and Womeng didn't show too much resistance, and went into a dormant state honestly.

However, when Lei Xu finished his daily four-hour sleep and woke up, he discovered that my dream and Fujimiya also woke up precisely at the same time, and went into the laboratory again.

Lei Xu was very curious, could it be that these two could really solve the problem of inter-universe communication in just a few days?

Fortunately, these two days will still eat normally, Lei Xu saw them come out twice, hurriedly sucking instant noodles, biting ham and bread and running wildly.

Finally, before the scheduled time, Fujimiya Gamu and the two walked out of the laboratory one after the other.

A black shadow flew towards him, and Lei Xu subconsciously reached out to catch it.

This is......

The moment Lei Xu touched it, he was overwhelmed by the warm and thick touch.

If the previous Aguru Plus was a counterfeit phone, this one is undoubtedly the feeling of a famous brand flagship.

Looking out, a whole 7-inch screen is as smooth as a mirror.

Long press the side button, and the front screen will light up instantly.

There is no boot screen, and the whole process only takes two seconds to enter the system.

There are only a few isolated icons on the operation interface, and the sub-menus are as simple as ever, full of Fujimiya-style directness.

"All the functions are unlocked, and there is an instruction manual inside, remember to read it."

Fujimiya's voice was exhausted, "Quantum physics cannot solve the problem of information transmission between different universes, so it is impossible to communicate through time and space."

Lei Xu nodded, he was not surprised by this result.

Inter-universe communication is a problem that even Superman Aguang cannot solve. If it is so easy to solve, there will be so many things in the new generation, just shake people and get it done.

"Things that science can't solve for the time being, Ultraman may be able to."

I dreamed to look over seriously, "So Fujimiya and I left the light of Gaia and Aguru inside."

"You have said that in the story of Uub-Beginning, Fujimiya and I both showed the power to travel through the universe and rely on the power of the earth.

Even if there is only a small probability, as long as you stay on the earth, it is possible to get in touch with us.

Even, we can locate and go to the universe where you are through this medium. "

"and also......"


Lei Xu interrupted my further narration of the dream.

"There are still two hours before the final performance, you two hurry up to eat and have a rest..."

95 终演~

The air was heated to the point of twisting in the surge of high-temperature blasts, and the sight that entered was so crazy and unsettling.

The huge airborne early warning plane lowered its body to the other side of the dilapidated building, and isolated the tyrannical Foehn with the help of the tormented ruins.

On the gray and broken earth, the red giant representing the earth struggled to support his body, his arms were quickly combined into an L shape, and the golden-red molten fire roared through the scorching and twisted air—quantum streamline V2!

Caught off guard, the blue giant representing the ocean was hit by this blazing beam of light.

Fierce beams of flame burst out from the violent scorching air, and the molten flame roared and spread into a cloud of blood-red molten gold plasma light mist. The scorching pain caused the sea giant to let out a fierce battle cry, and rolled away from this dangerous area. A twisted hell of flames.

On the Mir, Ishimuro and Tsutsumi Seiichiro watched the rioting scene silently, not much shock in their hearts, only endless numbness remained.

In the distance, the Tokyoites who were forced to stop their work again and fled desperately were only numb and alternate legs, walking and turning with incomparable proficiency.

He fled to that shelter without knowing whether it was really safe, found his own corner, curled up and quietly waited for the huge noise above his head to pass.

Tokyo, this city seems to be cursed, and suffering has never been far away from it.

Time and time again, the crashed alien giant ship fell like a meteorite, mercilessly devouring hundreds of thousands of fresh lives, and the mournful howl still echoes over the capital city.

The divine beast representing the earth and the Ultraman from the different universe are engaged in a decisive battle here. People hope that the red figure that looks like the reincarnation of the god can bring them safety as always.

But in front of that terrifying dragon-shaped monster, the gods collapsed.

Now there are two lights of the earth again, whether it is the polar glaciers, the towering mountains, or the endless grasslands.

For several days, the figures of the two Ultramans spread all over the entire planet.

Eventually, they came to the city again, fighting.

It seems that these terrifying existences beyond the reach of human beings deliberately imposed disasters on this land, deepening human beings' fear of them time and time again.

But Shishi knows, no!

Except for the giant alien ship that was still lying in the center of the city and seemed to be the new surface of Tokyo, the rest of the battles were just stage plays.

The archenemy of mankind, the Root Destroyer is an extremely cunning, terrifying enemy with obvious military organization characteristics.

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