You can die if you are not humble!

The Cub of Light rolled his eyes and emphasized:

"be honest!"

"That, that should be the Star of Light."

'Bermura' bowed her head, as if she was ashamed to boast so much.

"After the accident with the Star of Light, I received help from many civilized friends..."

"That's it!"

Lei Xu spread his hands:

"Now, the Star Cluster Council is here, and the Star of Light is gone. What do you think most civilizations think?"

'Bermura':  …

"If you tell the story that the fleet of the star cluster council happened to be present when M78 was 'destroyed', what will those civilizations think!?"

"Shock, anxiety, doubt, fear, everyone is in danger."

Cubs of Light can be summed up in a few words:

"Didn't the Star Cluster Council slander the Star of Light for destroying the universe?"

"Then why can't the Star Cluster Council intend to destroy the universe, and the Star of Light is destroyed instead of resisting!?"

The two first-generation big brothers froze for a moment before they realized——

"This is not a false accusation..."

"Hey, I don't know if it's true or not."

The Cub of Light raised a finger and shook:

"Manisan, are you sure that there is no star cluster council behind the disappearance of the Star of Light and the M78 nebula?"

"Are you sure that the actual controller behind the Star Cluster Council has not reached a cooperation with Gheros!?"

First Generation:......

He wasn't sure.

"at this time......"

Lei Xu made a hypothesis:

"Announce that the group of civilizations above the Star Cluster Council intends to monopolize the 'Earth Ark' and escape, Manisan, who do you think most civilizations will trust?"

"That's right."

The first generation Big Brother frowned:

"But wouldn't the earth be exposed in this way?"


Lei Xu affirmed and asked:

"If you continue to keep the news, the outside world won't know about it?"

First Generation:......

Unable to refute!

In the plot of "Mobile Olympics", this news is precisely a lie that the Star Cluster Council actively announced to the outside world.


After the announcement of the news in the plot, the reason why the alien civilization did not respond on a large scale is because the group above has formed a community of interests. "

The Cub of Light gave the analysis result——

"We are all smart people, and we know that if we don't cooperate, none of us will be able to escape.

Therefore, those guys cooperated tacitly to suppress the silent majority.

The intention is to keep their existing shares, and then release all kinds of fake news.

In the end, it was delayed until the incident broke out, making most civilizations unable to react, or it was too late to do anything after reacting.

At this time, the Star Cluster Council used the excuse of saving the spark of civilization to sneak away! "

'Bermura':  …

So complicated, heart tired!

"Since the silent majority has no choice, let's give them a choice!"

Lei Xutu saw——

"Original Nissan, I need you to act as Master Suffrin!"

The First Big Brother:  …


"It's not technically difficult to imitate the star emblem.

The eyes turn red, the whole body becomes black and silver with stripes, it’s best to put a bullet on the head, and it will burn..."

The Cub of Light waved his hand and posted a picture in the three-dimensional image, continuing to be impassioned:

"As the Star of, the survivor of the M78 nebula destruction incident, Mr. Shafulin bears the blood feud of the Ultra Clan.

But he practiced light things with his dark body, vowing to expose the numerous crimes of the Star Cluster Council to the whole universe, and to give all civilizations an equal chance to survive! "

"By the way, there is a key, and the M87 light is fine."

Lei Xu took out the light spoon as if showing off and lit it up.

Without giving the two first-generation Big Brothers time to react, the Cub of Light continued to state his 'script':

"Thus, Master Sha Fulin came to the earth, and the master of the earth..."

The Ultra cub reached out and nodded his nose:

"Move with emotion, understand with reason and successfully persuade the 'Earth Tyrant' to reach a cooperation, the goal is the star cluster council!"

First Generation:......

Belonging is very self-aware.

"On Earth, Master Shafulin and the first generation Ultraman, the survivor of the Star of Light, meet..."

Lei Xu looked at 'Bermula' again.

"We even have witnesses!"

'Bermula' has a clear mind——

The cub refers to the Yapo who modified his body.

"But my body has already turned into darkness, how can I work with the light!?"

Cubs of Light come to life:

"At this moment, Master Sha Fulin's darkness even the ruler of darkness is willing to bow down and tame it!"

"He, after all, embarked on revenge——

Lord Shafulin united with the "Earth Tyrant" to lead the evil god of darkness to break through the paper tiger-like star cluster council, find the culprit and eliminate him! "

"Master Sha Fulin, who has completed his revenge, feels extremely empty. He wants to do something for this universe..."

Lei Xu's tone suddenly eased, and then gradually became high-pitched and heroic——

"In the end, Lord Shafulin announced that he would unite with the 'Earth Tyrant' to form a cosmic empire. The only meaning of the existence of the empire is to preside over the ark for fair selection and distribution."

In essence, this is still the set that breaks the interest ties of the star cluster council and establishes a new balance.

"As the emperor of the universe, Lord Sha Fulin himself publicly swore that he would never leave this universe if he gave up the chance to survive.

Even if—

straight!noodle!destroy!Destroy! "

As he talked, the Cub of Light himself was moved to 'tears' by the script he envisioned.

No difference, anyway, Lei Xu didn't intend to escape, and neither did the two first-generation big brothers.

"Of course!"

Lei Xu stop 'script' description:

"These are later plans, and there is only one thing we have to do now—"

"Integrate the earth to gain the right to speak without revealing your identity, and take over the earth...the external defense of human civilization.

For this we need..."

Lei Xu clarified his initial plan.

Originally, the Cubs of Light would not have such crazy ideas.

For no other reason-

No basis in reality!

The Didi universe can do it because the earth has TPC, and the universe has Baltan and Baltan star cities all over the known universe.

Otherwise, the 'Universal Emperor Reza' has no basis for existence at all——

In the distant river system, many civilizations don't even know who the emperor of the universe, Reza, is.

Now, Zhang Wei, Luo Ji, and a series of earth traversals who may be lurking and hiding have given Lei Xu a strong confidence.

Mechanical Ultraman...why not do it, just do it, do it!

Anyway, the Cubs of Light want human beings to have their own defense force no matter what—

Only in this way can Lei Xu dare to leave the earth to fight when Gehros may strike!


After a while——

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