The giant representing the will of the ocean flashed left and right in the roaring flames, and the azure blue light balls wrapped in golden mist hit Zulim's head as if they were tickling.

The missiles projected by the formation of three Fight fighter planes are not even skin tenderness in front of such a huge monster, at best they are a breeze.

It made people doubt that all human strength would be impossible to break through Zollim's defense.

If he hadn't known the 'strategy method' in advance, I'm afraid Fujimiya would also feel powerless towards Zulim.

——The double flash of Ultra is a big gift for Zog, and Fujimiya is not going to use it on Zolim.

Seeming to be annoyed by Aguru and Fight's harassment, Zulim stopped struggling to get out, and Khorne's huge mouth opened wide, and blazing flames fell from the sky.

The spout from Zollim's mouth is not pure flame, but some kind of flame-like high-energy plasma. It is a super-high-speed molten fire turret.

30 seconds, it only takes 30 seconds to go from the dark dead silence to the scorching molten hell.

Lei Xu stared at the center of the city without even the ruins, speechless.

Unexpectedly, it was the starship of the empire that finally provided protection for them.

——At this moment, the only place below the crashed Koro-class ship is the safest place.

In the majestic shadows, magenta rays of light rose brilliantly, and the burly giant of the earth stood up again.

[Come on, I dream! 】


Gum replied with an impassioned battle cry.

Hands raised above the top, red, blue and gold, three colors of blazing light rushed past, and the light of the earth became the brightest pearl in the world shrouded in darkness at this moment.

The whole body has lumpy muscles raised high up and down, the terrifying bulging pectoral muscles on the chest, and the slender gold borders outlined on the side of the waist, imprisoning the brilliant blue inside.

There is no defeat in TV, and the appearance is the peak.

Always carried, never nerfed.

The culmination of the normal Austrian, the ultimate Austrian goalkeeper.

The invincible Gaia SV, here——


[Don't put on airs, put on enough when you get back, hurry up, Ma Liu! 】

I don't know what's wrong with it, so let's forget about Fujimiya. Anyway, he has the title of King B. How much time do you waste putting on postures?

I retracted my posture in a dreamy way, and soared into the sky.

"Attention, all fighters, the latest combat plan, attract enemy firepower from the air base, and attack the wormhole!"

"Yes!" X9

97 Sunset~

Lei Xu never imagined that it would be so difficult to break through the atmosphere since he became an Ultraman.

Half of its wings were still trapped on the other side of the wormhole vortex, struggling to break through the shackles, the star dragon Zorim poured a huge firepower comparable to a nuclear bomb to the ground.

The golden-red flame-like plasma jet seems endless, and the moment it leaves the mouth, the stable state is released, and most of it explodes into a terrifying blast in the air, and a small part that falls on the ground turns more than half of the ruined area into a molten sea of ​​bubbling flames .

What fills the field of vision is the ubiquitous violent plasma flame.

Huge flames swept across the sky, and the brilliant magic fire cast desperate light and shadows on the ground. The intense plasma burst formed a sea of ​​clouds and flames on the sky, slowly but firmly pressing down on the ground.

Even though Lei Xu turned into a ball of light, because he was carrying the 'drift bottle' and the planet-destroying missile, it was difficult for him to charge the riotous energy sky without any scruples like before, and break through the energy across the sky at the cost of taking injuries. Blast zone.

The invincible Gaia SV swept across the sky for the third time - the first two times I dreamed that I was forced back by the terrible plasma flames that Zorlim spewed in time.

Apparently, this gigantic beast has sensed the strength of the Gaia SV, and regards it as its own threat.

Lei Xu has neither sadness nor joy in his heart, neither impatience nor anxiety is beneficial to the status quo.

All he has to do is wait, wait until the human power is in place!

Gaia has never been a vulgar TV that unilaterally promotes how powerful Ultraman is, how invincible, and acts as a savior.

In the face of the terrible enemy called the body of destruction, human beings are essentially the main body to deal with, and the plot only shows a very small part of it.

"Gaia, leave it to us!"

【Eh? 】

In the sound of my dream, three formations of Fight fighters broke through the sea of ​​clouds suspended from the thick ink-like clouds, and the rose-red light bullets instantly weaved into the trajectory of flames and explosions, pouring unreservedly on the huge Zollim On the head of the dragon.

"Is it my dream?"

Team Crow, Captain Inamori's voice was full of surprise, "My Gaia?"

"Good boy, I really have you." Ogawara's voice said, "So many times before, thank you!"


[He said no thanks. 】Lei Xu abruptly interrupted his reading.

I dream:  …

Although I was psychologically prepared, I was still a little ashamed when it was revealed.

But he soon had no time to think about this, and the voice of the commander also sounded in the words——

[I dream, get ready! 】

"Air base, full firepower projection!"

【commander? 】

My words in the dream were full of astonishment.

A sinking bulge suddenly bulged out of the rolling thick pitch-black clouds, and it moved quickly and gradually revealed its figure.

The whole body is surrounded by layers of shadow-like cloud vapor. If it breaks through the giant whale on the sea surface, the entire outer body of the huge aircraft carrier will flicker fiercely.

——That is the ready firepower on board the ship.

In the next second, the flickering light turned into roaring flames, instantly replacing the nine Fighters as the biggest target in Zulim's eyes.

After all, compared to those fleas that can only tickle themselves, this fly in front of them is undoubtedly a more annoying fly.

The rush-like firepower projection caused Zorlim to turn his target, and the blazing plasma flames narrowly brushed against the air base that barely distorted the hull.

As if being erased by something, as long as the hulls that were in contact with it melted into a wisp of blue smoke.

Once Zolim's attack started, it continued, and dangerous plasma flames poured down like waterfalls.

My dream never looked back, he believed in his partner.

Like lava spewing from an upside-down volcano, the golden-red flame-like plasma jet was distorted into fine falling flames by a high-speed rotating disc-shaped light barrier when it was about to hit the aircraft carrier.

The blue and slender ocean lightsaber suddenly extended to several kilometers in length, accurately splitting every plasma flame that was about to hit the air base.

In front of the bridge of the air base, the giant of the ocean stands here like an iron wall, indestructible.

"Take advantage of it now!"

"Every machine, enter the wormhole in a spiral shape, and project with full firepower!" Director Di's voice sounded like the gongs and drums sounding the final act of this earth counterattack.

"Although I don't know what plans you have, as long as you can save this planet..."

The captain of the Falcons Yoneda ordered in a deep voice:

"Falcons, speed up!"

"Ladies, keep up!" Inada didn't show any weakness, "Go back and clean the toilet if you are late."

"Beida, Ogawara, you all heard it!" Kajio's mouth curled up in a subtle arc, "All formations, spiral formation!"

"Roger that!"

Under the sky of despair, the radiance of human beings is no less than that of Ultraman who brings hope.

Nine Fight fighter jets pulled out dazzling streamer trails, and the high-speed aircraft finally broke through the defense line built by the star dragon, rushing forward along the slender neck like a tide.

Go deep, go deep——

The ultra-high G force caused the skin to tighten, resisting the terrifying force acting on the whole body. Three formations and nine pilots broke into the deep space-time vortex without falling behind.


The slender streamer in the missile nest on the wing is inconspicuous compared with the majestic monster like the abyss. The dots of streamer pass by the rugged and steep rough scales and the ring-shaped blade wings that almost cover nearly half, and disappear in the surging In the invisible vortex of the tidal vortex.

【retreat! 】

After hovering in the air and watching until now, Lei Xu finally started again.

The rolling wormhole cloud tide pulled out a striking thunder streamer from the inside out, and the rotation of the wormhole stagnated.

The red ball of light brushed past the nine Fighters.

【goodbye! 】

Wen Run's words resounded through the last moment, and it came to an end with the red light ball sinking into the tidal wormhole.

——This is Lei Xu's last chanting left on this earth for the time being.

Above the clouds, the Dragon of the Starry Sky poked its head and half of its body out of the deep starry sky, as if it was suffering some kind of great pain, and there was not even a single bit of poisonous flame in its huge, ferocious mouth.


I dreamed of floating without hesitation, breaking through the last block and sinking into the huge mouth of painful cracks. The fluttering and twisted tongue whiskers were as disgusting as the predecessors described, and the fleshy wall between the throats felt like some kind of extremely resilient bacteria. The blanket is soft and has no strength under the feet.

The arm span hangs high, the thick light of the earth merges with the palm tip, and the light of the ocean that embraces all things swells in the chest.

The red and blue rays of light converge in the condensate of gold and red, which is the pure light of destruction born by the earth mother to protect her children.

Finally, the two palms touched and moved up and down——

Jinyao's red and blue destructive light flow is like a reservoir opening, rushing forward majesticly.

Under the huge eyelids, the fast-rolling eyes were no longer cold, and fear and anxiety flashed in Zulim's eyes for the first time.

It's too late--


What the terrible and magnificent explosion announced was the shattering of the conspiracy of the shattered body again.

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