Under the shining light of the earth, the dragon head stretching across the sky and the earth collapsed and burst without any suspense.

Countless large and small fragments broke through the atmosphere, wrapped in a layer of bright fire, and poured down on the eve of the dark sky dissipating.

The splendid meteor shower covers half of the earth...



98 Calling Unikin~

Is this the inside of the wormhole?

The sense of sight is so strong...

Lei Xu stopped on the ferocious wingtips of Zollim, carefully observed the gray and black clouds that swirled around him, and temporarily suppressed the inexplicable familiarity that came to his mind.

At the end of the wormhole is the lair of the shattered host, a binary star system.

Two red giant stars, with Unigin inside one of them.

Lightning flashed in the surrounding gray and black clouds, Lei Xu didn't stay for too long, I dreamed that Zorim might be raised at any time.

Also, it doesn't seem very safe here.

Zulim below him was struggling desperately, curled up as if suffering from great pain, and the ring-shaped blade wings on the side seemed to be deformed violently as if being squeezed by something.

After traveling for a while, Lei Xu realized that the energy flow in the field of vision was not normal.

The surrounding space seems to be disturbed, and the foreign objects in it are being squeezed.

Zorlim's body strength was really extraordinary, he unexpectedly withstood the compression of the surrounding space, and struggled to drill outwards.

Lei Xu once wanted to throw away two skills casually.

If you think about it carefully, people won't die if they don't die, and the same goes for Ultraman.

——Don't be ashamed from the heart.

The red ball of light passed by the gigantic star dragon beast, galloping towards the end of the wormhole tunnel.

Suddenly, a terrible sense of crisis enveloped the whole body.

Lei Xu stopped in surprise, carefully holding the planet-destroying missile with one hand, and the "drifting bottle" with the other.

The 'drifting bottle' is hard, and it is said to be a combination of multi-layer high-strength structures, but it looks solid in the hand, and it is really not light.

After weighing it with his hands, Lei Xu felt that it might cost tens of thousands of tons.

Looking back--


The red light ball pulled out a striking streamer, and Lei Xu desperately swept towards the end of the wormhole tunnel not far away.

—The wormhole tunnel behind him is disintegrating.

Lei Xu didn't know what would happen to him after the tunnel disintegrated, and he didn't want to know either.

Come to think of it, the battle over my dream has ended.

Lei Xu didn't stop to look back this time, the sense of crisis that was almost at hand was enough for him to understand the fact that he was not out of danger.

The body sensation time was less than seven seconds, feeling the terrible sense of crisis behind him suddenly disappear, Lei Xu had no intention of stopping.

——I came to someone else’s lair, why don’t you run away first?

Lei Xu's ability to move at the speed of light under photosphereization is the basis for Lei Xu's daring to venture deep into the lair of shattered monsters. He doesn't want to fight Zog on the spot.

Distinguish between primary and secondary!

Of course, the planetary destruction missile is enough to praise Zog, and maybe it can also take away the god of death, Moqian, but Lei Xu has never forgotten that great enemy.

—El Robber!

According to the best scenario, Lei Xu needs to kill Al Robpa twice to ensure that this thing will not be chased behind him and Unigin, chasing the space-time wound.

And once the star-destroying missile made this guy alert, Lei Xu didn't think he could kill this cunning space-time monster twice in a row.

At this time, the shortcomings of the photosphere state were immediately exposed - Lei Xu could not observe the outside world in real time while maintaining the speed of light.

He probably can only vaguely sense the surrounding stars, for example, the majestic and powerful front left, compared with his insignificant and terrifying existence like an insect.

Red giant!

In Dijia state, he can observe the outside world, but energy consumption is still a big problem.

The road ahead is unknown, even with Rinal's backup energy, Lei Xu still has to plan carefully.

Hidden leaves in the forest, hidden water must be the sea.

The red ball of light leaps and draws a striking streamer trail, rushing towards the scarlet star.

The speed of light is 30 kilometers per second, and Lei Xu didn't dare to change back to the Olympic shape until 7 minutes later.

Oncoming is a warm red atmosphere that burns gently, and the red giant star is almost at hand.

The light energy wrapped around the planet-destroying missile and hid behind him. Lei Xu turned around and looked around to see if there were any pursuers.


Oh yes, few people can beat the speed of light.

From the observation of the Koro-class logbook image, in terms of speed, Zog > Bu Bird > Zolim.

Reaper has never shown it, but this guy seems to have the ability of space, maybe he is more threatening than Zog.

As for Lei Xu himself...more than all of the above.

It's the speed of light after all.

Gathering his eyes and looking at the direction he came from, Lei Xu was a little unbelievable - there was no Zog, no cloth bird, no death, nothing.

Doubt Oson.jpg

Zollim's expedition to the earth, shouldn't this side cooperate fully and take care of it nervously?

That's it?

It's a shame he's still so nervous.

But this is the old nest of the enemy after all, Lei Xu sank into the atmosphere of the red giant star cautiously.

It's hot, but it's better to be safe.

Next, looking for the whereabouts of Younijin, Lei Xu did not intend to speak directly.

No one knows the state of the cute new house beast. As soon as he reads the words, he looks like a lighthouse. I'm afraid Zog will kill him in a few minutes.

Specifically speaking, the range of the two red giant stars is not very large, so let's use Ultra Vision to find them slowly.

After wandering around for half a circle, my eyes swept over... nothing.

Not in this red giant star, the light energy is focused on the eyes, and Lei Xu sweeps his gaze to another red giant star.



Lei Xu didn't believe in evil, and checked several times before finally confirming in a daze that Unigin really didn't seem to be among the two red giants.

Difficult new situation.

It's only been about a week before and after, which is ten days of earth time, has Unigin's position been transferred?

Only then did Lei Xu recall a detail—the Koro-class ship that was intact and captured the posture of Unikin.

Suppress the restless mood and analyze carefully.

If Younikin hid himself, it is very likely that the location of the Koro class was exposed.

One possibility is to be caught, and the other possibility is to run away.

If Yunijin had been arrested in the first place, corresponding to the first possibility, he was just transferred to the prison position.

However, the possibility of being caught is really small, and Unikin's own superpowers allow it to break through all conventional restrictions.

The fastest and strongest Max can't hold the light of time and space. It's hard to imagine anything else that can imprison the cute new house beast.

The disillusioned body can't read the script, and knows that Unikin is afraid of crystals and pewter rods.

Judging from the image records of the voyage log, there is no other confinement on its body surface, and the possibility of itself hiding in the red giant star is high.

In other words, there is a great possibility that Unikin Ma slipped away.

So, the reason why the cute new house beast temporarily stays in the Red Giant Star... is because of the need to recuperate?

Besides, there seems to be no more reliable explanation, Lei Xu sighed in his heart.

Surely there is no escape from this?

The universe is so vast, how difficult it is to find Eugene.

The only possibility...

Lei Xu started to read in an instant, calling out with all his strength for the first time:

[Younikin! ! ! ! ! ! 】

99 A Planet~

[Younikin! ! ! 】

The chanting calls spread endlessly, like ringing a bell.

After a while, Lei Xu didn't wait for the echo of Mengxin House Beast.

Was it too far away for Eugene to hear?

[Younikin! ! ! 】

Lei Xu called out again in the words.

There was no echo of the "Man of Light" in his ears, and there was no figure of Unikin in his vision.

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