Well, there is, only a little bit, probably.

I, Lei Xu, am Ultraman.

You use this to test Ultraman?

Which Ultraman can't stand such a test?

At the age of 30, with zero relationship experience, Lei Xu was at a loss.

Catherine let go of him in time, looked at Fujimiya and Womeng generously, and tilted her head to indicate:

"Crissis' blocking work will start in 10 minutes, come and help."

"oh oh."

I dreamed that I quit eating melons and remembered the business.

"Commander, Chrysis suddenly lost control, and the satellite defense line was disconnected.

Now, our partners are trying to cut Chryssis from the network. "

Daniel's voice came from the command shed.

Fujimiya and I Meng glanced at each other, and quickly squeezed into the scene.

"Is there something wrong with the optical quantum computer?"

The other end of the communication video is the air base command room.


In my dream, I took a step forward, entered the field of vision of communication capture, and started acting according to the predetermined script.

—something will have to go on until the ghost in Chrysis sneaks into a body that can actually be destroyed.

"Commander, Chrysis is echoing with the things in the sky. This is by no means a coincidence, it is the enemy's conspiracy!"

"I dream, what countermeasures do you have?"

"I need the cooperation of XIG's combat power, please!"

"And I."

Lei Xu stepped forward to join my dream, "Commander, I have been waiting for this moment."


Background sound The voices of the two correspondents were beaming, "Great, Ultraman Reza is still alive."

"Leave it to me and this kid!" Lei Xu rubbed My Meng's shoulder vigorously, making him grin his teeth.

"What does it mean?"

Big Brother Chiba is unknown, so:

"I dream, what can I do?"

"The battle plan is in my room."

My dream hastily interjected into the conversation, "Please Dunzi, go and look for it in my room, and put it on the test bench, in the most eye-catching position."

Shi Shi turned his head inexplicably, watching the correspondent disappear outside the door of the command room.

Over Tokyo, the synchronous orbit——

A brilliant blue crystal quietly appeared from the invisible distortion, and in the vast starry sky, the starry sky dragon with a hideous face opened its terrifying mouth to the planet shrouded in dirty clouds below.

In the next second, silent but tangible ripples pierced the atmosphere.

A burst of terror, like a roar from the abyss, ran through the planet, as if announcing his arrival, announcing to all creatures on the planet——

The end is today!

The screen images switched quickly, and his body was still in the distorted gray-black vortex. Just by probing his slender neck, Zulim had already crossed the outer layer and touched the ionization zone of the atmosphere.

If you have no idea...

Both the GUARD space station and the air base are at this altitude!

The length of the neck alone is probably tens of kilometers, and the length of the huge and ferocious dragon head is about four kilometers across.

Is this Zollim?

Lei Xu looked at this scene in amazement. After all, the images in the logbook were in the dark universe, and it was impossible to see too many details.

Too big, Zolim the Behemoth, simply too big!

At this moment, Lei Xu could no longer raise any doubts about the statement that 'Zolim is the trump card in the hand of the Destroyer'.

If such a terrifying behemoth can't be called a trump card, can it be Zogpei?

...Ahem, it really deserves it.

But that's not the same meaning, Zollim has a body shape as well as a body shape when he loses.

With such a big body, it can come up to a neck at most, and the body is tens of thousands...

Lei Xu almost popped his eyes out.

What did he see?

A wide ring-shaped blade gradually emerged from the invisible twist, and the exposed part covered most of the space-time vortex on one side.

——Zoliam is struggling to squeeze out the space-time vortex, and comes to the earth from the far side of the starry sky!

Lei Xu realized in an instant that he had to bear the blame himself—in the original plot, it was Gaia and Aguru of V1 who created the giant wormhole in Zollim.

But this time, because of his intervention, Fujimiya and Imeng arrived at V2 ahead of schedule.

Naturally, the wormhole opened by the two people in the V2 state is much wider than the space in the episode that is barely enough for Zorlim to squeeze out his head and neck.

Tsk--, the changes come so fast.

Lei Xu has no hesitation in his heart——

"I'm going to procrastinate..."


Fujimiya interrupted him coldly, "I'll go!"

This is obviously a decision that cannot be discussed by Lei Xu.

After saying that, the man who was always dressed in black turned his head to look at the blond girl walking slowly not far away.

A faint light bloomed from the surface of the Rinal girl's body, and the faint green light spots sprinkled a golden misty luster.

Fragments of golden-green light draw dreamlike tracks, quietly sinking into the faintly flickering sapphire bracelet.

The azure blue light penetrated the surveillance barrier and swept across the sky.

Lei Xu looked at Daniel, "The first priority is to stop the expansion of the wormhole, where is XIG?"


Daniel connected to the air base again, "Commander, Ultraman Reza and I Meng are ready to attack!"

"Please follow the plan!"


Staff Officer Chiba and the two correspondents showed unbelievable expressions, and Leisa was fine. What does it mean that I dreamed that I was ready to attack?

Soon, they had no time to worry about this issue for the time being.

"Roger that!"

Shi Shi didn't care about the astonishment of the few people, and his face was serious:

"XIG attack immediately, Director Di."

"Yes!" Seiichiro Tsutsumi's voice came from the channel, "Team Lightning, Team Crow, Team Falcon, all attack!"

"Repeat, attack all!"

"Aerial bases also attack!" Shishi ordered lightly.

"Aerial base attack?"

Before recovering from their astonishment, Dunzi and Qiao Ji were taken aback by this sudden order.

"Commander, please confirm the order, is the air base attacking?"

"Immediately send the air base to the sky above Tokyo, and face the codename, Zorim!"



Actively exposing My Dream's identity is the latest updated and complete plan. In fact, it should be Fujimiya and Lei Xu who originally carried out this plan.

But the current situation does not allow them to have any reservations. Lei Xu is about to leave, and Fujimiya alone cannot do it.

In the eyes of the three, the threat of the empire is far greater than the threat of destruction. If you don't start preparing now, I'm afraid...

To put it bluntly, what lies ahead is the most direct threat of destruction.

Lei Xu stared at Aguru who was entangled with Zolim on the screen, and looked back at the planet-destroying missiles and drifting bottles erected in the square.

"Rinal, are you ready?"

[No problem boo! 】

"chewing gum!"

I dreamed to show him the flashing sapphire cone, and the Rinal girl turned into a large green tadpole and merged into the transforming device with a faint light.

"Since it's your own choice, it's hard for me to say anything."

Lei Xu picked up the mountaineering backpack on the side and carried it on his back, checked the Agur Plus and the crystal pewter rod for the last time, and then walked slowly under the dark metal ball.

"After your SV is exposed, there is a high probability that the shattered recruits will list you as a thorn in their side. Before Fujimiya 'truly' regains his power, you will have to carry out many things alone."

"I..." My dream showed determination: "Don't worry, senior!"

"Fujimiya is dying, do what you want to do!" Daniel's voice came from afar, as if pressing the start button.

The rainbow-colored brilliance swirled past, and the huge dark metal sphere disappeared without a trace together with the small and exquisite missiles beside it.

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