Combining the two into one, returning to the original, the current Lei Xu has been achieved.

As for the final will of the earth 9, it is clearly the will of Reza Earth, which is a fact that can be known without deduction.

Leaving aside the help I received for a while, I returned to the original Reza.

I and my mother, who left the Kingdom of Light, got help from the L77 star and left this universe through the earth.

From the information I have collected so far, I can tell——

A part of Reza, the incarnation of the light quantum state of the soul energy 'child' left first.

The 'child' arrived on Earth 3000 million years ago in the Didi universe and experienced a series of events, and by the way also provoked Camilla.

In the plot description of "Ressa", Ressa has been with his mother, without mentioning the existence of "children".

In the current situation, it means:

During the process of 'L77 explosion→get help from the Kingdom of Light→get help from L77's will→leave from the earth', Reza separated the 'child'.

Then the question comes-

Who made the move?

No surprises, how could Resa split into two from the soul level for no reason! ?

If the description in the "Resa" encyclopedia prevails, the Cub of Light has reason to suspect that the mother didn't even know that he was divided into two.

At that time, the mother was at least an existence that could make her unconscious——

First exclude a country/star of light, then exclude an airport on earth, and the rest...

L77 star will, it's you! ! !


At the same time, somewhere in the starry sky——

A bright color flashed across the background of the endless dark starry sky, and the volcanic monster flapped its wings with all its might.

With the ability to pull the gravitational force of distant large-mass celestial bodies just learned...or evolved, the huge body is propelled forward.

Barton is flying very hard, but this is the universe——

Not to mention the natural moat-like distance between galaxies, even two asteroids are usually separated by tens of thousands of kilometers to hundreds of thousands of kilometers.

Based on the current speed of the volcanic strange bird, there is a high probability that it will die of exhaustion on the way before reaching the next planet.

At this moment, Barton misses his hometown Earth very much.

I miss the warm magma there, I miss Kemjira who always sends food enthusiastically, I miss...

After thinking about it, tears of sadness flowed from the bird's beak.

At the same time, on the back of the volcanic strange bird, Belia lay in the soft and fluffy fluff and looked up at the starry sky.

He was not very angry about the loss of the Tower of Babel.

It's hard to say which would offend the Star Cluster Council more, hijacking the core representatives of Jayton and feeding several representatives to the birds or destroying the Tower of Babel.

It is Beria's consistent style to do everything, and to keep doing nothing.

Cut the weeds and eradicate the roots, and eradicate all evil affairs!

The planet Babel is just a headquarters of the star cluster council, and the destruction of a planet does not mean the destruction of the star cluster council and the core of Jadon.

The council is made up of countless civilizations in this universe, and the core of Zedon itself is also composed of various civilizations.

In time, there will be a second, third planet Babel.

Beria knew the image—

"Light of the Earth" has this high-definition emoticon pack of Chuxiao!

That kind of almost completely reproduced image is definitely the bad taste of that stinky brat.

Chu Xiao didn't follow, and it was impossible to use this image when he followed.

What the hell is going on over there, brat! ?

And that dark energy, Belia is all too familiar with——

Just kidding, anyone who is beaten by this energy with thousands of glowing lines can recognize it even with their eyes closed!

Beria is mainly a little cowardly——

He couldn't figure out if the stinky brat knew something, so he sent someone out to search for him all over the universe.

Speaking of which, that guy did it for himself by mistake, which made his next plan easier in disguise.

Make sure all orders are issued before the Tower of Babel is destroyed.

Considering the unfinished chaos of the core civilization of Zedon and the change of political system, the speed of reorganizing and rebuilding the headquarters of the Star Cluster Council cannot be accelerated.

Originally, Beria only wanted a period of time--

There's a lot he can do before the civilizations at Zedon's core spot and react to his little tricks.

For example, finding the star of light, or confirming the reason for the destruction of the universe.

But now, the headquarters of the Star Cluster Council is over.

Beria suddenly discovered something——

According to the order sent out not long ago, he has essentially mastered all the powers of the star cluster council.

With the identity of 'Universal Emperor Reza', he can command the local star cluster council no matter where he goes.

Before Jeton's core sends enough people to connect with the civilizations of each space region again, he'resa' is the real emperor of the universe!

Humph~, Beria smiled complacently in his heart.

The stinky brat didn't expect that, did he?

It was you who cheated yourself! ! !

71 Waste Kane and more waste...

Leo and Astra are a little restless.

The two brothers looked up at the starry sky lying in the fluff of the volcanic strange bird...probably wondering who would kill the next evil spirit, hesitating for a long time.

They don't know if they should remind this master that relying on the current turtle-like speed of the volcanic strange bird, they will not be able to reach even the nearest planet in this life.

Of course, this kind of thing is not that important.

The important thing is that because the incident happened so suddenly, the two brothers were taken on the bird before they could make any preparations.

Although he escaped a catastrophe and survived, there is a very real problem in front of him——

No more oxygen.

The Lord in front of him seemed to be able to survive without oxygen, or even without food.

But if it continues like this, he will have to dream back to L77 after another hour.


In the end, Leo took the courage to cough and took the initiative to start talking:

"Master Reza, where are we going now?"

Since the fierce god rushed to rescue the two of them in time at such a moment, it means that in the eyes of the master, the two brothers should still be of value.


Hearing the sound, Beria let out a half-satisfied and half-questioned 'hmm', feeling refreshed.

I don't know what the brat's expression would be if he knew that his two elder brothers called him Lord Resa.

"Wait." Beria said concisely.


The Liger brothers looked at each other.

"You don't need to know about this kind of thing."

Beria didn't bother to explain to the two brothers that "it takes time to transmit and receive the official orders of the Star Cluster Council, and it is useless even if they rush to the place now".



Leo was about to say something, but was interrupted by the fierce god in front of him who seemed to think of something suddenly, Beria said casually:

"I heard that your parent star is L77?"


Leo froze for a moment and simply nodded:

"I heard so."


Beria stood up in surprise, with question marks on his face——

"It is said that?"


Leo nodded heavily. Although he didn't know why Beria was interested in the home planet of his brothers, he still explained a little bit——

When he was an ignorant teenager, his mother star was destroyed, and he was rescued and taken in by the starship of the star cluster council who arrived in time.

He was trained as an assassin since he was a child, and when he was a teenager, he was the assigned killer of Jayton's core, responsible for dealing with dirty work in the past.


Beria let out a light 'tsk', a little disappointed:

"So you don't know the specific reason for the destruction of star L77?"

In order to be able to defeat the nasty stinky brat, Cruel Silver held the "Light of the Earth" to study in his spare time.

In terms of the brat's combat power, the book is very outdated——

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